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After God, with Reason Alone (Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysic) By Saikat Guha, Timothy Kearns (editor)
2011 | 85 Pages | ISBN: 1443833738 | PDF | 1 MB
Saikat Guha (1974 2008) wrote prolifically on many topics. Trained as a philosopher and physicist, Guha was interested in topics ranging from sexual ethics to Bell s Theorem to Anselm s ontological argument to Augustine s persecution of the Donatists though he was primarily a metaphysician. Guha studied at the University of Texas at Austin, Boise State University, the University of Washington at Seattle, and Syracuse University. He wrote more than one hundred papers from roughly 1997 2006, five of which are published here. Three of these papers reformulate some of Aquinas s key doctrines on God: his first, second, and third ways, and his account of how necessity of being entails absolute perfection. The fourth paper considers whether Ockham s razor requires the presumption of atheism. The fifth paper presents a logical model of the doctrine of the Trinity in order to prove that the doctrine can be understood without logical contradiction.

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Abdul Kalam Azad, "Again I Hear These Waters"
English | ISBN: 1911284924 | 2024 | 113 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
The 'Miyah' community of the Northeast Indian state of Assam is formed from the descendants of migrant Bengali-Muslims living in the chars (low-lying islands prone to floods and erosion). Very rarely do we see translations of literature from India's Northeast, a contested region seen as 'off the map' of India proper, or from the hundreds of languages which are not official at either the national or state level. In poetry and song originally written mostly in Assamese or local dialects spoken by the community, over twenty voices are brought together in this anthology to document deeply intimate stories of nature, loss, and yearning, foregrounding these contemporary lives beyond mere victimisation. From folk river-songs as poems to love poetry, the islands and riverbanks of the chars and chaporis of the Brahmaputra River become both background and metaphor in this anthology, never shying away from the prismatic effect of water. Curated by Shalim M. Hussain, a leading figure in the Miyah poetry movement, Again I Hear These Waters is an offering, a gathering.

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AI First, Human Always: Embracing a New Mindset for the Era of Superintelligence
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1394189826 | 221 Pages | PDF | 2.5 MB
Written by seasoned tech executive Sandy Carter, AI First, Human Always: Embracing a New Mindset for the Era of Superintelligence is your guidebook to the seven hottest trends in AI. This book will recalibrate your approach to the exponential curve of emerging AI solutions for business. It will help you transform today's unstoppable currents of change into tailwinds that propel your organization to great heights. From the tokenization of everything, to multi-model learning models, to the importance of technical convergence and the implementation of digital twins across almost every industry imaginable, this book provides an essential core knowledge base as well as examples and case studies to help you transform your approach to leadership to meet the demands of the modern business era.

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Norman Franks - Aircraft Versus Aircraft: The Illustrated Story of Fighter Pilot Combat Since 1914
Crescent Books | 1990 | ISBN: 0517694972 | English | 200 pages | PDF | 117 MB
Outlines the history of aerial combat, describes the characteristics of famous fighters from biplanes to jets, and shares the experiences of fighter pilots.

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Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 22nd International Conference, ICA3PP 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 10-12, 2022, Proceedings by Weizhi Meng, Rongxing Lu, Geyong Min, Jaideep Vaidya
English | EPUB | 2023 | 818 Pages | ISBN : 3031226763 | 100.7 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2022, which was held in October 2022. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually.

The 33 full papers and 10 short papers, presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 91 submissions.
The papers cover many dimensions of parallel algorithms and architectures, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial components and systems.

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Alles Mythos! 20 populäre Irrtümer über die Wikinger By Claudia Banck
2014 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 3806228191 | EPUB | 1 MB
Sie waren groß, blond und blauäugig und ihre Frauen hatten nichts zu sagen. Die "Terroristen" des Mittelalters tauchten mit ihren Schiffen aus dem Nichts auf und versetzten Europa in Angst und Schrecken. Bis an die Zähne bewaffnet eroberten die Horden aus dem Norden ganze Landstriche und erschlugen alles, was sich bewegte.Doch waren die Wikinger wirklich nur heidnische Barbaren mit Hörnerhelmen, die Met aus Totenschädeln tranken und Europas Kulturzentren zerstörten? In klarem Stil räumt Claudia Banck mit allerlei Vorurteilen und falschen Vorstellungen auf, die sich um diese Nordmänner ranken. Ganz nebenbei erhält der Leser einen unterhaltsamen Überblick über die Geschichte und Lebensweise der Wikinger.

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An Introduction to Fictional Worlds Theory By Bohumil Fořt
2015 | 105 Pages | ISBN: 365306323X | EPUB | 1 MB
The author extensively details, analyses and compares key concepts and strategies of fictional worlds theory: a theory which has, over recent years, developed rather rapidly and is connected with leading scholars in the area of literary studies, such as Lubomir Doležel, Umberto Eco, Thomas Pavel, Ruth Ronen, and Marie-Laure Ryan. The book focuses on theoretical suggestions from which the fictional worlds theory borrows its main ideas, that is, logic, semantics, and linguistics. It also examines areas of literary theoretical investigation, in which the fictional world theory has proven itself to be a significant tool for conducting more detailed research, namely intertextuality, fictional and historical narration."

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Anatomy of Restlessness: Selected Writings 1969-1989 By Bruce Chatwin
1997 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 0140256989 | EPUB | 1 MB
Although he is best known for his luminous reports from the farthest-flung corners of the earth, Bruce Chatwin possessed a literary sensibility that reached beyond the travel narrative to span a world of topics--from art and antiques to archaeology and architecture. This spirited collection of previously neglected or unpublished essays, articles, short stories, travel sketches, and criticism represents every aspect and period of Chatwin's career as it reveals an abiding theme in his work: his fascination with, and hunger for, the peripatetic existence. While Chatwin's poignant search for a suitable place to "hang his hat," his compelling arguments for the nomadic "alternative," his revealing fictional accounts of exile and the exotic, and his wickedly "en pointe" social history of Capri prove him to be an excellent observer of social and cultural mores, Chatwin's own restlessness, his yearning to be on the move, glimmers beneath every surface of this dazzling body of work.

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Ancient Greek Purism: 1: The Roots of Atticism
by Olga Tribulato, Federico Favi
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3111350754 | 639 Pages | True ePUB | 2.1 MB

This volume is the first of four devoted to Atticism, a form of linguistic purism that sought to preserve the rules of the 5th-century Attic dialect against the evolution of Postclassical Greek. The series elucidates the origins and development of Atticist thought, as well as its impact, transmission, and legacy from the Byzantine Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
Although Atticism flourished in the Imperial age, its roots are steeped in the previous centuries. This volume investigates the broad historical, cultural, and linguistic factors leading to the emergence of Attic as a prestige variety among the classical Greek dialects, the way Attic exclusivity was construed in Athenian literary sources, and how Hellenistic scholarship contributed to monumentalising Attic supremacy.
Atticism can be regarded as the first example of an intellectual movement seeking to promote an extinct variety to the status of linguistic standard, reflecting an ideological and nostalgic view of identity. This volume traces the roots of this linguistic phenomenon back to factors at work in the construction of Hellenicity in the archaic and classical periods.

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Andersonville y Camp Douglas: La historia de los campos de prisioneros más mortíferos de la Guerra Civil (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | September 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DGZ59XS9 | 210 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
Notoria, un infierno en la tierra, un pozo negro, un campo de exterminio y tristemente célebre han sido los calificativos utilizados por prisioneros y críticos para describir la prisión de Andersonville, construida para albergar a prisioneros de guerra de la Unión en 1864, y todos ellos son válidos. Ubicada en Andersonville, Georgia, y conocida coloquialmente como Camp Sumter, Andersonville sólo sirvió como campo de prisioneros durante 14 meses, pero durante ese tiempo 45.000 soldados de la Unión sufrieron allí, y casi 13.000 murieron. Las víctimas encontradas al final de la guerra que habían estado recluidas en Camp Sumter se parecían a las víctimas de Auschwitz, hambrientas y abandonadas a su suerte sin ninguna consideración por la vida humana.

Los rumores sobre los horrores de Andersonville circulaban en el verano de 1864, y eran lo suficientemente malos como para que, durante la campaña de Atlanta, el general de la Unión William Tecumseh Sherman diera órdenes para que una incursión de caballería intentara liberar a los prisioneros de allí. La caballería de la Unión fue rechazada por la milicia y la caballería del Sur en ese momento, e incluso después de que Sherman tomara Atlanta, los confederados en retirada se movieron bajo el supuesto de que la Unión volvería a atacar Andersonville.
Antes del final de la guerra, los confederados trasladaron prisioneros de Andersonville a Camp Lawton, pero para entonces, Andersonville ya era sinónimo de horror. Incapaces de abastecer a sus propios ejércitos, los confederados habían abastecido inadecuadamente a la prisión y a sus miles de prisioneros de la Unión, dejando que más del 25% de los prisioneros murieran de hambre y enfermedades. En total, Andersonville fue responsable del 40% de las muertes de todos los prisioneros de la Unión en el Sur, y las causas de la muerte incluían desnutrición, enfermedades, malas condiciones sanitarias, hacinamiento y exposición a las inclemencias del tiempo.
De hecho, Andersonville enfureció tanto al Norte que Henry Wirz, el hombre a cargo de Andersonville, fue el único confederado ejecutado después de la guerra. Antes de la guerra, Wirz era un médico suizo que había ejercido la medicina en Kentucky, pero aunque algunos estudiosos del Sur siguen creyendo que fue simplemente una víctima de las circunstancias, muchas pruebas sugieren que sus acciones fueron mucho más insidiosas y mortíferas.
Por el contrario, Camp Douglas, cerrado más o menos en la misma época, fue derribado, y su propia existencia fue casi borrada de la memoria. El intento de olvidar Camp Douglas era comprensible, porque en los dos últimos años de la guerra, al menos 4.000 prisioneros confederados murieron allí, lo que significa que casi 1 de cada 5 confederados que fueron enviados allí nunca salieron.
En muchos sentidos, la historia de Camp Douglas es la historia misma de la Guerra Civil. El campamento empezó como una instalación nueva llena de hombres listos para luchar en una guerra que la mayoría de los dos bandos creían que duraría sólo unos meses. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzaba la guerra, las instalaciones se vieron desbordadas por la magnitud de los daños y el enorme número de personas implicadas. En los primeros años de la guerra, el tipo de guerra total practicada por Grant y Sherman en 1864 era impensable, y los dos bandos realizaban intercambios de prisioneros con liberalidad y dejaban en libertad condicional a los prisioneros basándose únicamente en su palabra. Con el paso del tiempo, sin embargo, el rencor se endureció entre los dos bandos, y los objetivos de la guerra cambiaron a medida que el Norte buscaba nuevas estrategias para someter definitivamente al Sur. La cadena de acontecimientos resultante condujo a los horrores de Camp Douglas.

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Aromathérapie pour les soignants
Français | 2019 | ISBN: 210078126X | 709 Pages | EPUB | 10 MB
Ce livre propose une formation complète à l'utilisation professionnelle des huiles essentielles dans un contexte de soins réalisés par des soignants : médecins, infirmiers, aides-soignants, kinésithérapeutes, ergothérapeute, psychologues, etc. Manuel pratique, il aborde les différentes thématiques du soin en fonction des maux les plus fréquemment rencontrés dans le traitement de la santé au quotidien (anxiété, douleur intestinale, cicatrisation difficile, maux de tête, fatigue, etc.). Les huiles essentielles les plus adaptées sont décrites avec leurs synergies possibles. Préface d'Isabelle EL KHIARI, infirmière DE clinicienne, consultante en approches complémentaires en soin, Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor, APHP.

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Michael Bowden, "Art Making and Exhibiting VCE Units 1-4"
English | ISBN: 1009229559 | 2022 | 200 pages | PDF | 19 MB
The VCE Art Study Design recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have 'diverse

cultures, social structures, cultural traditions, languages and dialects'. This brief introduction is here
to encourage you to investigate Australia's First peoples' significant contribution to visual art.
The worldviews of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are highly integrated. Each
aspect of culture, history and society connects with all other aspects. Each community also has its
own unique system of knowing, being and doing, based on tens of thousands of years of sharing
culture and engaging with Country.
In order to understand any system, Indigenous or otherwise, time and effort are needed to
appreciate it. Though time is limited in this course, it is wrong to generalise the Indigenous culture of
Australia, or even Victoria. Instead, the limited coverage in this resource should be taken as examples.
Both teachers and students should read up on and engage with their local Indigenous
community, to hear the perspectives of local First Nations artists, and to appreciate the strength
and resilience of Australia's First Nations peoples. To find out whose Country you are on - for
example, Wurundjeri, Bunurong, Djadjawurrung - you can use your preferred search engine to
find land councils or local government authorities to find their acknowledgement of the Traditional
Owners of the land. You can also search for a map of Indigenous Australia and try to locate where
you live or go to school.

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Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity: Develop AI approaches to solve cybersecurity problems in your organization by Peng Xu, Bojan Kolosnjaji, Huang Xiao, Apostolis Zarras
English | October 31, 2024 | ISBN: 180512496X | True EPUB/PDF | 358 pages | 7.2/6.5 MB
Gain well-rounded knowledge of AI methods in cybersecurity and obtain hands-on experience in implementing them to bring value to your organization

Key Features
Familiarize yourself with AI methods and approaches and see how they fit into cybersecurityLearn how to design solutions in cybersecurity that include AI as a key featureAcquire practical AI skills using step-by-step exercises and code examples
Book Description
Artificial intelligence offers data analytics methods that enable us to efficiently recognize patterns in large-scale data. These methods can be applied to various cybersecurity problems, from authentication and the detection of various types of cyberattacks in computer networks to the analysis of malicious executables.
Written by a machine learning expert, this book introduces you to the data analytics environment in cybersecurity and shows you where AI methods will fit in your cybersecurity projects. The chapters share an in-depth explanation of the AI methods along with tools that can be used to apply these methods, as well as design and implement AI solutions. You'll also examine various cybersecurity scenarios where AI methods are applicable, including exercises and code examples that'll help you effectively apply AI to work on cybersecurity challenges. The book also discusses common pitfalls from real-world applications of AI in cybersecurity issues and teaches you how to tackle them.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to not only recognize where AI methods can be applied, but also design and execute efficient solutions using AI methods.
What you will learn
Recognize AI as a powerful tool for intelligence analysis of cybersecurity dataExplore all the components and workflow of an AI solutionFind out how to design an AI-based solution for cybersecurityDiscover how to test various AI-based cybersecurity solutionsEvaluate your AI solution and describe its advantages to your organizationAvoid common pitfalls and difficulties when implementing AI solutions
Who this book is for
This book is for machine learning practitioners looking to apply their skills to overcome cybersecurity challenges. Cybersecurity workers who want to leverage machine learning methods will also find this book helpful. Fundamental concepts of machine learning and beginner-level knowledge of Python programming are needed to understand the concepts present in this book. Whether you're a student or an experienced professional, this book offers a unique and valuable learning experience that will enable you to protect your network and data against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

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Nataša Durovicova, "At Translation's Edge "
English | ISBN: 1978803389 | 2019 | 218 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Since the 1970s, the field of Translation Studies has entered into dialogue with an array of other disciplines, sustaining a close but contentious relationship with literary translation. At Translation's Edge expands this interdisciplinary dialogue by taking up questions of translation across sub-fields and within disciplines, including film and media studies, comparative literature, history, and education among others. For the contributors to this volume, translation is understood in its most expansive, transdisciplinary sense: translation as exchange, migration, and mobility, including cross-cultural communication and media circulation. Whether exploring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or silent film intertitles, this volume brings together the work of scholars aiming to address the edges of Translation Studies while engaging with major and minor languages, colonial and post-colonial studies, feminism and disability studies, and theories of globalization and empire.

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Aufklärung - Wissenschaft - Religion: Zur Genese und Struktur unseres neuzeitlichen Spannungsfeldes By Enskat, Rainer
2022 | 118 Pages | ISBN: 3787341455 | PDF | 1 MB
Wie unsere Gegenwart in einer vielleicht noch nicht abgeschlossenen Zuspitzung zeigt, ist die Struktur des neuzeitlichen Spannungsfeldes zwischen Aufklärung, Wissenschaft und Religion von einer Bewährungsprobe geprägt, die an eine Zerreißprobe grenzt. Rainer Enskat geht in seinem Essay den unterschiedlichen, teils unvereinbaren Interventionen nach, die sich seit dem 17. Jahrhundert diesem Problemfeld gewidmet haben.Die Frage, ob Aufklärung durch Wissenschaft möglich oder trotz Wissenschaft nötig ist, steht ebenso wie die Frage, ob Religion trotz Aufklärung und Wissenschaft nötig und möglich ist, seit dem 18. Jahrhundert mit bis dahin nicht gekannter Prägnanz und Dringlichkeit auf der Tagesordnung. Mit der großen Ausnahme von Platon wird die Problematik erst von Philosophen des siebzehnten und des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts wirklich durchschaut. Es sind so verschiedenartige Denker wie Francis Bacon, Jean-Jacques Rousseau und Kant, die in ganz unterschiedlichen realgeschichtlichen und kulturgeschichtlichen Situationen das diagnostische Gespür für die Struktur dieses Spannungsfeldes übereinstimmend zur Sprache gebracht haben. In 21 kurzen Abschnitten zeigt Rainer Enskat, dass die Antworten, die seither auf diese Problematik erprobt worden sind, durch ihre faktischen Unvereinbarkeiten den Charakter der Zerreißprobe nicht deutlicher werden lassen könnten, die das neuzeitliche Spannungsfeld im Unterschied zu früheren Epochen mittlerweile im Weltmaßstab durchmacht.

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AUTOSAR Fundamentals and Applications: Establishing a solid foundation for automotive software design with AUTOSAR by Hossam Soffar
English | December 20, 2024 | ISBN: 1805120875 | 254 pages | PDF | 4.95 Mb
Gain a holistic understanding of AUTOSAR concepts, from BSW and RTE integration to communication, security, and diagnostics, and learn to design high-performance automotive software solutions through real-world use cases

Key FeaturesGrasp core AUTOSAR concepts, such as layered architecture and methodology, through simplified explanations and practical examplesUnderstand the role and integration of OS, communication stack, and security stack within electronic control units (ECUs)Learn best practices for designing automotive ECUs with AUTOSARBook Description
AUTOSAR has become the standard for developing automotive ECUs, driven by the demand for increasingly sophisticated features that require a robust, safe, secure, and scalable framework for efficient development for automotive software. For those new to AUTOSAR, its complexity, intricate architecture, and extensive standards can be daunting. With twelve years of experience in the automotive software industry, Hossam Soffar brings his unparalleled expertise to this essential AUTOSAR guide, addressing these challenges by explaining AUTOSAR's framework, architecture, and their application through best practices and real-world use cases.
This book comprehensively explores AUTOSAR's objectives, guiding you through its layered architecture and various stacks, components, and communication mechanisms. You'll learn how to design, configure, and integrate AUTOSAR Basic Software (BSW) components, understand the real-time-environment (RTE), and master the principles of communications, diagnostics, security, and operating systems, all of which is essential for developing high-quality, safety-critical, and efficient ECUs. With a clear understanding of how these elements work together, you'll be equipped to navigate the complexities of modern automotive software development to build, implement, and manage automotive systems with enhanced efficiency.
What you will learnMaster the core principles, layered architecture, key components, and benefits of AUTOSARExplore AUTOSAR-supported data exchange formats, memory management, and operating systemsGet to grips with the design and implementation process of software components within AUTOSARUnderstand the AUTOSAR Communication Stack, including modules such as COM and PDURDiscover security mechanisms for ensuring confidentiality and authorization in automotive systemsApply AUTOSAR concepts in real-time automotive systems through practical examplesWho this book is for
This book is for embedded software engineers, software developers, and software architects working with or planning to work with automotive systems, particularly those with little to no knowledge of AUTOSAR. It serves as a reference for project managers, students, and researchers who seek to learn about AUTOSAR and its applications. A background in software development processes and C programming is beneficial.
Table of ContentsExploring the Genesis and Objectives of AUTOSARIntroducing the AUTOSAR Software LayersAUTOSAR Methodology and Data Exchange FormatsWorking with Software Components and RTEDesigning and Implementing Events and InterfacesGetting Started with the AUTOSAR Operating SystemExploring the Communication StackSecuring the AUTOSAR System with Crypto and Security StackDealing with Memory and Mode ManagementWrapping Up and Extending Knowledge with a Use Case

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Bat and the Business of Ferrets by Elana K. Arnold
English | February 11, 2025 | ISBN: 0063385139 | 208 pages | EPUB | 12 Mb
The bestselling Bat returns!Bat and the Business of Ferrets is the fourth title in National Book Award finalist Elana K. Arnold's heartfelt and widely acclaimed series featuring an unforgettable young boy on the autism spectrum.

Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed "Bat") is about to start fourth grade-and unfortunately for him, everything is changing: There's a new teacher, a new classroom, new seats...and new rules. Mr. Grayson, Bat's third grade teacher, had a lovableclass rabbit named Babycakes who Bat could visit anytime he needed a break. But Mr. Peña does not have a class rabbit. In fact, Mr. Peña doesn't believe in class pets at all. And for Bat, that's one change too many.
Bat and his best friend, Israel, know they need to convince Mr. Peña to change his mind about class pets-and when a business of friendly ferrets arrives at Bat's mom's veterinary clinic, they think they've found the perfect pet to do so. But when they discover that their classmate Lucca also doesn't like the idea of an animal in theclassroom, Bat starts to worry that things will never be the way they were again.

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Beautiful People: My Family and Other Glamorous Varmints By Simon Doonan
2009 | 304 Pages | ISBN: 0743267052 | EPUB | 1 MB
A wickedly funny memoir with echoes of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs, Beautiful People (originally published in hardcover as Nasty) is now a BBC comedy hit series from the producer of Ab Fab and The Office.Proclaimed "the most brilliant, brash thing in type" by Liz Smith, Simon Doonan's saucy prose has established him as an emerging star among literary humorists. In this break-through memoir, reminiscent of both Sedaris and Burroughs, he revisits the landscape of his youth, and displays the irresistible charm that earned him his dedicated audience.Long before he became a celebrity in his own right--as the author of best-selling books, as the style arbiter of VH1 and America's Top Model, and the marketing genius behind Barney's New York--Simon Doonan was a "scabby knee'd troll" in Reading, England. In Beautiful People, Doonan returns to the working-class neighborhood of his youth, and chronicles the misadventures of the Doonan clan in all their wacky glory. Readers meet his mother Betty, whose gravity-defying, peroxide hairdo signified her natural glamour; his father Terry, an amateur vintner who turned parsnips into the legendary Chateau Doonan; his grandfather D.C., a hard-drinking betting man who Descriptionted to win his fortune by turning Simon into a jockey; and his demented grandma Narg and schizophrenic Uncle Ken, both of whom lived upstairs.Fearing he would fall victim to the insanity that runs in his family, or, worse, the banality of suburban life, Doonan decamps with his flamboyant best-friend Biddie to London, where they hope to find the Beautiful People, that elusive clan who luxuriate on floor pillows and amuse each other with bon mots. Throughout the memoir--in essays about family holidays, the tart who lived next door, his first job--Doonan continues his bumbling pursuit of the fabulous life, only to learn, in the end, that perhaps the Beautiful People were the ones he left behind.

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Beer Breaks in Britain: 30 places to explore and drink good beer by Phil Mellows, Kate Simon
English | 27 Feb. 2025 | ISBN: 1844867005, 9781844867011 | True EPUB | 256 pages | 121 MB
Combine your thirst for great British travel and good quality beer with this refreshing guide to 30 of Britain's best beer scenes.

The British have always championed ale, and now a new generation are enthusiastically embracing beer, too. Like many of their fellow older beer fans, this new generation of aficionados loves to travel and rediscover home shores. Modern brewers are becoming increasingly creative in their offerings and a growing number of craft beer bars, brewery tap rooms, festivals and micropubs have sprung up in towns and cities across the country, embracing local produce and sustainability.
Beer Breaks in Britain joins the dots between beer and travel, exploring the British beer scene and also suggesting what to do in between pints (halves and thirds). The book focusses on 30 destinations across the country, steering visitors to expert selections including breweries, tap rooms, pubs and bars, beer festivals and circuits, highlighting local brews and live tastings with knowledgeable locals. The book equips readers with everything they need to know to make the most of their visit to the destination - delving into each area's history and culture, and natural and built attractions, as well as giving ideas about where to eat and stay; everything you'll need for a truly unforgettable trip.

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Beginning iOS 17 Programming with Swift and SwiftUI: Learn to build a real world iOS app from scratch using Swift and SwiftUI by Simon Ng
English | November 26, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CP21JPJZ | 810 pages | PDF | 72 Mb
Unlock the power of iOS app development with our book, "Mastering iOS Development with Swift and SwiftUI." Dive into the world of Swift and SwiftUI as you embark on a journey to build a real-world app from scratch. With full support for Xcode 15, iOS 17, and Swift 5.9, this book equips you with the latest tools and techniques to create stunning iOS applications.

Through clear, step-by-step explanations, you'll learn how to construct intricate user interfaces using SwiftUI. But it doesn't stop there. This book covers everything you need to know, from mastering Swift programming to working seamlessly with Xcode 15 and harnessing the power of essential iOS 17 SDK APIs. Most importantly, it guides you through every stage, from conceptualization to launching your app on the App Store.
What You will Learn
Begin with a solid foundation as you grasp the fundamentals of Swift and SwiftUI. Then, unleash your creativity as you prototype and build a real-world app from scratch. Each chapter teaches you how to leverage iOS APIs to create exciting features. By the end, you'll have a fully functional app, having mastered techniques such as data presentation in list views, UI design using Stack Views, stunning animations, map integration, adaptive UI development, local and cloud-based data storage, TestFlight beta testing, and much more.
Immerse Yourself in Hands-On Experience:
Our book goes beyond theory with numerous hands-on exercises and projects. You'll have the opportunity to write code, squash bugs, and rigorously test your app. While it may require effort, the rewarding experience will propel you to master Swift 5.9, Xcode 15, and iOS 17 programming.
Who is this book for
Designed for beginners without any prior programming experience, our book caters to a wide range of learners. Whether you're a programmer seeking to add a new language to your repertoire, a designer yearning to transform your designs into captivating iOS apps, or an entrepreneur eager to delve into the world of coding, this book is tailor-made for you.
Table of Content
Chapter 1 - The Development Tools, the Learning Approach, and the App Idea
Chapter 2 - Your First Taste of Swift with Playgrounds
Chapter 3 - Build Your First App in Swift and SwiftUI
Chapter 4 - Designing UI Using Stack Views
Chapter 5 - Introduction to Prototyping
Chapter 6 - Understanding List and ForEach
Chapter 7 - Customizing List Views
Chapter 8 - Displaying Confirmations and Handling List View Selection
Chapter 9 - Understanding Struct, Project Organization and Code Documentation
Chapter 10 - List Deletion, Swipe Actions, Context Menus and Activity Controller
Chapter 11 - Working with Navigation View
Chapter 12 - Detail View Enhancement, Custom Fonts and Navigation Bar Customization
Chapter 13 - Understanding Colors, Swift Extensions and Dynamic Type
Chapter 14 - Working with Maps
Chapter 15 - View Animations and Blur Effect
Chapter 16 - Working with Observable Objects and Combine
Chapter 17 - Working with Forms and Camera
Chapter 18 - Working with Database and SwiftData
Chapter 19 - Adding a Search Bar Using Searchable
Chapter 20 - Building Walkthrough Screens Using TabView
Chapter 21 - Working with Tab View and Tab Bar Customizations
Chapter 22 - Displaying Web Content
Chapter 23 - Working with CloudKit
Chapter 24 - Localizing Your App to Support Multiple Languages
Chapter 25 - Deploying and Testing Your App on a Real iOS Device
Chapter 26 - Beta Testing with TestFlight and CloudKit Production Deployment
Chapter 27 - Submit Your App to App Store
Chapter 28 - Adopting Haptic Touch
Chapter 29 - Working with User Notifications
Appendix - Swift Basics
What's includedIn addition to the ebook, you'll gain access to downloadable source code. Feel free to use the code in your own personal or commercial projects.

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