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Biomineralization Mechanism of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata by Rongqing Zhang
English | EPUB | 2018 (2019 Edition) | 750 Pages | ISBN : 9811314586 | 149.9 MB
This book presents an overview of our current understanding of the biomineralization mechanisms for shell formation in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, based on molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology and environmental biology. Pinctada fucata is the major pearl-producing shellfish in the South China Sea and is also an established model system for the research on the nacre biomineralization mechanism.

Extensive studies on nacre biomineralization have provided valuable information for novel bionic material design. Discussing the isolation and gene cloning of the matrix proteins involved in the shell formation, as well as the cell signaling pathways, shell microstructures, and the environmental impacts on shell biomineralization, it is a valuable reference resource for researchers working in the field of nacre biomineralization and biomaterials.

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Black 14: The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of Wyoming Football By Ryan Thorburn
2009 | 164 Pages | ISBN: 0977731898 | EPUB | 1 MB
In the 1960s one of the strongest voices was that of the black athlete. Not at the University of Wyoming. The only colors that mattered here in '69 were brown and gold, and the only issue worth paying attention to was Cowboy football. Wyoming's 14 black players wanted to wear black armbands during the upcoming game against Brigham Young University to protest the policies of the Mormon Church, which did not allow blacks to enter into the priesthood. The head coach Lloyd Eaton gave them the boot. And everything about Cowboys football changed forever.

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Black Anarchism and the Black Radical Tradition: Moving Beyond Racial Capitalism By Atticus Bagby-Williams; Nsambu Za Suekama
2023 | 62 Pages | ISBN: 1990263321 | PDF | 1 MB
Black Anarchism and the Black Radical Tradition deals with three distinct radical orientations: the anarchist movement in Europe and the United States, the Black Radical Tradition, and Black anarchism. Importantly, Black anarchism owes more to the Black Radical Tradition than the European anarchist movement. Often, Black anarchists are not acknowledged within the Black Radical Tradition for their contributions to revolutionary theory as well as struggle. We seek to change that by discussing Black anarchist theorists and to shed light on the resonances and differences among them. We are in the midst of the largest Black uprising since the 1960s. Increasingly, the resonances between anarchist struggle and Black rebellion (with a common enemy in the capitalist state) are becoming clear. Over the past ten years, within radical networks and academic milieus, there has been renewed interest in clarifying these resonances. The Black Radical Tradition, as coined by the late great Black scholar Cedric Robinson, and its interactions with U.S. anarchism are what this project is attempting to map and explain. Our book engages with two waves of Black anarchists, including Kuwasi Balagoon, Lorenzo Kom''boa Ervin, and Ashanti Alston in the first wave, and Zoe Samudzi, William C. Anderson, and the Anarkatas in the second wave. We investigate why there has been dissonance between anarchists and Black radicals, partly by engaging relevant work and thought of anarchists such as Emma Goldman and David Graeber. The book makes the argument that anarchist theory can be "stretched'' to Black people in the United States and other countries, in the way that Frantz Fanon stretched Marxism to the Global South. Black anarchism is not simply anarchism being practiced by people who are Black, but rather a tradition of autonomy, mutual aid, and militant resistance that emerges out of Black historical struggle. It is clear there are resonances between Black radicalism and anarchism, especially in the wake of the great uprising of 2020. In this project, we seek to clarify those resonances. Black anarchism needs to be written and understood partly as a theoretical project and partly as a project of radical political action. There has been a renewed interest in Black anarchism. Books such as As Black As Resistance or Anarcho-Blackness published in the past couple of years show that interest. However, our book differs in several ways. Importantly, we seek to engage more directly and to critique texts within the anarchist canon as well as engaging with scholars such as Fanon and Robinson, who are both located in anti-colonial movements of the 1960s. By using Fanon and Robinson to engage with the European anarchist canon, we hope to explain the resonances between long standing Black radicals and anarchism. In addition, by engaging fully with leading writers in the two waves of Black anarchism, we hope to bring more clarity to the project that is Black anarchism. This work Is an important achievement in clarifying the history and current importance of Black anarchism. The information that the book presents will be new to many readers. For instance, one important component involves the explanations of how hierarchical principles within the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army helped generate the emergence of Black anarchism among key party members who later developed their ideas and strategies while in prison. Likewise, the book breaks new ground in demonstrating that Black anarchism has emerged not from the European/ North American anarchist traditions but rather from roots in Pan-Africanism, the Black radical tradition focusing on racial capitalism and the work of Cedric Robinson, and grassroots struggles partly in the U.S. South. An in-depth analysis of the somewhat different but complementary focuses within the two generations of Black anarchism also is very helpful. Finally, the book highlights concrete, contemporary implications for revolutionary strategy, including a perceptive analysis of the compatibilities between socialist and Black anarchist approaches to current transformative struggles. This publication will become widely known and used, because it brings enlightening new ways to understand and to act on the intertwined structures of racial capitalism and the capitalist state.

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Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting: Real Talk for When There's Nowhere to Go But Up By Terrie Williams
2008 | 333 Pages | ISBN: 0743298829 | EPUB | 1 MB

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Building Defence Capacity in Europe: An Assessment
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1041075049 | 117 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 74 MB
European states have embarked on the long road to rebuilding their defence capabilities. After decades of underinvestment in the armed forces and the defence-industrial base, the challenges are significant. However, since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, NATO countries have committed to ambitious readiness and war-fighting plans.

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Caminhos Financeiros: Estratégias para um Futuro Sólido (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | January 4, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CRK84LM4 | 126 pages | EPUB | 0.22 Mb
Este livro é um guia abrangente que mergulha no complexo mundo das finanças pessoais, oferecendo orientações práticas e insights valiosos para quem busca construir bases sólidas para um futuro financeiro estável e próspero.

A obra começa explorando os fundamentos da educação financeira, abordando desde a mentalidade necessária para o sucesso financeiro até os mitos e verdades sobre investimentos. Os leitores são guiados por uma jornada que os leva a compreender a psicologia por trás das decisões financeiras e a cultivar uma mentalidade de longo prazo para o sucesso financeiro.
Ao longo das páginas, são discutidos princípios fundamentais de investimento, como diversificação, horizonte de tempo, tolerância ao risco e a importância da educação contínua. Além disso, o livro oferece insights sobre estratégias para economizar, investir eficientemente e gerenciar riscos, preparando os leitores para lidar com períodos de volatilidade e incerteza.
A obra também abrange aspectos essenciais, como planejamento de aposentadoria, gestão de patrimônio, investimentos socialmente responsáveis e adaptação às mudanças no mundo financeiro. Ao final, os leitores são encorajados a aplicar os ensinamentos aprendidos em sua jornada financeira pessoal, com incentivos para persistência, adaptação e confiança no processo.
"Caminhos Financeiros: Estratégias para um Futuro Sólido" é um manual abrangente e inspirador, repleto de informações práticas e conselhos úteis, destinado a capacitá-lo a tomar decisões financeiras informadas e construir um futuro financeiro sólido e resiliente.

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Canva Secrets: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide for Novice Graphic Designers
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0F1JDXKBG | 148 Pages | EPUB | 1.3 MB
Have you ever looked at a stunning design and thought, How did they do that? Do you wish you could create eye-catching graphics without spending years mastering complicated software? What if I told you that you can design like a pro-without any prior experience-starting today?

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Categories, and What Is Beyond (Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysic) By Gyula Klima and Alexander W. Hall
2011 | 135 Pages | ISBN: 1443833630 | PDF | 1 MB
For medieval thinkers, the distinction between intentional and extra-mental reality does not precipitate a Kantian turn to the subject. Rather, they allow that metaphysics and natural philosophy study things as they are and leave to logic the investigation of things as conceived. Within this broad scheme, there is much room for debate regarding whether and to what extent Aristotle s categories comprise an accurate picture of what types of things exist. Closely tied to consideration of what types of things exist are questions concerning how language reflects the relations that hold among these things. For instance, both substances and the accidents parasitic on their existence are said to be, but not in the same way. The essays in Categories, and What is Beyond draw on the philosophical traditions of late antiquity and the middle ages to study what types of things there are, the extent to which our knowledge of these entities is accurate, how (and whether) the semantics of analogy are competent to adjust for the difference and diversity found amongst analogates, and some ways in which these considerations bear on our ability to learn and speak of God.

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Cervical Spine Deformity Surgery
by Christopher Ames

English | 2019 | ISBN: 1626239010 | 206 Pages | EPUB | 11 MB

The number of cervical fusion procedures has increased in the U.S. and globally during the last decade, in part due to an aging population and higher incidence of complex cervical problems. Despite advances in the surgical treatment of cervical deformities, few resources detail modern clinical assessment, radiographic evaluation, and surgical approaches. Cervical Spine Deformity Surgery by world-renowned spine surgeons Christopher Ames, K. Daniel Riew, Justin Smith, and Kuniyoshi Abumi fills a void in the literature. It provides a concise, state-of-the-art resource on current cervical deformity knowledge compiled from the literature and recognized masters in the field.

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Chapple's Principles of Wound Care and Healing: The Physiological Challenge by Peter Charlesworth , Michael F. Klaassen
English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 213 Pages | ISBN : 3031531035 | 160.1 MB
This book is a tribute to Dr Joan Chapple CNZM FRACS, who qualified as New Zealand's first formally trained female plastic surgeon in the late 1950s and practised as a plastic and hand surgeon in Auckland, New Zealand for over 38 years. She was selected for surgical training by the late Sir William Manchester, who started the Middlemore Plastic Surgery Unit in December 1950.

Joan was an original thinker and a pioneer in the fields of wound care and healing in her own right. She self-published "The Management of Soft Tissue Injuries: Philosophy, Principles and Practice" in 1994, followed by her definitive "Wound Care and Healing: The Physiological Challenge" in 2003.
Dr Chapple developed principles of a practical physiological approach to acute wounds that not only benefited their recovery and healing, but also demonstrably reduced the post-operative pain in her patients. She practised and taught these principles at her Soft Tissue Trauma Clinics, based at the Emergency Department of the then Auckland Public Hospital. She also lectured widely to nurses, medical students, general practitioners and surgeons.
Joan Chapple's primary hypotheses were: 1. Injury initiates a series of coordinated living responses. 2. Living cells need to be nurtured in a moist and non-toxic environment. 3. The speed and quality of recovery and repair after injury depends on the circulation. 4. The body recovers and heals with or without treatment, but never without circulation.
This republication of "Chapple's Wound Care and Healing" comes with a modern orientation and includes expert commentaries, many of which confirm that Dr Chapple's thinking, knowledge and surgical principles were ahead of their time. In addition, it contains a new chapter explaining her extraordinary life and career for a world readership.
Joan Chapple remains an important virtual mentor to future generations of surgeons, nurses, emergency specialists and general practitioners.

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Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021 by Jian Li
English | EPUB | 2021 | 613 Pages | ISBN : 3030654923 | 140 MB
The collection focuses on the advancements of characterization of minerals, metals, and materials and the applications of characterization results on the processing of these materials. Advanced characterization methods, techniques, and new instruments are emphasized. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

· Novel methods and techniques for characterizing materials across a spectrum of systems and processes.
· Characterization of mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, dielectric, magnetic, physical, and other properties of materials.
· Characterization of structural, morphological, and topographical natures of materials at micro- and nano- scales.
· Characterization of extraction and processing including process development and analysis.
· Advances in instrument developments for microstructure analysis and performance evaluation of materials, such as computer tomography (CT), X-ray and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy (SEM, FIB, TEM), and spectroscopy (EDS, WDS, EBSD) techniques.
· 2D and 3D modelling for materials characterization.
The book explores scientific processes to characterize materials using modern technologies, and focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence among processing, structure, properties, and performance of materials.

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Chasing the Idea of Completeness: Great Book Collections in the Roman World
by Katarzyna Pietruczuk
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3111634388 | 252 Pages | True ePUB | 6.3 MB

This book sets out to explore how the Romans appropriated the Hellenistic concept of a complete library collection. Tracing this idea in the Roman world allows us to reconstruct the discourse on cultural transmission between Greece and Rome. The model of a super-library dominated the landscape of the Hellenistic period. The Romans were fascinated by this ideal, but never wholly embraced it and never formed one leading book collection of their own. This book attempts to answer the questions resulting from this observation: How did the Romans perceive the shifting of the world's cultural omphalos throughout their dominance in the Mediterranean? How did they map the empire of books? How did they acquire books for their private collections? This book contributes to the current debate on ancient scholarship by discussing the evolution of the concept of the library in Rome from a broad and novel perspective, thanks to approaching a gamut of sources which have not previously been brought into the scholarship on Roman libraries, such as Terence's programmatic prologues, testimonies on early Roman literary studies, or the Roman Didascaliae inscription. In addition, a fresh perspective is offered on Galen's newly discovered Peri alypias.

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Chasing the Idea of Completeness: Great Book Collections in the Roman World
by Katarzyna Pietruczuk
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3111634388 | 252 Pages | PDF | 8.2 MB

This book sets out to explore how the Romans appropriated the Hellenistic concept of a complete library collection. Tracing this idea in the Roman world allows us to reconstruct the discourse on cultural transmission between Greece and Rome. The model of a super-library dominated the landscape of the Hellenistic period. The Romans were fascinated by this ideal, but never wholly embraced it and never formed one leading book collection of their own. This book attempts to answer the questions resulting from this observation: How did the Romans perceive the shifting of the world's cultural omphalos throughout their dominance in the Mediterranean? How did they map the empire of books? How did they acquire books for their private collections? This book contributes to the current debate on ancient scholarship by discussing the evolution of the concept of the library in Rome from a broad and novel perspective, thanks to approaching a gamut of sources which have not previously been brought into the scholarship on Roman libraries, such as Terence's programmatic prologues, testimonies on early Roman literary studies, or the Roman Didascaliae inscription. In addition, a fresh perspective is offered on Galen's newly discovered Peri alypias.

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Climate Risk and Sustainability: Emerging Impacts and Future Perspectives for the Financial Intermediaries
English | 2025 | ISBN: 303179141X | 134 Pages | PDF (True) | 2 MB
This book analyzes recent trends and upcoming challenges in corporate governance and risk management in financial institutions with a particular focus on their rule in promoting a sustainable economic growth model. The impact of negative events caused by environmental and climate change can have significant consequences for the real economy and the financial system. This relevant impact has been affirmed several times by financial regulators and supervisors and has led to set objectives and encourage practices in line with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in order to push both financial and nonfinancial firms towards a sustainable and circular economic model. The issue of climate risk change related to finance has launched a wide political debate at international and European level and was deepened investigated in literature. The analysis will be conducted at an international level, with a particular focus on Europe. The interdisciplinary will allow to address multiple issues under three, in our opinion, indispensable different profiles: i) managerial ii) mathematical (quantitative) and iii) legal. In this direction, the research aims to develop new knowledge and skills through the integration and cooperation between the different sectors and disciplines. In the scope of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, the research would deepen the role of finance in accelerating the green transition towards a circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy.

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Climate Science Concepts Born in Hamburg
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031811070 | 178 Pages | PDF (True) | 20 MB
Since the foundation of the Max Planck Institute in 1975 with the now-Nobel laureate Klaus Hasselmann as founding director, the climate science in Hamburg has seen a remarkable boost. Various ideas were brought forward, implemented and tested. Many of them ignited interest in the global scientific community, thus adding significant momentum to the development of modern climate science.

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Commercial Real Estate Investing Guidebook: Simple Steps to Financial Freedom Through Experience, Money Management, and the Ultimate Guide to Success (New ... Business, and Science Collection) by Maxwell M. Ethan
English | September 14, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DH3X24MN | 252 pages | EPUB | 1.25 Mb
Did you know that 80% to 90% of the world's millionaires were created via real estate investing, and they all began as complete beginners like you?

In this book, you'll discover how ordinary people are becoming wealthier than ever via real estate investment.
Most individuals are scared by investing because they believe it requires a lot of money, contacts, or expertise to get started.
This could not be farther from the truth.
There are several methods to invest with little or no money at all!
With the right knowledge, anybody can create a passive wealth-generating real estate portfolio.
There are several ways to do real estate investment wrong, which may cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, countless hours of effort, and even harm your credit score.
Don't take the chance.
This book will save you a lot of time, money, and energy as you work to build long-term wealth.
You'll also learn about the additional advantages of real estate investment, such as cash flow, appreciation, tax breaks, diversification, creating equity, and leverage. It's no surprise that real estate is the most popular investment among billionaires worldwide.
Even complete novices may quickly consummate their first sale in 90 days or less by using our simple 7-step process, which is outlined in our eleven-chapter book.
This book simplifies complex ideas and provides a step-by-step procedure to help you feel secure while buying your first home. Founded on timeless concepts used by famous investors such as Jeff Greene. You do not need a fancy degree, a lot of money, or any experience.
Here's just a sample of what you'll discover inside:You will Understand the Fundamentals of a Commercial Real Estate BusinessHow to Identify Commercial Real Estate Opportunities by Examining Market TrendsHow to Scout Out Potential DealsHow to manage House Flipping RisksHow to Finance Your Real Estate InvestmentHow to Finance Your First Deal with ConfidenceThe best way of Making an Offer and Buying the HouseHow to Choose the Best Way to Sell Your HomeHow to Scale Your Real Estate PortfolioLearn how regular people can become insanely wealthy via real estate investing.Discover the top real estate investments that can change your life (and how to choose the right one for you).Learn about the top investment strategies you may not be aware of right now.Learn how to buy any property type as your first investment.Finance your first deal with confidence, even if you have bad credit.Find, close, and capitalize on your investment.Become an expert in deal analysis and due diligence to avoid making a bad investment.Learn how to make an irresistible offer and negotiate effectivelyHow to Easily Manage Your First Property Or Project and Collect Your First Big Check Stress-free, and more!Discover why time in the market is more crucial than timing the market, as well as other exclusive secrets for top real estate investors.
Even if you've never read a real estate book or invested a dime in your life, this book will demystify the real estate business and help you build your own empire.

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Communication, Smart Technologies and Innovation for Society: Proceedings of CITIS 2021 by Álvaro Rocha
English | EPUB | 2022 | 765 Pages | ISBN : 9811641250 | 105.3 MB
This book gathers high-quality papers presented at International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2021), held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on May 26-28, 2021. This book will present the recent research trends in the fields of software engineering, big data analysis, cloud computing, data engineering, data management and data mining, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, smart systems, robotics and automation, mechatronic design, and industrial processes design.


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CompTIA Certification Study Guide: A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, Linux+ & 500+ Question Practice Book by PrepSphere Solutions
English | January 20, 2025 | ISBN: 8340519948 | 700 pages | PDF | 137 Mb
CompTIA Certification Bundle - 6 Books in 1: A+, Security+, Cloud+, Network+, Linux+ & 500+ Questions Practice Guide!Ready to launch your IT career, triple your certifications, and fast-track your way to high-paying IT roles? This *6-Books-in-1 Ultimate IT Certification Bundle* is your all-inclusive, no-nonsense solution to passing the CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, and Linux+ exams-on your first try! Plus, we've included an exclusive textbook with *500+ expertly curated exam questions* to sharpen your skills and reinforce your knowledge.

Unlike others, we cut through the clutter with simplified, laser-focused content. Each book is meticulously crafted to ensure you grasp the most critical concepts, pass your exams, and apply real-world IT skills faster than you ever thought possible.
Why Choose Our Bundle?Proven Success with Unmatched Learning Speed:
- *98% Pass Rate:* Students report passing their CompTIA exams on the first attempt.
- ⏳ *50% Faster Learning:* Our clear, no-fluff content helps you master exam objectives in half the time.
- *Job Placement Success:* Thousands have landed lucrative IT jobs using our guide and career tools.
Comprehensive 6-in-1 Coverage:
1. **CompTIA A+:** Learn the core hardware, software, and troubleshooting essentials you need to confidently pass the 220-1101 and 220-1102 exams.
2. **CompTIA Security+:** Master cybersecurity fundamentals, from threat management to encryption and access control (SY0-701).
3. **CompTIA Cloud+:** Develop critical cloud skills, including multi-cloud solutions, virtualization, and cloud security (CV0-003).
4. **CompTIA Network+:** Build in-depth networking knowledge, covering IP addressing, subnetting, routing, and protocols like TCP/IP (N10-008).
5. **CompTIA Linux+:** Gain proficiency in the Linux operating system, from installation to system administration and scripting (XK0-005).
6. **500+ Practice Questions Textbook:** A dedicated resource packed with realistic exam questions for hands-on practice and test readiness.
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Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2020: 20th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, July 1-4, 2020, Proceedings, Part I by Osvaldo Gervasi
English | PDF | 2020 | 1090 Pages | ISBN : 3030587983 | 124.1 MB
The seven volumes LNCS 12249-12255 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2020, held in Cagliari, Italy, in July 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was organized in an online event.

Computational Science is the main pillar of most of the present research, industrial and commercial applications, and plays a unique role in exploiting ICT innovative technologies.
The 466 full papers and 32 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1450 submissions. Apart from the general track, ICCSA 2020 also include 52 workshops, in various areas of computational sciences, ranging from computational science technologies, to specific areas of computational sciences, such as software engineering, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, and of applications in many fields.

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Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2020: 20th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, July 1-4, 2020, Proceedings, Part IV by Osvaldo Gervasi
English | PDF | 2020 | 1085 Pages | ISBN : 3030588106 | 224.35 MB
The seven volumes LNCS 12249-12255 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2020, held in Cagliari, Italy, in July 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was organized in an online event.

Computational Science is the main pillar of most of the present research, industrial and commercial applications, and plays a unique role in exploiting ICT innovative technologies.
The 466 full papers and 32 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1450 submissions. Apart from the general track, ICCSA 2020 also include 52 workshops, in various areas of computational sciences, ranging from computational science technologies, to specific areas of computational sciences, such as software engineering, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, and of applications in many fields.

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