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Startup Erfinderhandbuch: Ideen entwickeln und schützen
Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3662705389 | 150 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB
Ein Startup ist ein Unternehmen, das einen technischen Schwerpunkt hat. Der Gründer eines Startups wird sich daher zunächst mit der vorhandenen Technologie befassen und deren Eigenschaften und insbesondere Nachteile genau studieren. In einem nächsten Schritt wird er eine technische Aufgabe herausarbeiten, die die Nachteile der bestehenden Technologie überwindet. Der Gründer muss außerdem eine betriebswirtschaftliche Evaluierung durchführen, ob das Lösen dieser Aufgabe zu einem Produkt für einen ausreichend großen Markt führt. Danach beginnt der kreative Prozess der Schaffung einer Erfindung. Die gefundene technische Idee ist darauf zu prüfen, ob sie verwendet werden darf, da sie keine fremden Patente verletzt, und ob sie durch eigene Patente geschützt werden kann. Außerdem sollte sich der Gründer eines Startups über spezialisierte Ausführungsformen Gedanken machen, die für besondere Anwendungen geeignet sind. Diese Ausführungsformen können zusätzliche Märkte eröffnen und stellen eine Bereicherung einer eigenen Patentanmeldung dar. Eine schnelle Patenterteilung kann damit ermöglicht werden. Die Anmeldung einer Marke ist dem Startup-Gründer zu empfehlen. Das Buch erläutert jeden dieser Schritte im Detail. Die Schwerpunkte des Fachbuchs sind die Entwicklung einer technischen Idee anhand existierender Technologien und deren Schutz durch das Patent-, Marken- und Designrecht.

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Steuervereinfachung und Steuerhinterziehung: Eine experimentelle Analyse zur Begründung von Steuereinfachheit By Bizer, Kilian
2008 | 178 Pages | ISBN: 3428128206 | PDF | 1 MB
Leitthese der Arbeit ist, dass Komplexität von Steuern zu höherer Steuerhinterziehung führt, wenn sie die Unsicherheit über die eigene Steuerpflicht erhöht. Diese These steht im Widerspruch zur herrschenden Meinung, nach der Steuerzahler auf Komplexität "verängstigt" mit übermäßigen Steuerzahlungen reagieren.Die bislang herrschende Auffassung geht entweder von risikoaversen Individuen oder von rationalen Regelbefolgern aus. Beide Konzepte können allerdings das steuerehrliche Verhalten angesichts der steigenden Komplexität des Steuersystems nicht hinreichend erklären. Kilian Bizer entwickelt das Modell des homo oeconomicus institutionalis, das auf der einen Seite rationale Regelbefolgung und situative Nutzenmaximierung zulässt, zugleich jedoch weitere Möglichkeiten von Verhaltensreaktionen auf Komplexität und auch soziale Präferenzen einbezieht.Die analysierten Wirkungsketten zwischen Steuerkomplexität und Steuerehrlichkeit legen nahe, dass mit zunehmender Steuerkomplexität die Steuerhinterziehung zu- und damit die Steuerehrlichkeit abnehmen kann. Diesen Zusammenhang bestätigt die experimentelle Untersuchung. Im Experiment tritt außerdem ein Hysteresis-Effekt auf. Die gesamten Kosten der Steuerkomplexität werden erst sichtbar, wenn wieder auf eine einfache Steuer umgestellt wird. Das legt nahe, den Besteuerungsgrundsatz der Einfachheit gegenüber dem Fiskalzweck neu zu bewerten, da mangelnde Einfachheit mit dem Fiskalzweck in Konflikt treten kann. Zudem zeigt es die Relevanz von aktuellen Steuervereinfachungskonzepten.

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Stormy Weather: Pagan Cosmologies, Christian Times, Climate Wreckage
by William E. Connolly
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1531509215 | 270 Pages | PDF | 6.5 MB

Composed as a counter-history of western philosophical and political thought, Stormy Weather explores the role western cosmologies have played in the conquests of paganism in Europe and the Americas, the production of climate wreckage, and the concealment of that wreckage from western humanists and earth scientists until late in the day. A lived cosmology, Connolly says, contains embedded understandings about the beginnings of the earth and the way time unfolds. The text engages the major western cosmologies of Augustine, Descartes, Kant, Tocqueville, together with pagan and minor western orientations that posed challenges to them or could have. Hesiod, Ovid, William Apess, Amazonian and Aztec cosmologies, Catherine Keller's minor Christianity, James Baldwin, and Michel Serres instigate key responses, often challenging binary logics and the subject/object dichotomy with a world of multiple human and nonhuman subjectivities.
Connolly pursues a conception of time as a multiplicity of intersecting temporalities to come to terms with the vicissitudes of climate destruction and the grandeur of an earth neither highly susceptible to mastery nor designed to harmonize smoothly with humans. The book revisits the "improbable necessity" of a politics of swarming to respond to the ongoing wreckage and potential fascist responses to vast infusions of climate refugees from the south into temperate-zone capitalist states.
Stormy Weather draws on the work of earth scientists, indigenous thinkers, naturalists, humanists, and students of nonwestern cosmologies. Ultimately, Connolly contends that critical intellectuals today must not remain enclosed in disciplinary silos, or even in "the humanities" as currently defined, to do justice to our moment of climate wreckage.

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Streitgegenstand und Bindungswirkung im Urkundenprozess: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Rechtsnatur des Vorbehaltsurteils By Behringer, Peter Christian
2007 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 3428121694 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Autor behandelt die seit Jahrzehnten in Rechtsprechung und Lehre ausgetragene Streitfrage der Bindungswirkung im Urkundenprozess. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt zunächst auf der Rechtsprechung des BGH, nach der eine Bindung an einzelne rechtliche Fragen der Entscheidung im Vorbehaltsurteil bestehen soll. Die systematische Herleitung wird eingehend untersucht, und es wird nachgewiesen, dass weder mit einer direkten noch einer entsprechenden Anwendung des § 318 ZPO die von der herrschenden Ansicht vertretene Bindungswirkung zu rechtfertigen ist. Die anschließende Untersuchung des Streitgegenstandes im Vor- und Nachverfahren ergibt, dass der Kläger - entgegen der grundlegenden Annahme der herrschenden Lehre zur Bindungswirkung - in den beiden Abschnitten des Urkundenprozesses keinen einheitlichen Streitgegenstand, sondern nach seinen verschiedenen Rechtsschutzzielen zu unterscheidende prozessuale Ansprüche verfolgt.Im Weiteren wird aufgezeigt, wie das Verständnis der herrschenden Lehre vom Streitgegenstand und der Bindungswirkung im Urkundenprozess auf die aus heutiger Sicht systematisch nicht mehr zutreffenden Ausführungen der Materialien zur CPO von 1877 zurückgeht und dass die Rechtsprechung des BGH die Ergebnisse der Gerichtspraxis zur Zeit des gemeinen Rechts unreflektiert wiedergibt. Schließlich werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zum Streitgegenstand im Urkundenprozess im Hinblick auf die Rechtsnatur und die Bindungswirkung des Vorbehaltsurteils umgesetzt. Es handelt sich beim Vorbehaltsurteil um eine Entscheidung des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes eigener Art. Das Gericht kann im Nachverfahren unabhängig vom Vorbehaltsurteil frei entscheiden.

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Survival Strategies for Turbulent Times
by Karaoulanis, Andreas

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1637427786 | 144 pages | True EPUB | 7.05 MB

This book navigates us through thick and thin and gives us a holistic description of what is supply chain resilience, which are the factors that affect it, and which are the most effective resilience strategies that we need to implement in our supply chains in order to survive during turbulent times.
In a world where pandemics, natural disasters, climate change, and wars are only some of the disruptions that supply chains are facing, resiliency has become the alpha and the omega of supply chain management.
This book navigates us through thick and thin and gives us a holistic description of what is supply chain resilience, which are the factors that affect it, and which are the most effective resilience strategies that we need to implement in our supply chains in order to survive during turbulent times.
The book is divided into three distinct parts. In the first one discusses the term supply chain resilience-its importance, its components, and the most important supply chain resilience metrics. The author presents real life examples of well-known companies which were successful in enhancing the resilience of their supply chains. The second part presents all the factors that can influence the resilience of a supply chain and concludes with discussions of seventeen supply chain resilience strategies which can be used by almost any company, in any industry, in any part of the world.This holistic approach on supply chain resilience makes this book unique. At the end of each chapter, professors will find a dedicated part which will assist them in managing their in-class interaction with students. This book can be used as an academic compendium or as a guide for supply chain professionals who want to cement the resilience of their supply chains and successfully navigate through crisis.

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Sustainable Intensification for Agroecosystem Services and Management by Manoj Kumar Jhariya
English | PDF,EPUB | 2021 | 873 Pages | ISBN : 9811632065 | 108.5 MB
This edited book provides a comprehensive account of the sustainable intensification process through various forms of case studies and scientific approaches studied across the globe. It also focuses on the agroecosystem services and their subsequent management for ecological integrity. The book helps to understand the interconnection of food, nutrition, economic growth, and environmental security on the planet.

It provides comprehensive information with photographic illustration and various other forms of scientific databases on sustainable intensification of agroecosystems. The book also supports decision-making, strategies, and policy formulation for effective implementation of sustainable intensification towards higher productivity along with maintenance and management of agroecosystem services. Proper sustainable intensification of agroecosystem services and their management by maintaining ecological harmony is the future prospect for sustainable development. High input agriculture gives rise to a high-energy footprint, agricultural pollution, resource depletion, loss of agro-biodiversity, and decline of human health. Through this connection, the sustainable intensification approach addresses the advanced food security, sustainability, and overall prosperity of humankind. The book is helpful for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, policymakers, the farming community, as well as the scientific community across the globe to understand the concept of sustainable intensification and its application in relevant fields for proper management of agroecosystems services.

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Svelte in Action:: Practical Projects for Modern Developers
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZZQ11LB | 322 Pages | EPUB | 1 MB
Svelte in Action: Practical Projects for Modern Developers is your guide to mastering Svelte, the lightweight framework that's redefining front-end development. From crafting a weather app to launching a real-time chat application, this book walks you through seven chapters of practical, step-by-step projects. You'll explore Svelte's reactive core, SvelteKit's full-stack power, and advanced techniques like TypeScript, testing, and deployment-each project building on the last to sharpen your skills.

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Sweet Hustle: Low-Carb & Low-Calorie 15-Min Guilt-Free Desserts
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0F12PN31M | 36 Pages | PDF | 20 MB
Indulge your sweet tooth without the guilt! Sweet Hustle is your go-to guide for creating delicious, low-carb, and low-calorie desserts - all in just 15 minutes or less. Perfect for busy moms, professionals, or anyone craving healthier dessert options, this recipe book proves that satisfying your cravings doesn't have to mean sacrificing flavor.

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SwiftData by Example by Paul Hudson
English | 2024 | 253 pages | PDF | 6.34 Mb
SwiftData by Example is the world's largest collection of SwiftData examples, tips, and techniques to help you build apps, solve problems, and understand how SwiftData really works.

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Take Control of Apple Screen and File Sharing
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0F1DRL4ZN | 124 Pages | PDF | 17 MB
Do you need to access a Mac across the room-or around the globe? Or share files securely with a relative or colleague? Want to know about Apple's latest, much-improved screen sharing among iPhones, iPads, and Macs, and what's missing in them? This book is a friendly but comprehensive guide to screen sharing, screen mirroring, network file sharing, and cloud file sharing using Apple devices.

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Tears At Bedtime: The Shocking True Story of a Stolen Childhood By Tom Wilson, Andrew Crofts
2007 | 354 Pages | ISBN: 0099517728 | EPUB | 1 MB
At just six years old Tom Wilson fell prey to a predator of the worst sort. David Murphy was supposed to be his carer, instead he endured years of abuse in the dead of night.Over forty years later, a newspaper article unlocks terrible memories and the painful battle for justice begins...

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The 5 Disciplines of Inclusive Teams: Unlocking Collective Power to Achieve Breakthrough by Andrés T. Tapia, Michel A. Buffet
English | March 4th, 2025 | ISBN: 1523006463 | 240 pages | True EPUB | 3.74 MB
The final guide in the acclaimed inclusivity trilogy introduces an actionable 5-step framework for building truly equitable, high-performing teams.

In today's workplace, teams are the key organizing principle through which most work gets done. This makes teams the prime environment where employees can feel they truly belong, are valued, and contribute their best. However, simply having a diverse team does not automatically translate to more innovation and performance. True inclusion must be operationalized. With decades of experience leading organizations and developing cutting-edge research, Andrés Tapias and Michel Buffet provide a revolutionary 5 Disciplines model to build authentically inclusive teams that unlock the full potential of diverse perspectives.
Based on Tapias' work at Korn Ferry, an international consultancy powerhouse, the 5 Disciplines are:
* Connecting - Going beyond surface levels to deeply understand team members
* Caring - Actively supporting teammates' professional and personal needs
* Storytelling - Sharing powerful narratives that transform mindsets
* Executing - Implementing inclusive practices to get work done equitably
* Innovating - Harnessing diverse ideas to create new value and win the future
By mastering these 5 Disciplines, teams create an environment of true belonging and psychological safety. Members feel empowered to take risks, have candid discussions, and collectively arrive at bold innovations. The result is unparalleled creativity, engagement, and performance that diverse teams promise but seldom fully achieve without intentional inclusivity. With insightful guidance, real-world examples, and a tested framework, this book provides the essential operating system for building inclusive teams that shape the future.

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The AI Marketing Revolution: What You Need to Know to Stay Ahead
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DYYYS5VW | 173 Pages | EPUB | 17 MB
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept-it's here, and it's transforming digital marketing at an unprecedented pace. The AI Marketing Revolution is your ultimate guide to understanding how AI-driven strategies can help businesses automate workflows, personalize customer experiences, and optimize marketing performance like never before.

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The Art of Community: 7 Principles for Belonging, 2nd Edition by Charles H. Vogl
English | March 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 9798890570192 | 224 pages | True EPUB | 1.83 MB
Second edition of this bestselling book on creating robust, thriving, positive communities using seven ancient principles any organization can follow.

Now with 25% new content, including a chapter on building virtual communities.
Healthy communities strive for their members to support one another, share their passions, and achieve personal growth. This book will help you learn to be connected and defeat loneliness by understanding where and how we belong. No matter the kind of organization, company, or social group, this book is a guide for leaders seeking to build a community or strengthen the ones they already have.
Drawing on both 3,000 years of history and his personal experience, Charles Vogl lays out seven time-tested principles for developing connected communities that last. These include:
* Boundary: The boundary between members and outsiders
* Initiation: The activities that mark a new member
* Rituals: The things we do that have meaning
* Temple: A place set aside to find our community
* Stories: What we share that allows others and ourselves to know our values
* Symbols: The things that represent ideas that are important to us
* Inner Rings: A path to growth as we participate
With hands-on tools for applying these principles to any group-formal or informal, mission driven or social, physical or virtual-this book will guide you in your journey to become a community builder that brings people together

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The Art of Creamy Soups: 85 Unforgettable Cream Soup Recipes for Every Occasion by Olesia Naumchyk
English | November 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DLSYTBZQ | 168 pages | EPUB | 75 Mb
Welcome to The Art of Creamy Soups, a book inspired by the simple yet profound pleasure of savoring a perfect bowl of creamy soup. Cream soups have long been celebrated in kitchens around the world, transforming humble ingredients into silky, flavorful bowls that bring warmth and comfort with every spoonful. Whether they're served as the centerpiece of a cozy meal or a refined prelude to a grand dinner, creamy soups possess a timeless appeal-one that this collection was created to honor.

In these pages, you'll find 85 recipes that explore both classic and innovative approaches to creamy soups. From family favorites like broccoli cheddar and chicken corn chowder to elegant blends such as cauliflower truffle and smoked salmon with dill, each recipe is crafted to bring out the best in every ingredient. We've included recipes that celebrate every season, from bright spring flavors to hearty winter warmers, so you can enjoy the art of creamy soups year-round.
Alongside the recipes, you'll find helpful tips on achieving the perfect texture, experimenting with flavors, and making the most of fresh, seasonal ingredients. We've also provided plenty of ideas for garnishes and creative presentation, so every bowl is as beautiful as it is delicious. For those with dietary preferences, you'll discover dairy-free and vegan options, as well as a variety of substitutions to make each recipe your own.
Whether you're a longtime soup lover or new to the world of creamy creations, this book is here to inspire, delight, and bring a bit of warmth to your table. So grab your favorite ladle, warm up your stove, and dive into The Art of Creamy Soups-your journey to 85 unforgettable, soul-soothing bowls begins here.

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Leslie Cohen, "The Audacity of a Kiss: Love, Art, and Liberation"
English | ISBN: 1978825110 | 2021 | 265 pages | PDF | 10 MB
Shortlisted for Lesbian Memoir/Biography Lammy Award

Rendered in bronze, covered in white lacquer, two women sit together on a park bench in Greenwich Village. One of the women touches the thigh of her partner as they gaze into each other's eyes. The two women are part of George Segal's iconic sculpture "Gay Liberation," but these powerful symbols were modeled on real people: Leslie Cohen and her partner (now wife) Beth Suskin.
In this evocative memoir, Cohen tells the story of a love that has lasted for over fifty years. Transporting the reader to the pivotal time when brave gay women and men carved out spaces where they could live and love freely, she recounts both her personal struggles and the accomplishments she achieved as part of New York's gay and feminist communities. Foremost among these was her 1976 cofounding of the groundbreaking women's nightclub Sahara, which played host to such luminaries as Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Pat Benatar, Ntozake Shange, Rita Mae Brown, Adrienne Rich, Patti Smith, Bella Abzug, and Jane Fonda.
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The Battle for Palestine, 1917 (Warfare in History) by John D. Grainger
English | October 21, 2006 | ISBN: 1843832631, 1783272554, 9781782042501 | True EPUB | 300 pages | 34.6 MB
The story of Allied victory in the Holy Land, far from the carnage of the Western Front but a crucial, morale-boosting success under the aggressive and forward-thinking General Allenby.

Three battles for the control of the key fortress-city of Gaza took place in 1917 between the `British' force [with units from across the Empire, most notably the ANZACs] and the Turks. The Allies were repulsed twice but on theirthird attempt, under the newly-appointed General Allenby, a veteran of the Western Front where he was a vocal critic of Haig's command, finally penetrated Turkish lines, captured southern Palestine and, as instructed by Lloyd George, took Jerusalem in time for Christmas, ending 400 years of Ottoman occupation. This third battle, similar in many ways to the contemporaneous fighting in France, is at the heart of this account, with consideration of intelligence, espionage, air-warfare, and diplomatic and political elements, not to mention the logistical and medical aspects of the campaign, particularly water. The generally overlooked Turkish defence, in the face of vastly superior numbers, is also assessed. Far from laying out and executing a pre-ordained plan, Allenby, who is probably still best remembered as T. E. Lawrence's commanding officer in Arabia, was flexible and adaptable, responding to developmentsas they occurred.

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The Beginner's Guide to Ego Death: Expand Your Mind Through Psychedelic Exploration (Guides to Psychedelics & More) by AJ Murillo
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 1646047893 | 240 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
Embark on a transformative journey with this comprehensive guide to unleashing your true potential and achieving ego death through psychedelics!

The true limits of our potential are hidden deep within our minds, obscured by the psychological walls and bound to the mental shackles we've developed over time. These intangible restrictions that keep us from understanding our true selves and reaching enlightenment can only be overcome through psychedelic-induced ego death.
A transformative guide written in two parts, The Beginner's Guide to Ego Death will illuminate the path to self-discovery and fulfillment by providing profound insights into the human psyche and detailed information on the best psychedelics to use and their effects. Whether you're a seasoned psychonaut, a psychedelic newbie, or simply curious about the nature of ego death, this book will awaken your innate potential as you learn to:
Understand the human psycheLearn the different psychedelics and their effectsNavigate the complexities of realityExplore the depths of consciousnessAnd more!
Written by an expert psychonaut and mindfulness teacher fueled by divine purpose, The Beginner's Guide to Ego Death offers a flawless roadmap to achieving ego death through psychedelics and ultimately tapping into your inner wisdom and strength.

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The Biggest Wars in History: The World's Most Significant Conflicts (The History Series) by
English | December 8, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DPX6CSFB | 199 pages | EPUB | 1.45 Mb
The Biggest Wars in History takes readers on a journey through some of the most significant and impactful conflicts the world has ever seen. Whether you're a history lover or simply curious about the major wars that shaped the world we live in today, this eBook provides an engaging and accessible look at the causes, events, and lasting effects of these wars. From ancient battles like the Peloponnesian War to modern conflicts like World War II and the War on Terror, each chapter breaks down key moments in history and helps readers understand how these wars influenced entire societies.

The eBook begins by explaining what war is and why nations go to war, diving into the causes of conflict and how wars have been measured throughout history. It explores major events like the Punic Wars, where Rome and Carthage battled for control of the Mediterranean, and the Napoleonic Wars, where Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to dominate Europe. You'll learn about the strategies, battles, and leaders that shaped these conflicts, as well as the lasting effects they had on the world.
From the devastating toll of World War I's trench warfare to the global impact of World War II, this eBook also touches on more recent conflicts like the Vietnam War and the ongoing War on Terror. Each war is examined through the lens of its impact on society, the role of technology, and the human cost of conflict. The Biggest Wars in History ends by reflecting on the lessons we can learn from these conflicts and the importance of striving for peace in a world shaped by war.

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The Book on Sustainability Reporting: Everything You Need to Write Impactful Reports by Elizabeth Joss
English | August 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCBWTL7D | 199 pages | EPUB | 3.53 Mb
The Book on Sustainability Reporting covers everything from the basics and history of sustainability reports to the latest trends and technologies. Learn to navigate the complexities of data management, stakeholder engagement, and materiality assessments. This book provides practical steps to create clear, concise, and impactful reports that build trust and accountability. Whether you're starting out or looking to enhance your skills, this guide is an essential resource for effective sustainability reporting.

The content delves into the background of reporting, relevant frameworks, and key terms, then addresses report structuring techniques, communicating sustainability performance, and engaging stakeholders. It also highlights evolving trends and future considerations for sustainability reporting. The goal is to help you create a compelling sustainability report that showcases your organization's strategy and key initiatives, inspiring a shared commitment to sustainability among all stakeholders.Who's This Book Ideal For?
This book is perfect for anyone grappling with sustainability or ESG reporting matters or preparing a standalone sustainability report, sometimes called an impact report or an ESG report. It's invaluable for those seeking to understand sustainability frameworks and guidelines, compile solid reports, format them effectively, and develop subsequent communication deliverables.
While the book is geared more towards corporate communication professionals, it is equally valuable for individuals in marketing, public relations, human resources, and other fields impacted by sustainability communication and reporting. It focuses on organizations at the beginning of the sustainability reporting process, those needing a structure for a standalone report to initiate or kickstart their sustainability communication, and those who may not yet be obliged to report extensively.

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