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Los 10 mejores actores de Hollywood: Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Marlon Brando, Fred Astaire, Henry Fonda, Clark Gable, James Cagney, Spencer Tracy y Charlie Chaplin. (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | October 7, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJMQYCJG | 373 pages | EPUB | 51 Mb
Los estadounidenses siempre han amado a las estrellas de cine, y no han faltado iconos de Hollywood, pero un hombre ha sido considerado durante mucho tiempo la mayor estrella masculina. Desde que se convirtió en protagonista, la imagen de Humphrey Bogart ha calado en los espectadores más que la de ningún otro actor. A finales del siglo XX, cuando el American Film Institute elaboró su lista de las 50 mayores leyendas del cine estadounidense, Bogart encabezaba la lista. Su personaje de tipo duro que consigue mantener su sentido de la virtud por muy comprometida que sea la situación aparece en algunas de las películas más famosas de la historia, como Casablanca (1942), El halcón maltés (1941) y Cayo Largo (1949).

El personaje de Bogart en la pantalla no sólo era deseable (todo el mundo quería ser como Bogart), sino también muy accesible, en el sentido de que interpretaba la figura del hombre corriente mucho más que Cary Grant o Laurence Olivier, por ejemplo. Bogart también fue muy oportuno, y parte de su popularidad se debió al hecho de que alcanzó la fama en una época en la que la industria cinematográfica estaba en su apogeo. El apogeo de Bogart coincidió con la Edad de Oro del cine; el sonido se había integrado con éxito y el sistema de estudios dominaba la industria. Bogart fue la mayor estrella en una época en la que el propio medio tenía un inmenso atractivo para las masas, y ha sido famoso desde entonces.
Las estrellas de cine son veneradas por su capacidad para cautivar al público, y quizá ningún actor lo haya hecho tan bien como Cary Grant, epítome del actor suave y desenvuelto, sólo rivalizado por el extraordinario bailarín Fred Astaire. Grant ofreció una versión del actor masculino que contrastaba con los héroes gángsters y los detectives del cine negro que poblaron la pantalla a lo largo de su carrera. Impecablemente arreglado y siempre vestido a la moda, Grant poseía un magnetismo innegablemente atractivo, al tiempo que se las arreglaba para dar la impresión de ser una persona acomodada y socialmente respetable. Como resultado, Cary Grant poseía una cualidad arquetípica que le granjeaba la simpatía tanto de los espectadores masculinos como femeninos. Después de todo, fue capaz de protagonizar grandes películas hasta bien entrados los 60, e incluso después de retirarse, Grant nunca perdió su encanto y siguió manteniendo un atractivo universal que casi nunca ha tenido rival.
Cuando el American Film Institute reunió a los 100 mejores actores de todos los tiempos a finales del siglo XX, Jimmy Stewart ocupaba el tercer puesto, sólo por detrás de Humphrey Bogart y Cary Grant. Después de todo, fueron los rostros dominantes de Hollywood durante el apogeo de la era conocida como el cine clásico de Hollywood, una época anterior a la aparición de la televisión en la que el cine aún disfrutaba de una supremacía relativamente incontestable sobre el entretenimiento estadounidense. La popularidad de Stewart, Grant y Bogart también va mucho más allá del éxito de cualquiera de sus películas individuales, reflejando su significado cultural mucho más amplio como monumentos de Hollywood durante su Edad de Oro.
Marlon Brando. Pocos nombres en la profesión de actor evocan una reacción tan fuerte, casi visceral. A lo largo de su dilatada y prolífica carrera, fue considerado quizá el mejor actor del siglo XX, así como uno de los más complicados e incomprendidos. Con una capacidad única para mostrar una gran carga emocional y una gran exigencia técnica en la misma interpretación, cambió por sí solo la dirección no sólo del estilo de interpretación estadounidense, influyendo en sucesores como Robert De Niro, Al Pacino e incluso Johnny Depp, sino de la profesión de actor a escala mundial.

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Los anglosajones: Un apasionante repaso a la gente y la historia de Inglaterra desde la Alta Edad Media hasta la batalla de Hastings (Spanish Edition) by Billy Wellman, Edurne Hernandez Delgado
Spanish | January 10, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DSTB3WVY | 168 pages | EPUB | 5.36 Mb
La saga épica de los anglosajones

Adéntrese en el tumultuoso mundo de la Inglaterra primitiva, donde los reinos tribales luchaban por la supremacía y una nueva cultura nacía de las cenizas de la dominación romana. Los anglosajones ofrece un fascinante viaje a través de siglos de historia, desde los albores de la Alta Edad Media hasta la decisiva batalla de Hastings. Este libro es la puerta de entrada a la comprensión de los intrincados acontecimientos, personajes y legados que dieron forma a la Inglaterra que conocemos hoy.
Descubra historias fascinantes, como las siguientes:La caída de la Britania romana: Cómo la marcha de las legiones romanas dejó un vacío de poder que llenaron los nuevos colonos.Migraciones masivas: Cómo la llegada y asentamiento de los anglos, sajones y jutos transformó el paisaje inglés.La conversión cristiana: El papel fundamental de misioneros como Agustín de Canterbury en la conversión de los anglosajones al cristianismo.El auge de los reinos: La formación y el auge de poderosos reinos como Mercia y Wessex.Invasiones vikingas: Las feroces incursiones vikingas y el establecimiento del Danelaw.Alfredo el Grande: La resistencia del legendario rey contra la conquista vikinga y sus duraderas reformas.La batalla de Hastings: El enfrentamiento culminante que puso fin a la dominación anglosajona e inauguró el dominio normando.Sumérjase en la cultura anglosajona y aprenda lo siguiente:Vida cotidiana y asentamientos: Un vistazo a la vida cotidiana de los anglosajones, desde humildes granjeros hasta reyes influyentes.Arte y arquitectura: La exquisita artesanía de joyas, manuscritos y estructuras monumentales.Guerra y táctica: Las estrategias y el armamento que definieron la destreza militar anglosajona.Derecho y simbolismo: Los intrincados sistemas jurídicos y las ricas tradiciones simbólicas que regían su sociedad.Si es usted estudiante, un entusiasta de la historia o simplemente siente curiosidad por el pasado, Los anglosajones le fascinarán e iluminarán. No pierda la oportunidad de viajar en el tiempo y ser testigo del auge y la caída de la era anglosajona.

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Los Sipahi: la historia y el legado de la caballería de élite del Imperio Otomano (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | October 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJN1M56H | 117 pages | EPUB | 4.90 Mb
En términos de geopolítica, quizás el acontecimiento más trascendental de la Edad Media fue el exitoso asedio otomano a Constantinopla en 1453. La ciudad había sido capital imperial ya en el siglo IV, cuando Constantino el Grande desplazó el centro de poder de la ciudad romana. Imperio allí, estableciendo efectivamente dos mitades casi igualmente poderosas del imperio más grande de la antigüedad. Constantinopla continuaría siendo la capital del Imperio Bizantino incluso después del colapso de la mitad occidental del Imperio Romano a finales del siglo V. Naturalmente, el Imperio Otomano también usaría Constantinopla como capital de su imperio después de que su conquista terminara efectivamente con el Imperio Bizantino, y gracias a su ubicación estratégica, ha sido un centro comercial durante años y lo sigue siendo hoy bajo el nombre turco de Estambul.

El fin del Imperio Bizantino tuvo un efecto profundo no sólo en Oriente Medio sino también en Europa. Constantinopla había desempeñado un papel crucial en las Cruzadas y la caída de los bizantinos significó que los otomanos ahora compartieran una frontera con Europa. El imperio islámico fue visto como una amenaza por el continente predominantemente cristiano al oeste, y las diferentes naciones europeas tardaron poco en comenzar a chocar con los poderosos turcos. De hecho, los otomanos chocarían con rusos, austriacos, venecianos, polacos y más antes de colapsar como resultado de la Primera Guerra Mundial, cuando formaban parte de las potencias centrales.
La conquista otomana de Constantinopla también jugó un papel decisivo en el fomento del Renacimiento en Europa occidental. La influencia del Imperio Bizantino había ayudado a garantizar que fuera el custodio de varios textos antiguos, sobre todo de los antiguos griegos, y cuando cayó Constantinopla, los refugiados bizantinos acudieron en masa al oeste para buscar refugio en Europa. Esos refugiados trajeron libros que ayudaron a despertar el interés por la antigüedad que impulsó el Renacimiento italiano y esencialmente puso fin a la Edad Media por completo.
Después de tomar Constantinopla, el Imperio Otomano pasó los siguientes siglos ampliando su tamaño, poder e influencia, chocando con Europa del Este y convirtiéndose en uno de los actores geopolíticos más importantes del mundo. Fue un ascenso que realmente no comenzaría a decaer hasta el siglo XIX.
Como resultado, la vida privada de los Sipahi en el Imperio Otomano era variada y compleja, dependiendo de su estatus social, riqueza, educación y religión. Sus hogares a menudo estaban lujosamente decorados y, por lo general, se los retrataba como personas altamente educadas y sofisticadas. Los Sipahi frecuentemente tenían varias esposas y concubinas, y sus casas estaban equipadas para albergar a sus numerosos invitados. Tenían harenes, donde guardaban a sus concubinas y esclavos, y el mantenimiento de sus harenes era importante para la reputación y el estatus de cada Sipahi.

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Love Yourself First: Your Journey from Romantic Obsession to Self-Love by Chelsea Kisaki
English | May 27, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D2LBTZN3 | 107 pages | EPUB | 0.62 Mb
Embark on a Journey to Discover the Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Have

Are you tired of chasing after love that leaves you feeling empty and unfulfilled? Love Yourself First: Your Journey from Romantic Obsession to Self-Love offers a revolutionary approach to breaking free from the chains of romantic obsession and discovering the unparalleled joy of self-love.
Imagine a life where your happiness isn't tied to someone else's whims but stems from a deep sense of personal worth and contentment. In this transformative guide, you will delve into the very core of romantic obsession, understanding the nature and roots of your feelings. You will learn how media distorts your perception of love and relationships, and how to see through these illusions.
Self-awareness is the cornerstone of this journey. Recognize and dismantle patterns that have long trapped you in unhealthy dynamics. Discover the power of setting personal boundaries and the crucial steps to improving your self-esteem and confidence. Embrace daily self-care practices that fortify your self-worth and pave the way toward emotional independence.
Overcome the fear of solitude by turning it into an opportunity for growth. Learn to communicate assertively, say no with confidence, and redefine what love means to you. Build a life embracing wholesome and balanced relationships, supported by a network of understanding and supportive individuals.
Move beyond mere survival to a fulfilling and vibrant life by setting personal goals and mapping out a future that aligns with your true self. Celebrate each step of your journey, knowing that self-love is a continuous and deeply rewarding path.
Whether you struggle with the pangs of loneliness or the need for external validation, Love Yourself First is your indispensable guide to a more empowered and joyful existence. Dive in today, and take that first courageous step toward living a life that truly honors who you are.

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Edith Vonnegut, "Love, Kurt: The Vonnegut Love Letters, 1941-1945"
English | 2020 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 0593133013 | EPUB | 332,1 mb
A never-before-seen collection of deeply personal love letters from Kurt Vonnegut to his first wife, Jane, compiled and edited by their daughter

"A glimpse into the mind of a writer finding his voice."-The Washington Post
"If ever I do write anything of length-good or bad-it will be written with you in mind."
Kurt Vonnegut's eldest daughter, Edith, was cleaning out her mother's attic when she stumbled upon a dusty, aged box. Inside, she discovered an unexpected treasure: more than two hundred love letters written by Kurt to Jane, spanning the early years of their relationship.
The letters begin in 1941, after the former schoolmates reunited at age nineteen, sparked a passionate summer romance, and promised to keep in touch when they headed off to their respective colleges. And they did, through Jane's conscientious studying and Kurt's struggle to pass chemistry. The letters continue after Kurt dropped out and enlisted in the army in 1943, while Jane in turn graduated and worked for the Office of Strategic Services in Washington, D.C. They also detail Kurt's deployment to Europe in 1944, where he was taken prisoner of war and declared missing in action, and his eventual safe return home and the couple's marriage in 1945.
Full of the humor and wit that we have come to associate with Kurt Vonnegut, the letters also reveal little-known private corners of his mind. Passionate and tender, they form an illuminating portrait of a young soldier's life in World War II as he attempts to come to grips with love and mortality. And they bring to light the origins of Vonnegut the writer, when Jane was the only person who believed in and supported him supported him, the young couple having no idea how celebrated he would become.
A beautiful full-color collection of handwritten letters, notes, sketches, and comics, interspersed with Edith's insights and family memories, Love, Kurt is an intimate record of a young man growing into himself, a fascinating account of a writer finding his voice, and a moving testament to the life-altering experience of falling in love.

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Love, Lies, & NARCISSISM: Understanding The Chaos & Moving Forward by Scott Morvay
English | January 28, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DVD6JMRV | 74 pages | EPUB | 2.68 Mb
Love Lies & Narcissism delves into the tangled web of relationships poisoned by manipulation, deceit, and the insidious traits of narcissists. Through raw insights and hard-hitting truths, this book uncovers the psychological traps that keep you tethered to toxic dynamics and explores the emotional scars left behind. Whether you're seeking to heal, find clarity, or simply understand the complex games narcissists play, this book offers the tools and perspective to break free and reclaim your life. Bold, eye-opening, and deeply empowering, Love Lies & Narcissism is a must-read for anyone navigating the stormy waters of toxic relationships with a narcissist.

This book is tailored for men and women who have been in, or are currently involved in, a narcissistic relationship. Extensive research has been conducted to create this book, which utilizes terminology frequently used within the DSM-5 and the narcissist support community.
The content focuses exclusively on relationships between couples and does not address dynamics involving children, parents, or other family members.This book is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional mental health care, therapy, or legal advice.

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Lovemaking: A Guide to Healing Emotional Wounds, Overcoming Intimacy Challenges, and Deepening Sexual Connection through Tantra by Heinrich Brevis
English | October 14, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DK2WYCDR | 143 pages | EPUB | 0.27 Mb
Unlock the Transformative Power of Lovemaking!

Are you struggling with emotional wounds that hinder your intimacy? Do you long for a deeper sexual connection with your partner but feel lost in the process? Discover how to heal, connect, and reignite the passion in your relationship with "Lovemaking: A Guide to Healing Emotional Wounds, Overcoming Intimacy Challenges, and Deepening Sexual Connection through Tantra." This comprehensive guide offers the tools and insights you need to navigate your emotional barriers and foster a more profound bond with your partner.
About This Book:
In "Lovemaking," you will discover:Healing Emotional Wounds: Learn effective techniques to address and heal past traumas that may be affecting your current relationships, allowing for a fresh start.Overcoming Intimacy Challenges: Gain practical strategies to dismantle barriers to intimacy and create a safe space for vulnerability and connection.Deepening Sexual Connection: Explore Tantric practices that enhance pleasure, intimacy, and connection, transforming your lovemaking into a sacred and fulfilling experience.Cultivating Trust and Communication: Discover the importance of open dialogue with your partner and techniques to strengthen trust, leading to a more satisfying intimate life.Personal Growth through Partnership: Understand how your relationship can be a catalyst for personal growth, emotional healing, and mutual support.Mindfulness in Lovemaking: Embrace mindfulness techniques to enhance your sexual experiences, allowing you to immerse yourself in the moment and deepen your connection fully.Empowerment in Sexuality: Reclaim your sexual power by embracing your desires and needs, fostering a healthy and vibrant sexual relationship.

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by Gates, Stefan;

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1837832196 | 176 pages | True EPUB | 8.03 MB

What are the most statistically-effective flirting techniques? Is there any such thing as an aphrodisiac? And why does everyone on earth fancy George Clooney?
InLoveology, science writer and TV presenter Stefan Gates (author ofRude Science) combines evidence-based research by psychologists, biochemists and neuroscientists to take you on an enlightening journey through some very sticky subjects in his usual humorous style.
Packed with surprising facts, flirting techniques and answers to life's big questions, this is the perfect book for Valentine's Day. Chapters include:
The Biochemistry of Love
The Science of Chat-Up Lines
Is Break-Up Sex Ever a Good Idea?
10 Things Every Sex Therapist Wants You To Know
When Love Goes Wrong
...And Then What?
Loveologyis an exhilarating but surprisingly practical journey through romantic and sexual science. Stefan Gates separates agony-aunt wisdom from scientific data with wit and good humour, striking a delicate balance between bald, bold scientific research and luscious, romantic, unknowable expert opinion.

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Low-Intensity Control of Nerve Tissue Activity
by Mikhail N Shneider, Mikhail Pekker

English | 2024 | ISBN: 0750360321 | 217 pages | True PDF EPUB | 50.12 MB

Our book is written primarily for biologists and physicians but also for physicists, engineers, and students who want to understand the mechanisms of stimulation and signal propagation in nervous tissue. It describes in detail the mechanism of ephaptic coupling, which involves the transmission of excitation from an active neuron to a nearby inactive neuron through a conducting intercellular medium. This connection plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system.The book explains how the interaction of the axon membrane with the electric field of low-intensity microwave radiation leads to a redistribution of transmembrane ion channels in the region of the initial segment of the axon, resulting in an increase or decrease in the threshold for action potential excitation, depending on the radiation intensity.IPEM-IOP Series in Physics and Engineering in Medicine and BiologyPart of

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Lucros com e-books de baixo ticket: estratégias para vender na Amazon e outras plataformas (Portuguese Edition) by Reginaldo Osnildo
Portuguese | September 30, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJBF9NL3 | 182 pages | EPUB | 1.46 Mb
Bem-vindo ao guia definitivo para você que deseja criar, promover e vender e-books de baixo custo com sucesso! No mundo digital altamente competitivo de hoje, se destacar é essencial, e este livro é o seu passaporte para maximizar lucros e alcançar novos patamares com suas publicações.

Este livro foi elaborado com o intuito de fornecer a você um roteiro detalhado e prático, abordando desde a escolha do tema até estratégias avançadas de marketing e vendas. Nosso objetivo é garantir que seus e-books não apenas alcancem um grande público, mas também gerem uma renda significativa e sustentável.
Neste guia, você encontrará técnicas de marketing e vendas específicas para e-books de baixo custo, destacando como você pode posicionar suas obras de maneira competitiva em plataformas como a Amazon e muitas outras. Cada capítulo foi minuciosamente pensado para oferecer insights práticos e acionáveis, permitindo que você aplique imediatamente o que aprendeu.
Aqui você terá acesso a dicas exclusivas sobre a criação de conteúdo relevante, estratégias de precificação eficazes, design atraente, e muito mais. Nosso objetivo é simplificar o processo de criação e venda de e-books, tornando-o o mais lucrativo possível para você.
Além disso, cada capítulo termina com um parágrafo que o direciona para o próximo tópico, garantindo uma experiência de leitura fluida e contínua. Estamos aqui para simplificar sua vida e sintetizar o conhecimento necessário para que você possa se destacar no mercado atual de e-books.
Prepare-se para transformar suas ideias em e-books de sucesso, alcançar mais leitores e construir uma carreira lucrativa. Vamos começar?
O mercado de e-books de baixo custo está em franca expansão. Com a popularização dos dispositivos de leitura digital e o acesso facilitado à internet, os leitores buscam cada vez mais conteúdos acessíveis e de qualidade. Este capítulo oferece uma visão geral sobre o potencial dos e-books de baixo ticket, destacando as oportunidades que você pode aproveitar neste mercado.
Discutiremos as tendências atuais, as preferências dos consumidores e as plataformas mais relevantes para a venda de e-books de baixo custo. Entender o cenário geral é fundamental para você posicionar seus livros de maneira estratégica e maximizar seus lucros.
Reginaldo Osnildo

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Nancy N. Rue, "Lucy Out of Bounds (Faithgirlz / A Lucy Novel)"
English | 2008 | pages: 230 | ISBN: 0310714516 | PDF | 2,6 mb
Prayer is a powerful thing-especially when you're out of options.

Lucy is a feisty, precocious tomboy who questions everything-including God. Understandably, especially after an accident killed her mother, blinded her father, and turned her life upside down. It will take a strong but gentle housekeeper-who insists on Bible study along with homework-to show Lucy that there are many ways to become the woman God intends her to be.
It seems like everybody's got it in for Lucy! Mora's gone boy-crazy for JJ and will stop at nothing to cut Lucy's friendship with him out of the picture. A land developer wants the soccer field, and the town council just might take him up on it. And a wildcat is stalking Lucy's house cats. Worst of all, she's in trouble with her dad. Where can Lucy turn when it seems like nothing's going right?

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Luftwaffe Bomber to Nightfighter: The Memoirs of a Knight's Cross Pilot by Arnold Doring, Thomas Baumert, James Holland
English | June 24, 2024 | ISBN: 1784388165 | 240 pages | PDF | 13 Mb
This book offers the reader thrilling, action-packed snapshots of life as a Luftwaffe nightfighter pilot.

Suddenly, flash bombs to my right, I instantly dive low to avoid being a direct target. We stay down, close above ground ... before too long life returns in the area and we spot men milling around; Richard and Pitt let them have it, but good. We're down to our last bit of ammunition. Some Russians have frozen in fear, others lift their arm, others still lie flat on the ground. Not a single one remembers to get up and fire.'
On 21 June 1941, assigned to Luftwaffe bomber wing Kampfgeschwader 53, the 23-year-old Arnold Döring took off to fly his first mission against the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front. From that day, he kept a diary describing his operations in vivid detail.
These diaries, here translated into English for the first time, give a unique perspective on the action on the Eastern Front, from the point of view of a bomber pilot. Döring's accounts not only give technical aspects but are also filled with suspense and excitement with their close descriptions of bombing raids and narrow escapes from enemy fighter planes.
This unembellished account gives an honest and meticulous record that moves rapidly from one area to another, from one operation to the next. With a detached professionalism, Döring offers us thrilling, action-packed snapshots of life as a Luftwaffe nightfighter.
Döring flew a total of 392 aerial attacks and was awarded the Knight's Cross in April 1945.

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David Applebaum, "Lévy Processes and Stochastic Calculus"
English | 2004 | pages: 409 | ISBN: 0521832632 | PDF | 2,0 mb
Lévy processes form a wide and rich class of random process, and have many applications ranging from physics to finance. Stochastic calculus is the mathematics of systems interacting with random noise. David Applebaum connects the two subjects together in this monograph. After an introduction to the general theory of Lévy processes, he accessibly develops the stochastic calculus for Lévy processes. All the tools needed for the stochastic approach to option pricing, including Itô's formula, Girsanov's theorem and the martingale representation theorem, are described.

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Maastricht Reiseführer 2025: Reise durch Sehenswürdigkeiten, Kultur, Unterkünfte und Kulinarik in den Niederlanden (German Edition) by JOSEPH J. FRAILEY
German | January 2, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DS6N5XGP | 331 pages | EPUB | 0.41 Mb
Maastricht Reiseführer 2025!

Tauchen Sie ein in eine Stadt, in der Geschichte auf modernen Charme trifft
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie schlendern durch kopfsteingepflasterte Straßen, gesäumt von jahrhundertealter Architektur, genießen einen Kaffee auf dem belebten Vrijthof-Platz oder entdecken die Geheimnisse uralter unterirdischer Tunnel. Spüren Sie das Verlangen nach einer Reise, die Sie inspiriert und bereichert? Haben Sie je von einem Ort geträumt, der niederländische Eleganz mit einem Hauch europäischer Mystik verbindet?
Warum dieser Reiseführer Ihr perfekter Begleiter ist
Voller sorgfältig recherchierter Empfehlungen und Insidertipps verwandelt dieser Reiseführer Ihre Maastricht-Reise in ein unvergessliches Abenteuer. Mit dem Maastricht Reiseführer 2025 erkunden Sie die Stadt wie ein echter Kenner, entdecken Highlights, versteckte Schätze und die Geschichten, die diesen Ort so besonders machen.
Das erwartet Sie in diesem Buch:Entdecken Sie die Highlights: Von der majestätischen Basilika des Heiligen Servatius bis zu den lebhaften Märkten in Wyck.Kulinarische Genüsse erleben: Kosten Sie traditionelle niederländische Gerichte, speisen Sie in Michelin-Sterne-Restaurants und probieren Sie lokale Biere.Geheimnisse von Maastricht lüften: Erforschen Sie die St. Pietersberg-Höhlen und spazieren Sie entlang der alten Stadtmauern.Individuelle Reiserouten: Perfekt für Geschichtsliebhaber, Feinschmecker und Familien.
Haben Sie noch Zweifel?
Machen Sie sich Sorgen, sich in einer fremden Stadt zurechtzufinden? Keine Angst! Dieser Reiseführer bietet klare Anweisungen, aktualisierte Informationen für 2025 und praktische Reisetipps, die Ihre Reise stressfrei gestalten. Ob Erstbesucher oder Wiederkehrer, dieses Buch ist Ihr perfekter Begleiter.
Das ideale Geschenk für sich selbst oder Ihre Liebsten
Ob Sie Ihre nächste Reise planen oder einem lieben Menschen Reiselust schenken möchten - dieser Reiseführer öffnet die Türen zur Magie von Maastricht.

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Joe Kissell, "Mac Security Bible"
English | 2010 | pages: 940 | ISBN: 047047419X | PDF | 17,6 mb
Your essential, no-holds-barred guide to Mac security threats and solutions

Myth number one: Macs are safer than PCs. Not really, says author Joe Kissell, named one of MacTech's "25 Most Influential People" in the Mac community for 2008. In this timely guide, he not only takes you beyond the myths, he also delves into the nitty-gritty of each potential threat, helping you weigh the pros and cons of the solutions you might choose. Learn to measure risk versus inconvenience, make informed decisions, and protect your Mac computers, your privacy, and your data with this essential guide.
- Explains the security threats to Macs, including data in transit from your e-mail or network, and malware such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses; these threats, formerly the exclusive worry of PC users, now increasingly threaten Macs
- Explores physical security and hardware barriers, software settings, third-party solutions, and more
- Shows (Mac OSX) users how to develop and enforce security policies
- Covers security for Windows running on a Mac with Boot Camp, virtualization software such as Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion, and more
Learn the full range of options you need to consider to make your Mac safe.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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Machine Learning for Radio Resource Management and Optimization in 5G and Beyond by Mariyam Ouaissa, Mariya Ouaissa, Hanane Lamaazi
English | March 20, 2025 | ISBN: 1032844736 | 234 pages | True PDF, EPUB | 12 Mb
Machine Learning for Radio Resource Management and Optimization in 5G and Beyond highlights a new line of research that uses innovative technologies and methods based on artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques to address issues and challenges related to radio resource management in 5G and 6G communication systems. This book provides comprehensive coverage of current and emerging waveform design, channel modeling, multiple access, random access, scheduling, network slicing, and resource optimization for 5G wireless networks and beyond.

This book is suitable for researchers, scholars, and industry professionals working in different fields related to mobile networks and intelligent systems. Additionally, it serves as a hands‑on resource for students interested in the fields of cellular networks (5G/6G) and computational intelligence.

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Machine Learning for Tabular Data: XGBoost, Deep Learning, and AI
by Mark Ryan, Luca Massaron

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1633438546 | 504 pages | True PDF | 77.59 MB

Business runs on tabular data in databases, spreadsheets, and logs. Crunch that data using deep learning, gradient boosting, and other machine learning techniques.
Machine Learning for Tabular Data teaches you to train insightful machine learning models on common tabular business data sources such as spreadsheets, databases, and logs. You'll discover how to use XGBoost and LightGBM on tabular data, optimize deep learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch for tabular data, and use cloud tools like Vertex AI to create an automated MLOps pipeline.
Machine Learning for Tabular Data will teach you how to:
* Pick the right machine learning approach for your data
* Apply deep learning to tabular data
* Deploy tabular machine learning locally and in the cloud
* Pipelines to automatically train and maintain a model
Machine Learning for Tabular Data covers classic machine learning techniques like gradient boosting, and more contemporary deep learning approaches. By the time you're finished, you'll be equipped with the skills to apply machine learning to the kinds of data you work with every day.
Foreword by Antonio Gulli.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the technology
Machine learning can accelerate everyday business chores like account reconciliation, demand forecasting, and customer service automation-not to mention more exotic challenges like fraud detection, predictive maintenance, and personalized marketing. This book shows you how to unlock the vital information stored in spreadsheets, ledgers, databases and other tabular data sources using gradient boosting, deep learning, and generative AI.
About the book
Machine Learning for Tabular Data delivers practical ML techniques to upgrade every stage of the business data analysis pipeline. In it, you'll explore examples like using XGBoost and Keras to predict short-term rental prices, deploying a local ML model with Python and Flask, and streamlining workflows using large language models (LLMs). Along the way, you'll learn to make your models both more powerful and more explainable.
What's inside
* Master XGBoost
* Apply deep learning to tabular data
* Deploy models locally and in the cloud
* Build pipelines to train and maintain models

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Machine Learning Interview Guide
by Guha, Rehan;

English | 2024 | ISBN: 936589199X | 346 pages | True EPUB | 5.57 MB

This book prepares you with the knowledge and skills to confidently excel in the exciting world of machine learning (ML) interviews and launch a successful career in this dynamic field.
This book offers a collection of curated questions and answers to help readers understand key ML concepts, including data processing, classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, time series, and natural language processing (NLP). While not exhaustive, it focuses on critical topics and common questions often encountered in interviews. The chapters highlight essential concepts without a strict order of importance, reflecting the informal nature of ML interviews. Alongside theoretical knowledge, the book emphasizes the importance of coding and real-world application for a deeper understanding. Practical exercises, coding projects, and continuous learning are crucial to mastering ML concepts.
By mastering the concepts and question-answer formats presented in this book, you will be well-prepared to tackle technical interview challenges and confidently showcase your ML expertise. This guide will help you achieve your career goals in the exciting field of ML.
Key Features
● Major topics and concepts covered in a question-answer format.
● One can gain expertise in how to present an answer during an ML interview.
● Helps to structure the interview process and make it streamlined as per the industry.
What you will learn
● Understand core data concepts for ML.
● Master classification and regression algorithms.
● Learn clustering and dimensionality reduction techniques.
● Analyze and forecast time-dependent data with time series analysis.
● Gain NLP proficiency and understand human language with techniques like tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and advanced language models.

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Machine Learning Via Rust: Machine Learning Using Rust by Evan Pradipta Hardinatha, Jaisy Malikulmulki Arasy, Chevan Walidain
English | October 14, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DK2NH9CZ | 142 pages | PDF | 2.44 Mb
"MLVR - Machine Learning via Rust" is a groundbreaking textbook that combines the theoretical rigor of machine learning with the modern capabilities of the Rust programming language. Tailored for both students and professionals, this book offers a comprehensive and practical approach to mastering machine learning, with a strong emphasis on performance, safety, and concurrency-core strengths of Rust. Covering everything from classical models like linear regression and neural networks to advanced techniques such as AutoML and reinforcement learning, "MLVR" provides clear explanations, step-by-step coding guides, and real-world applications. By the end of this book, readers will be well-equipped to implement, optimize, and deploy machine learning models effectively using Rust, making it an essential resource for those looking to advance their skills in this evolving field.

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Lobsang P. Lhalungpa, "Mahamudra: The Quintessence of Mind and Meditation"
English | 2008 | pages: 275 | ISBN: 8120810740 | PDF | 23,1 mb
Mahamudra meditation is simultaneously the most profound of meditative disciplines and most accessible for modern practitioners. Traditionally passed orally from teacher to disciple, mahamudra instructions point the meditator to the innate perfection of every experience.

When it first appeared in 1986, Mahamudra : The Moonlight The Quintessence of Mind and Meditation was the first presentation in English of a major Tibetan Buddhist work on meditation. This classic guide was composed in the sixteen century by an eminent lama of the Kagyu School and is so comprehensive and practical that it still widely used today as a manual. Divided into two major sections, it presents first the common approach and then the mahamudra approach to tranquility (samatha) and insight (vipasyana) meditation.
Mahamudra is the first English translation of a major Tibetan Buddhist presentation of the theory and practice of meditation-a manual detailing the various stages and practices for training the advanced student. The original Tibetan text of nearly 800 pages was composed by Takpo Tashi Namgyal (1512-1587), a great lama and a scholar of the kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
His text is so vast and thorough in scope that it is still the primary source used by living Tibetan meditation masters in instructing their disciples. The first major text representing the meditational methods of both mahayana and vajrayana Buddhism to appear in English, Mahamudra is an invaluable guide for advanced students, scholars, and Buddhist practitioners. Mahamudra is the first english translation of a major Tibetan Buddhist presentation of the theory and practice of meditation-a manual detailing the various stages and practices for training the advanced student. The original Tibetan text of student. The original Tibetan text of nearly 800 pages was composed by Takpo Tashi Namgyal (1512-1587) a great lama and a scholar of the Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
The first major text representing the meditational methods of both mahayana and vajrayana Buddhism to appear in english. Mahamudra is an invaluable guide for advanced students, scholars, and Buddhist practitioners.

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