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Web-basierte Informationsaustauschplattform für internationale humanitäre Projekte By Stefan Hüsemann (auth.)
2003 | 338 Pages | ISBN: 382442164X | PDF | 9 MB
Eine Vielzahl von international tätigen humanitären Organisationen versucht, die Lebens-bedingungen der Armen und Benachteiligten dieser Welt zu verbessern. Das Management solcher Entwicklungsprojekte ist eine Herausforderung, da eine Vielzahl von Stakeholdern berücksichtigt werden sollte und die Hilfsleistungen verschiedener Organisationen koordiniert werden müssen. Computergestützte Informations-systeme können helfen, den in humanitären Organisationen geschwächten kybernetischen Regelkreis zu schließen, indem sie das "organisational learning" fördern und den Informationsaustausch zur besseren Koordination sicherstellen. Stefan Hüsemann untersucht Informations-systeme für humanitäre Projekte und betrachtet dabei sowohl betriebswirtschaftliche als auch informations- und kommunikations-technische Aspekte. Er analysiert Architekturen für schwach gekoppelte, verteilte Informationssysteme und beschreibt Standards für den Austausch elektronischer Informationen. Eine Marktstudie erforscht den Stand web-basierter Informations-systeme für humanitäre Organisationen. Der Autor stellt sein Konzept einer web-basierten Informations-austauschplattform für qualitative und quantitative Projektinformationen vor. Die Extensible Markup Language (XML) und darauf aufbauende Standards bilden die Grundlage des als Prototyp realisierten "Development Information Exchange System". Das Konzept trägt zur Schließung des kybernetischen Regelkreises bei und berücksichtigt die Besonderheiten im humanitären Bereich sowie theoretische Erkenntnisse aus dem Informations- und Wissensmanagement.

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WHATSAPP BUSINESS: Mastering WhatsApp Business: Your Guide to Driving Direct & Repeat Bookings through Social Media and Branding Synergy by Daniela Derin
English | April 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D239BSQZ | PDF | 28 Mb
Unlock the power of WhatsApp and revolutionize your business!

In this comprehensive guide, discover how to leverage the full potential of WhatsApp to not only retain customers but also keep them eagerly anticipating their next interaction with your brand.
This book delves deep into the myriad ways WhatsApp can enhance your business operations. Learn how to craft engaging posts, utilise innovative features, and build lasting relationships with your audience.
But the journey doesn't stop there. We'll show you how to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp with your Instagram and Facebook accounts, creating a dynamic ecosystem that amplifies your brand presence across social media platforms.
Whether you've got experience in social media or just starting out, "WhatsApp for Business" equips you with the tools and strategies to stand out in today's competitive landscape. Transform your business into a beacon of guest satisfaction and loyalty.

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Diane Kannady, "Why Did This Happen? What Is God Doing?"
English | ISBN: 0984696725 | 2015 | 120 pages | EPUB | 424 KB
Life is filled with challenges that cause real heartache and pain. These difficulties can be even harder to overcome when we ask two seemingly innocent questions: Why did this happen? and What is God doing?Join author Diane Kannady as she reveals how incorrect answers to the why and what questions can diminish your faith in the midst of hard times. Diane also will help you understand how God works in life's trials as she guides you through a careful review of scripture and a study of the lives of several well-known Bible figures.Why Did This Happen? What is God Doing? is a close companion to Diane's first book, God is Good...and Good Means Good. In this follow-up study, she continues to explore numerous aspects of God's character that will encourage you no matter what adversity you may be facing.Topics include:* God's unconditional love* Your value and worth* God's present purpose* The cure for complaining* A right perspective on troubles* Responding versus reactingIf you're trying to make sense of life's unexpected hardships, then Why Did This Happen? What is God Doing? is for you. You'll learn how to keep the why and what questions at bay with knowledge of God's Word. You'll also gain an even greater appreciation for God's ability to work genuine good out of every situation that comes your way.

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Ramona Zabriskie, "Wife for Life: The Power to Succeed in Marriage"
English | ISBN: 1490597417 | 2013 | 256 pages | EPUB | 488 KB
Winner Kirkus Indie Reader Discovery Awards, Reader's Favorite International Book Awards, Indie Excellence Book Awards, and USA Best Books Awards. In a marketplace full of relationship books that range from clinical to sensational, Ramona Zabriskie's Wife for Life, The Power to Succeed in Marriage stands out for its sympathetic, elegant wisdom. Written in a warm, feminine tone, this book masterfully interlaces authoritative voices with personal stories from the author's 37 year marriage and her motivational speaking and mentoring career. Nearly divorced two years after her own wedding, the author has become an advocate and exemplar of marital success for women who want to believe. Her compassion and know-how, uniquely presented in three parts: "Why You Both Want a Grand, Lifelong Marriage", "How to Avoid Becoming a Dream Breaker", and "What to Do to Make Dreams Come True", is proving transformative. Inspired by new perspective, women from every stage of life and marital status are gaining the skills, confidence, and long-range vision needed to affect their own happiness as well as the ultimate outcome of their marriage. Wife for Life has helped women turn troubled marriages around, transform good marriages into great ones, and grow great marriages into "grand empires of love" that can last forever.

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Michael McGrath, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare Applications"
English | 2009 | pages: 259 | ISBN: 1596933054 | PDF | 4,0 mb
Unlike other books on wireless sensor networks that are geared to the healthcare industry, this unique reference focuses on methods of application, validation, and testing based on real deployments of sensor networks in the clinical and home environments.

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Wissensbasierte Diagnose- und Informationssysteme: Mit Anwendungen des Expertensystem-Shell-Baukastens D3 By Prof.Dr. Frank Puppe, Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Bamberger, Dr. Ute Gappa, Dr. Karsten Poeck (auth.)
1996 | 285 Pages | ISBN: 3540613692 | PDF | 17 MB
Moderne Diagnosesysteme sollen nicht nur zu einer Problemstellung eine Lösung liefern, sondern auch als intelligente Informations- und Trainingssysteme alles Wissen bereitstellen, das in der Einsatzumgebung benötigt wird. Dazu gehören u.a. formalisiertes heuristisches, kausales und fallbasiertes Problemlösungswissen, informelles Zusatzwissen, multimediale Illustrationen, Fallsammlungen und statistische Auswertungen.Dieses Buch vermittelt die erforderlichen theoretischen Konzepte hierfür und konkretisiert sie so weit, daß der Leser insbesondere in medizinischen, technischen und Dienstleistungsbereichen selbst Diagnose- und Informationssysteme entwickeln kann. Es ist damit gleichermaßen für Studium und Praxis geeignet.

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Wood Pellet Smoker and Grill Cookbook: Complete Pitmaster Book for Smoking and Grilling Meat, Ultimate Smoker Cookbook for Ultimate BBQ by Roger Murphy
English | April 26, 2019 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B07R6F62GY | 137 pages | EPUB | 26 Mb
The All New Wood Pellet Grill Cookbook with Amazing and Irresistible Recipes!

The essential how-to guide for your wood pellet smoker, use this complete guide to smoke all types of meat, seafood, veggies, and game. A complete cookbook for those who want to smoke meat without needing expert help from others. Offers detailed guidance obtained by years of smoking meat includes clear instructions and step-by-step directions for every recipe. The only guide you will ever need to professionally smoke a variety of food, includingbeef, pork, ham, lamb, fish and seafood,chicken and turkey, vegetables, and gamerecipes such as:
The book includes photographs of every finished meal, helpful tips and tricks on making BBQ and SMOKING MEAT to make your job easier. Whether you are a beginner meat smoker or looking to go beyond the basics, the book gives you the tools and tips you need to start that perfectly smoked meat.

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Anne Pierce, "Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman: Mission and Power in American Foreign Policy"
English | 2007 | pages: 320 | ISBN: 1412806631 | PDF | 17,6 mb
The modern world derives part of its meaning and definition from the foreign policy formulations of Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman. These presidents viewed the enhancement of American power and the invigoration of American principles as the only response to modem problems such as imperialism, bolshevism, fascism and "total war." The fact that Europe and Asia had submitted to the disastrous consequences of their ideas meant that we had to project and promote our democratic alternative. If we were to live up to our mission and our character, we had to accept radically new responsibilities. This work reveals the important relationship between these presidents and explores the reverential, yet revolutionary relationship each had with broader American traditions.

Wilson came to power at a time when both need and the means for change were apparent. In the face of looming war and global turmoil, Wilson took full advantage of America's emerging world-power status. While he held to the traditional American ideal of setting a democratic example, he reconceived it as an obligation to actively promote democracy and self-determination abroad. Indeed, he construed our increased involvement in the world as the logical fulfillment of our democratic purpose. In the heated aftermath of World War II, Truman echoed Wilson's assertion that only the fortification of democracy and the "influence" of America could ease European tensions and prevent future wars.
While Truman's early foreign policy is often said to exhibit Wilsonian internationalism, his later "power politics," Pierce shows that all of his foreign policy was underlain by his determination never to let what had happened during and between two world wars happen again. Pierce demonstrates that even Truman's most avid departure from Wilsonianism, his plunge into geopolitics and his build-up of the military power of the free world, was saturated with Wilsonian ideals. "Containment" was underlain by the conviction that, even though it faced fascism and bolshevism, freedom was on the march, and by the surety that democracy is lasting, peaceful and beneficial.
As Pierce studies these presidents within the synergistic interplay of ideas and policies, she compels us toward a fruitful dialogue with the American past. Truman's brilliantly construed version of Wilsonianism, this book argues, holds great promise for us today.

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Workflow-Management in der industriellen Praxis: Vom Buzzword zum High-Tech-Instrument By Bernd F. Müller, Patrick Stolp (auth.)
1999 | 279 Pages | ISBN: 3540646620 | PDF | 12 MB
Workflow-Management Systeme sind ein wesentlicher Faktor zur Bewältigung betrieblicher Herausforderungen: Elektronisch gestützte und geführte Arbeitspläne und -abläufe auch für die nicht produzierenden Unternehmensbereiche schaffen den Schub, die Produktivitätsreserven in eben diesen Bereichen zu mobilisieren. Neben einer allgemeinen Einführung zur Thematik und einer Darstellung ausgewählter, am Markt erhältlicher Systeme, wird die generelle Konzeption und Implementierung eines Workflow-Projektes beschrieben. Dabei werden sowohl rechtliche als auch Kosten/Nutzen-Aspekte berücksichtigt. Der Praxisteil des Buches umfaßt industriell nutzbare Beispiele in SAP Business Workflow.Die Schwerpunkte des Buches auf einen Blick:Workflow: Konzepte und ModelleDie Arbeit der Workflow Management Coalition (WFMC)Workflow-ToolsFaktoren der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Workflow-Management-AnwendungenJuristische Aspekte beim Einsatz von Workflow-ManagementPraxisbeispiele

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LIU Yan, "Woven Arch Bridge: Histories of Constructional Thoughts"
English | 2020 | pages: 413 | ISBN: 0367618230, 0367624311 | PDF | 337,7 mb
This book focuses on the woven arch bridge, an arch-shaped structure that is one of the most extraordinary timber building traditions of the world. The woven arch bridge exists widely in different cultures and its specific nature is conceptualized by the author as a kind of "universal uniqueness," challenging widespread viewpoints on its origin and genealogy.

Taking this argument as its main thread, the book traces the histories of different woven-arch-bridge-cultures and investigates in particular the woven arch bridge in the mountains of Southeast of China from three angles, using both archaeological and anthropological methods. Resting upon these case studies, a definition of typology and a new theory of structural evolution are established, while the book also draws comparisons between western and eastern timber building cultures and offers new insights on the differences between East Asia and Europe.
The book also provides a large number of examples and illustrations of the bridge, and will be of great value and inspiration for architects and scholars studying the history of architecture, bridges, and construction, while also appealing to general readers interested in historical bridges and traditional construction technology.

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Sam Tregar, "Writing Perl Modules for CPAN"
English | 2002 | pages: 308 | ISBN: 159059018X | PDF | 3,5 mb
Writing Perl Modules for CPAN offers Perl developers a comprehensive guide to using and contributing to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Starting with a general overview of CPAN's history, network topology, and navigational mechanisms, the book quickly brings you up-to-speed regarding how to search out and install available modules. However, in the true open source spirit, author and experienced Perl developer Sam Tregar teaches you how to not only use, but also contribute to CPAN via an in-depth discussion of module creation, submission, and maintenance.

Beginning with a survey of basic design principles, Tregar takes care to discuss all issues relevant to developers wishing to create great Perl modules, including choosing a proper name, properly using Perl's POD (plain old documentation) feature, concepts surrounding functional and object-oriented API development, and much more. Tregar then proceeds with a complete dissertation of how modules should conform to CPAN module specifications, covering required distribution files and coding considerations, in addition to offering advice regarding proper module testing. After demonstrating how to create a module and prepare it for release, Tregar guides you through the CPAN module submission process and discusses module maintenance once the module has been contributed to the CPAN service.
Writing Perl Modules for CPAN is an indispensable guide for anyone wishing to make the most of the CPAN service.

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Diane Booth Gilliam, "Yogastrology: Yoga Meets Astrology"
English | ISBN: 1483996905 | 2013 | 120 pages | EPUB | 7 MB
The subject matter is great, synthesizing yoga and astrology...with asanas, journaling exercises, and more. All are woven together delicately and effectively, and it's a joy. Yogastrology® is born, and I guarantee it will become huge! reader's review. . . .I am honored to be included in this project. -Elena Brower. . . .LOVE IT! So happy to be included. -David Romanelli. . . .We thought it'd simply be a book full of poses that are good for certain sun signs (i.e., Cancers should do heart opening poses), but it's so much easy read that gives you all the need-to-know info. -Alignyo. . . .Love this project! Really innovative. -Gioconda Parker. . . .Sleek new 108-page book. I read it cover-to-cover. -Ava Taylor, YAMA Talent. . . .Such an honor to be involved in this project! -Coral Brown. . . .I love the simplicity and accessibility of this beautiful book. The cover is so gorgeous! The writing eloquent, deep and clear. -Damiana Carpizo. . . .Connects asana with astrology in a way I've never seen done before. This really personalizes a yoga practice while explaining what's going on around us. So enlightening! -Laurèn Rovira Mohara Devi.. . .This new book and DVD are gorgeous. Visionary. So thrilled to hold it in my hand! -Shakti Sunfire. . . Impressive. -Richard Rosen, Contributing Editor at Yoga Journal. . . .Very attractive. -Phil Catalfo, Former Senior Editor at Yoga Journal. . . .This groundbreaking new book also features intimate, exclusive interviews with several well-known yogis who tell poignant real-life tales about the yoga-meets-astrology connection. They tell us how it functions in their lives and help us "get" how Yogastrology® work. . . Colleen Saidman Yee, Leo (DVD). . .David Romanelli, Gemini. . .Elena Brower, Libra. . .Faith Hunter, Virgo. . .Hemalayaa Behl, Cancer. . .Kathryn Budig, Gemini. . .Leah Kim, Aquarius. . .Sadie Nardini, Scorpio. . .Sarah Platt-Finger, Aquarius. . .Shakti Sunfire, Sagittarius. . .Tiffany Cruikshank, Libra. . .and many more. . .In this book, you will travel back in time to Yogastrology®'s roots in India . . Get an Introduction to Solstice and Equinox Yoga and Seasonal Wellness Practices. . .See Yoga in Sync with the Four Main Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. . .Get 70+ recommended asanas-Yogastrology® works with all yoga brands. . .Read about the ruling planets. . .Do Yogic explorations and Journaling exercises. . .Feel the potency of empowering affirmations. . .Get an overview of the complete zodiac. . .Bonus: some chapters also contain notes on the subtle body, chakras, ancient mantras, and healing mudras. Enjoy this amazing, 108-page new book. Namaste.

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sydney sherman, "You Are Not Alone Our Loved Ones Are Here"
English | ISBN: 0615642020 | 2012 | 182 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Sherman encourages people to think about the potential the paranormal holds for all of us. You Are Not Alone Our Loved Ones Are Here...You''re just not Listening. All I ask is that you open your ears,unlock all your senses, and allow your "peeps" to be a part of your life. Sherman hopes her work helps everyday people to avoid falling prey to the frauds of the field. She guides readers to learn how to connect with their own loved ones.

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Youtube Millionaire Mastery: The Agency & Consultant's Guide To 7-Figure Success by Stewart Vickers
English | May 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW9GJKJ3 | 101 pages | MOBI | 0.93 Mb
Are you struggling to grow your business and make real money online?

YouTube expert Stewart Vickers reveals the secrets to achieving 7-figure success through the power of video in "YouTube Millionaire Mastery: The Agency & Consultant's Guide to 7-Figure Success".
After a bad few weeks for his early-stage agency when economic changes forced multiple clients to quit, Stewart discovered the immense potential of YouTube to rapidly scale a business. Within just a few months, he went from losing half his monthly revenue in a single week to hitting $55,000 per month, with only 5000 YouTube subscribers.
In this groundbreaking book, Stewart shares his proven framework for YouTube success, including:
* His simple "10 minute edit" process for pumping out effective videos fast, with minimal equipment
* The viral video "hook formula" that gets viewers to watch to the end
* Building an engaged email list of superfans eager to buy from you
* Selling high-ticket services and attracting top sponsors
* Advanced strategies to make any video trend on YouTube and Google
Whether you run an agency, consultancy, or sell info products, courses and more, this is your roadmap to building a 7-figure empire on YouTube. Stop hesitating and start taking massive imperfect action. As Stewart shows, consistency and persistence are key - those who publish quality videos daily will be richly rewarded.
Don't waste years trying to figure it out on your own. Learn from someone who has achieved the YouTube dream, growing from an unknown to an icon in his industry in record time. "YouTube Millionaire Mastery" is your chance to replicate Stewart's success and build the online business you've always wanted.

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Zero Trust Security Handbook by Mark David
English | September 13, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DH2TS6NN | 111 pages | EPUB | 1.31 Mb
The Zero Trust Security Handbook is a detailed guide for organizations and IT professionals looking to modernize their security approach in an increasingly digital world. This book dives deep into the Zero Trust architecture, which advocates for strict identity verification and continuous monitoring of user behavior, ensuring that no entity inside or outside the network is automatically trusted.From understanding the fundamental principles of Zero Trust to implementing network segmentation, identity access management, and encryption, this handbook covers it all. With practical case studies from industries such as finance, healthcare, and cloud services, the book also outlines how organizations can navigate the challenges of integrating Zero Trust into legacy systems and emerging technologies like IoT and cloud computing.Whether you're a cybersecurity expert, IT leader, or business professional, this guide equips you with actionable insights to safeguard your digital assets in today's evolving threat landscape.

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5-Minute Pediatric Consult by Michael Cabana MD MPH
English | October 10, 2018 | ISBN: 1496381769 | 1136 pages | PDF | 16 Mb
Make the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic decisions quickly and efficiently!

Find answers fast with The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, 8th Edition - your go-to resource for the effective medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Using the proven 5-Minute format, it provides rapid access to information on diagnosis, treatment, medications, follow-up, and associated factors for more than 500 diseases and conditions. The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult is designed to help you make quick, accurate decisions every day ... helping you save time and offer every patient the best possible care.Get quick access to all-new topics , including Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Vaccine Refusal, Zika Virus, Chikungunya Virus, Transgender Youth, and Follow-up of NICU Graduates.Reorganized and updated appendix includes unique identifiers for dozens of genetic conditions, associated inheritance patterns, specific gene(s) involved, mechanism of a disease, descriptions of the associated clinical findings, and a Glossary of Genetic Syndromes important for the care of children.Find the answers you need quickly thanks to an intuitive, at-a-glance format, with concise, bulleted text; ICD-10 codes; FAQs; and much more.Consult "The 5-Minute Educator" appendix for instruction of trainees at all levels.Written by experts in the field of pediatrics and associated subspecialties and published by the leader in medical content, The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, 8th Edition includes a 10-Day Free Trial to is a quicker, more valuable, evidence-based, online workflow tool easily integrated at the point-of-care. provides online-exclusive content, including:
*Additional 1,500+ diseases and conditions
*Semantic search - for targeted results from reliable resources including 5-Minute Clinical Consult
*Online-only treatment and diagnostic algorithms
*More than 3,500 patient handouts in Spanish and English
*Over 200 step-by-step procedure and physical therapy videos to enhance procedural skills
Consider a subscription to, available for 3 years with the purchase of The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult Premium: 3-Year Enhanced Online Access + Print, 8th Edition or an online-only subscription, available

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7 Chakras Guided Meditation: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown. Healing for Beginners to Advanced with Sanskrit Vedic History ... and Relaxation by Diohka Aesden
English | July 19, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CCGWDVPF | 63 pages | EPUB | 4.70 Mb
7 CHAKRAS GUIDED MEDITATION with Sanskrit Vedic History.

The intersection of meditation and history.
7 Chakras Guided Meditation is a complete series of seven meditations, each focused on one of the seven chakras (bodily energy centers) within the body. Starting with the Root Chakra, these meditations move up through the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Throat Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and finally the Crown Chakra.
This series is special in that it is both relaxing and historically enlightening - while each chakra is opened and balanced, there are stories of the history of each chakra from its Sanskrit Vedic roots. This helps promote additional visualization that goes far beyond the personal, into the collective history of the stories of the chakras from thousands of years ago.
Both beginner and advanced will enjoy these meditations - use them to read to yourself or to read to others!

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10/7: 100 Human Stories by Lee Yaron, Joshua Cohen
English | September 24, 2024 | ISBN: 1250366283 | 288 pages | PDF | 3.49 Mb
The definitive account of the 10/7 attacks through the stories of its victims and the communities they called home.

On October 7, 2023―the Sabbath and the final day of the holiday of Sukkot―the Gaza-based terror group Hamas launched an unprecedented assault on the people of Israel. Crashing through the border, attacking from the sea and air, militants indiscriminately massacred civilians in what became one of the worst terror attacks in modern history, and the most lethal day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.
A radically passionate work of investigative journalism and political critique by acclaimed Haaretz reporter Lee Yaron, 10/7 chronicles the massacre that ignited a war through the stories of more than 100 civilians. These stories are the products of extensive interviews with survivors, the bereaved, and first responders in Israel and beyond. The victims run the gamut from left-wing kibbutzniks and Burning Man-esque partiers to radical right-wingers, from Bedouins and Israeli Arabs to Thai and Nepalese guest workers, peace activists, elderly Holocaust survivors, refugees from Ukraine and Russia, pregnant women, and babies.
At a time when people are seeking a deeper understanding of the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how internal political turmoil in Israel has affected it, they predominantly encounter perspectives from the powerful―from politicians and military officers. 10/7 takes a fresh approach, offering answers through the stories of everyday people, those who lived tenuously on the border with Gaza.
Yaron profiles victims from a wide range of communities―depicting the fullness of their lives, not just their final moments―to honor their memories and reveal the way the attack ripped open Israeli society and put the entire Middle East on the precipice of disaster. Each chapter begins with a portrait of a community, interweaving history with broader political analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to provide context for the narratives that follow. Ultimately, 10/7 shows that the tragedy is much greater than the violence of the attacks, and in fact extends back through the entire Netanyahu era, which propagated a false image of Israel as a technologically advanced, militarily formidable powerhouse so essential to the region that it could continue to ignore and undermine Palestinian statehood indefinitely.

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30-Day Ultimate Social Media Guide: Becoming a Social Media Influencer by LEONARD NTEONWE
English | July 27, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CD2BZV6D | 287 pages | EPUB | 1.60 Mb
In today's digital age, social media has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. It has given rise to a new breed of influential individuals known as social media influencers and opinion leaders. These individuals have the power to shape opinions, drive trends, and create meaningful change in our society.

If you have ever wondered how to become an influential figure in the digital world, then this book, "30-Day Ultimate Social Media Guide: Fast-Track to Social Media Influencers and Opinion Leader" by Leonard NTEONWE, is your ultimate resource. Through a meticulously designed 30-day journey, this guide will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to stand out in the crowded world of social media and establish yourself as a respected voice in your niche.
Whether you aspire to become a lifestyle influencer, a fitness guru, a business expert, or anything in between, this book will provide you with the foundations you need to build a loyal following and effectively convey your message to your target audience. Written by Leonard NTEONWE, a seasoned social media strategist and influencer himself, this guide is a treasure trove of practical advice, insider tips, and actionable steps to help you navigate the complex landscape of social media.
In this book, you will learn how to:
1. Identify Your Niche: Discover your passion and define your unique selling proposition in order to position yourself effectively within your chosen industry or topic.
2. Craft Compelling Content: Learn how to create engaging, shareable, and valuable content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action.
3. Grow Your Followers: Explore proven strategies for attracting genuine followers, increasing your reach, and building a community of loyal supporters who are enthusiastic about your content.
4. Collaborate with Influencers: Understand the power of collaborations and partnerships in expanding your influence and leveraging the reach of other like-minded influencers.
5. Monetize Your Influence: Explore various monetization avenues available to influencers, including brand partnerships, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.
6. Manage Your online Reputation: Learn how to develop a strong personal brand, maintain authenticity, and handle criticism or negative feedback effectively.
Throughout this 30-day journey, Leonard NTEONWE will guide you through practical exercises, reflective questions, and case studies to deepen your understanding and help you implement the strategies discussed. Each day, you will gain invaluable insights and develop practical skills to enhance your social media presence, grow your influence, and emerge as an opinion leader in your field.
Whether you are an aspiring influencer, entrepreneur, or professional looking to enhance your personal brand, the "30-Day Ultimate Social Media Guide: Fast-Track to Social Media Influencers and Opinion Leader" is the roadmap you need to achieve your goals. Get ready to transform your social media game and make a lasting impact on the digital world.

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50 Things To See In The Sky by Sarah Barker
English | June 6, 2019 | ISBN: 1911624008 | 144 pages | PDF | 41 Mb
A beautifully presented, practical gift guide to 50 sights in the skies above us complete with a glow-in-the dark front cover. Explained with fascinating, easy-to-understand commentary from astrophysicist and science communicator, Sarah Barker, and illustrated throughout with captivating drawings by Maria Nilsson, each guide helps you locate an incredible sight.

The book is divided into three main sections and whether you use the naked eye, a telescope, or fall into a black hole of online research, you ll discover the limitless wonder of the skies from otherworldly phenomena on Earth like sun dogs, to planets, moons, stars, lunar craters and galaxy clusters.
Naked Eye: Learn how navigators travelled in the past by finding the North Star; say hello to our astronauts and learn how to spot the International Space Station; see a red supergiant star (Betelgeuse); and find out more about solar eclipses.
Further Afield: Find out more about the next closest galaxy, Andromeda; learn about the discovery of Saturn s ears (or rings!); spot an alien storm that s as big as the Earth; and track Little Green Men and ice volcanoes.
Far, Far Away: Learn how baby stars are created by the Pillars of Creation; marvel at the Hubble Deep Field; and unearth the brightest things in our universe, quasars.
The book also includes advice on ideal conditions for observing the stars, telescopes and binoculars, and navigating the skies. With extra tips and a rundown of useful tools, you ll find everything you need to get out there and look up!

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