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Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization by Guido Brunnett, Bernd Hamann, Heinrich Müller, Lars Linsen
English | PDF | 2004 | 473 Pages | ISBN : 3540401164 | 59.4 MB
Geometric Modeling and Scientific Visualization are both established disciplines, each with their own series of workshops, conferences and journals. But clearly both disciplines overlap, which led to the idea of composing a book on Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization. The editors received 39 submissions of high-quality research and survey papers, from which the 27 strongest are published in this book. All papers underwent a strict refereeing process. Topics covered include: Surface Reconstruction and Interpolation; Surface Interrogation and Modeling; Wavelets and Compression on Surfaces; Topology, Distance Fields and Solid Modeling; and others.


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Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's by Rolando Magnanini, Shigeru Sakaguchi, Angelo Alvino
English | PDF (True) | 2013 | 294 Pages | ISBN : 884702840X | 3.2 MB
The study of qualitative aspects of PDE's has always attracted much attention from the early beginnings. More recently, once basic issues about PDE's, such as existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions, have been understood quite well, research on topological and/or geometric properties of their solutions has become more intense. The study of these issues is attracting the interest of an increasing number of researchers and is now a broad and well-established research area, with contributions that often come from experts from disparate areas of mathematics, such as differential and convex geometry, functional analysis, calculus of variations, mathematical physics, to name a few.

This volume collects a selection of original results and informative surveys by a group of international specialists in the field, analyzes new trends and techniques and aims at promoting scientific collaboration and stimulating future developments and perspectives in this very active area of research.

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Geometry and Theoretical Physics by Joachim Debrus, Allen C. Hirshfeld
English | PDF | 333 Pages | ISBN : 3642763553 | 39.5 MB
The interaction between geometry and theoretical physics has often been very fruitful. A highlight in this century was Einstein's creation of the theory of general relativity. Equally impressive was the recognition, starting from the work of Yang and Mills and culminating in the Weinberg-Salam theory of the electroweak interaction and quantum chromodynamics, that the fundamental interactions of elementary particles are governed by gauge fields, which in ma thematical terms are connections in principal fibre bundles. Theoretical physi cists became increasingly aware of the fact that the use of modern mathematical methods may be necessary in the treatment of problems of physical interest. Since some of these topics are covered at most summarily in the usual curricu lum, there is a need for extra-curricular efforts to provide an opportunity for learning these techniques and their physical applications. In this context we arranged a meeting at the Physikzentrum Bad Ronnef 12-16 February 1990 on the subject "Geometry and Theoretical Physics", in the series of physics schools organized by the German Physical Society. The participants were graduate students from German universities and research institutes. Since the meeting occurred only a short time after freedom of travel between East and West Germany became a reality, this was for many from the East the first opportunity to attend a scientific meeting in the West, and for many from the West the first chance to become personally acquainted with colleagues from the East.


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Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage by Audun Holme
English | PDF | 2002 | 384 Pages | ISBN : 3642075460 | 31.3 MB
This book is based on lectures on geometry at the University of Bergen, Norway. Over the years these lectures have covered many different aspects and facets ofthis wonderful field.Consequently it has ofcourse never been possible to give a full and final account ofgeometry as such, at an undergraduate level: A carefully considered selection has always been necessary.The present book constitutes the main central themes of these selections. One of the groups I am aiming at, is future teachers of mathematics. All too often the geometry which goes into the syllabus for teacher-students present the material as pedantic and formalistic, suppressing the very pow erful and dynamic character of this old - and yet so young! - field. A field of mathematical insight, research, history and source of artistic inspiration. And not least important, a foundation for our common cultural heritage. Another motivation is to provide an invitation to mathematics in gen eral. It is an unfortunate fact that today, at a time when mathematics and knowledge of mathematics is more important than ever, phrases like math avoidance and math anxiety are very much in the public vocabulary. An im portant task is seriously attempting to heal these ills. Ills perhaps inflicted on students at an early age, through deficient or even harmful teaching prac tices. Thus the book also aims at an informed public, interested in making a new beginning in math. And in doing so, learning more about this part of our cultural heritage.


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Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision by Bart M. Haar Romeny
English | PDF | 1994 | 461 Pages | ISBN : 0792330870 | 43.5 MB
Scale is a concept the antiquity of which can hardly be traced. Certainly the familiar phenomena that accompany sc ale changes in optical patterns are mentioned in the earliest written records. The most obvious topological changes such as the creation or annihilation of details have been a topic to philosophers, artists and later scientists. This appears to of fascination be the case for all cultures from which extensive written records exist. For th instance, chinese 17 c artist manuals remark that "distant faces have no eyes" . The merging of details is also obvious to many authors, e. g. , Lucretius mentions the fact that distant islands look like a single one. The one topo logical event that is (to the best of my knowledge) mentioned only late (by th John Ruskin in his "Elements of drawing" of the mid 19 c) is the splitting of a blob on blurring. The change of images on a gradual increase of resolu tion has been a recurring theme in the arts (e. g. , the poetic description of the distant armada in Calderon's The Constant Prince) and this "mystery" (as Ruskin calls it) is constantly exploited by painters.


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Geophysical Approach to Marine Coastal Ecology: The Case of Iriomote Island, Japan by Shinya Shimokawa
English | EPUB | 2020 | 271 Pages | ISBN : 9811511284 | 113.50 MB
This book presents recent results of collaborative studies in geophysics and ecology, focusing on the relationship between the physical environment and the distribution of the marine coastal ecosystems. The study area, the Sakiyamawan-Amitoriwan nature conservation area in Iriomote Island of Japan, is the only oceanic nature conservation area in the country.

The area has no access roads, and the bay perimeter is uninhabited; therefore, it preserves the natural environment with very little human impact. In addition, it has various environmental gradients such as topography and inflows from rivers with mangrove forests which affect the distribution of marine coastal ecosystems such as those containing reef-building corals, sea grasses, and hermit crabs. For these reasons, the area is one of the best places for the study of the relationship between the physical environment and the distribution of the marine coastal ecosystems, a relationship that is important for their conservation but has not been investigated fully. This book is aimed at students and researchers in the fields of oceanography and marine coastal ecology as well as general readers who are interested in coral reefs, diving, and nature conservation.

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George Cukor's People: Acting for a Master Director (Film and Culture Series) by Joseph McBride
English | January 7, 2025 | ISBN: 0231210825 | True EPUB | 536 pages | 84.3 MB
The director of classic films such as Sylvia Scarlett, The Philadelphia Story, Gaslight, Adam's Rib, A Star Is Born, and My Fair Lady, George Cukor is widely admired but often misunderstood. Reductively stereotyped in his time as a "woman's director"―a thinly veiled, disparaging code for "gay"―he brilliantly directed a wide range of iconic actors and actresses, including Cary Grant, Greta Garbo, Spencer Tracy, Joan Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, and Maggie Smith. As Katharine Hepburn, the star of ten Cukor films, told the director, "All the people in your pictures are as goddamned good as they can possibly be, and that's your stamp."

In this groundbreaking, lavishly illustrated critical study, Joseph McBride provides insightful and revealing essayistic portraits of Cukor's actors in their most memorable roles. The queer filmmaker gravitated to socially adventurous, subversively rule-breaking, audacious dreamers who are often sexually transgressive and gender fluid in ways that seem strikingly modern today. McBride shows that Cukor's seemingly self-effacing body of work is characterized by a discreet way of channeling his feelings through his actors. He expertly cajoled actors, usually gently but sometimes with bracing harshness, to delve deeply into emotional areas they tended to keep safely hidden. Cukor's wry wit, his keen sense of psychological and social observation, his charm and irony, and his toughness and resilience kept him active for more than five decades in Hollywood. George Cukor's People gives him the in-depth, multifaceted examination his rich achievement deserves.

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Geotechnical Engineering
by Pardeep Kumar Gupta, R. K. Khitoliya
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9389633117 | 425 Pages | PDF | 6.1 MB

The book exhaustively deals with the fundamental principles of soil mechanics and aims to serve the needs of B.E., and B. Tech students of Civil Engineering. It covers the syllabi of almost all technical universities and institutes. The concepts have been developed systematically. A large number of graded numerical examples and solutions are included. References are made to the relevant Indian Standard codes at appropriate places.

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Gerechtigkeit als Die Unruh im Uhrwerk: Debatten, Gespräche, Aufsätze zu Rechtstheorie, Rechtslinguistik und Methodik, zu Verfassungslehre und Verfassungsvergleichung By Müller, Friedrich
2009 | 281 Pages | ISBN: 3428129466 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Texte dieses Bandes sind im Rahmen der deutschsprachigen Rechtswissenschaft ganz überwiegend unveröffentlicht: Aufsätze zur vergleichenden Verfassungsdogmatik; zur Theorie und Interpretation der nationalen und internationalen Menschenrechte; zu einer materialistischen Sicht auf Verfassung, Gesellschaft, Demokratie; zum emphatisch verstandenen Kern von Demokratie und Republik. Ferner wurden aus den Interviews, Debatten und Gesprächen hier einige ausgewählt: zum Streit um die Möglichkeit einer marxistischen Rechtstheorie; zu den Grundlagen juristischer Methodik; zur noch jungen Disziplin der Rechtslinguistik; zu Praktischer Semantik und Strukturierender Rechtslehre; ferner zu Entstehung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Verortung dieser theoretischen Position und zum Praxis-, Demokratie- und Politikbezug ihrer einzelnen Arbeitsfelder; schließlich zu Streitfragen der gegenwärtigen Rechtstheorie im Zwiegespräch zwischen Forschern aus Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten: Diskussionen, reich an Material und gedanklichen Ansätzen - in der gemeinsamen Zuversicht, Klärung durch Kontroverse und Verdichtung durch Dialog zu erreichen.Was betreibt den Rechtsbetrieb, was treibt ihn an? Es sind Triebe (nach Macht, nach Gütern) und also Konflikte. Auf etwas anderes zielt die Frage: Was beunruhigt die Welt des Rechts? Es ist das Bedürfnis nach Gerechtigkeit inmitten der Konflikte, nach Gegengewichten gegen das "Recht" (die Übermacht) des Stärkeren. Das Paradox besteht darin, dass es gerade die "Unruh" ist, die das Uhrwerk regelnd in Gang hält - das Uhrwerk als einen Betrieb des Rechts und nicht nur als eine Mechanik von Macht. In "Rechtsbetrieb" steckt eben auch "Recht".In diesem Buch geht es - unter all diesen Perspektiven - um das reale Recht und darum, es zu verstehen - das Recht, in dessen Räderwerk das Bedürfnis nach Gerechtigkeit den Platz der Unruh einnimmt.Aus dem Vorwort des Verfassers

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Gerhard Mercator als Theologe By Nieden, Marcel
2014 | 91 Pages | ISBN: 3428141091 | PDF | 1 MB
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Naturwissenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit ist komplex. Religiöse Prägungen und Interessen konnten dem naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisfortschritt entgegenstehen, sie konnten naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen aber auch - wie bei Gerhard Mercator (1512-1594) - anregen, ja geradezu fordern. Die Vorlesung zeichnet die religiöse Biographie des gelehrten Kartographen nach und erkundet anhand der Quellen dessen theologisches Denken. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich Gerhard Mercator, vergleichbar seinen jüngeren Zeitgenossen Galileo Galilei oder Johannes Kepler, nicht einfach einer bestimmten Konfession zuordnen lässt, sondern in Orientierung an einer humanistisch geprägten Geist-Religion divergente Vorstellungen zu einer spannungsreichen Einheit verband.

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Germans in the Antarctic by Cornelia Lüdecke
English | EPUB | 2021 | 290 Pages | ISBN : 3030409236 | 101 MB
While science was usually at the forefront of German Antarctic expeditions, research into the Southern Polar region always had a political or economic component, whether it was about resource use or securing areas of influence.

Cornelia Lüdecke presents the course of the three German Antarctic expeditions from 1901-03, 1911-12 and 1938/39 with their partly dramatic turns and twists and provides insights into everyday life under extreme conditions.
She also evaluates unpublished material from the archives and private estates of the expedition members. She looks at the expeditions from a scientific and political point of view and also deals with the myths associated with the "Schwabenland" expedition during the National Socialist era.
Finally, the author describes German south polar research after World War II, which took different paths in the German Democratic Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany, and gives an outlook on future research.
For the first time, this book presents the history of the Germans in Antarctica in a factual and informative way for the general public. With numerous pictures, some of which have never been published before.

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Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland 1781-1933: Herausgegeben:Brodersen, Kai; Kintzinger, Martin; Puschner, Uwe; Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara; Reinhardt, Volker;Mitarbeit:Demel, Walter; Rose, Andreas; Lachenicht, Susanne; Botsch, Gideon; Bergmann, Wern By Andreas Reinke
2007 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3534154452 | PDF | 1 MB
In dem Zeitraum von der Spätaufklärung im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert bis zum ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelte sich, geprägt von den Bemühungen und Auseinandersetzungen um Emanzipation und Akkulturation, das moderne deutsche Judentum. Religiöse und weltanschauliche Vielfalt kennzeichneten diese neu entstandene deutsch-jüdische Öffentlichkeit, die sich seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zunehmend antisemitischen Vorbehalten ausgesetzt sah.Andreas Reinke analysiert jüdisches Leben im wechselvollen Prozess von Anpassung, Ausgrenzung und schöpferischer Selbstbehauptung, wobei er die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland als integralen Bestandteil der allgemeinen deutschen Geschichte begreift.

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Geschichte der Juden Mitteleuropas 1500-1800: Mitarbeit:Weinfurter, Brigitte Maria; Schulze-Bidlingmaier, Ingrid By Stefan Litt
2009 | 136 Pages | ISBN: 3534184807 | PDF | 1 MB
Das Judentum ist ein integraler Bestandteil der europäischen Geschichte, aktiv wie passiv, als Gestalter, Untertan und häufig auch als Opfer. Im Spätmittelalter wurden die meisten Juden aus den größeren deutschen Territorien verdrängt. Auf den Geldhandel und das Kleinhändlertum beschränkt, versuchten sie sich einen erträglichen Platz in der Gesellschaft zu sichern. Nach der Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges konnte sich jüdische Existenz in deutlich vorteilhafterer Weise und in weiteren Regionen und Territorien entwickeln. Im 18. Jahrhundert wurden durch die Aufklärung die Grundlagen der jüdischen Emanzipation in der Moderne gelegt, andererseits gab es noch immer tiefe traditionelle Frömmigkeit und Mystizismus.Stefan Litt bringt uns klar strukturiert die Geschichte des mitteleuropäischen Judentums in der Frühen Neuzeit nahe - ein umfassender, knapper Überblick auf neuestem Wissensstand!

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Geschichte ohne Epochen?: Ein Essay By Jacques Le Goff
2016 | 188 Pages | ISBN: 3805350368 | EPUB | 1 MB
Jacques Le Goff, der international berühmteste Mittelalter-Experte, kehrt am Ende seines Lebens zu den grundlegenden Fragen seiner Zunft zurück. Warum teilen wir Geschichte überhaupt in Epochen ein? Ist die Renaissance für uns moderne Menschen tatsächlich die Geburtsstunde für das helle, leuchtende Denken, oder muss man, dank des neuen Wissens über die Errungenschaften des Mittelalters, nicht vielmehr beide Geschichtsabschnitte im Zusammenhang sehen? Le Goff zeigt uns nicht nur die Instrumente der Epocheneinteilung, er überprüft mit ihrer Hilfe auch die verschiedenen geistigen, technischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen bis zur Französischen Revolution. Damit kehren wir aber zugleich zu den Fragen zurück, was unsere eigenen Maßstäbe für historischen Fortschritt und Veränderung sind. Ein grundlegender Beitrag zur Geschichte und zur Geschichtsdarstellung ist ihm damit gelungen.

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Geschwister im Familienrecht By Sachs, Susanne
2007 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 3428126068 | PDF | 1 MB
Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit erscheint erstmals ein rechtswissenschaftliches Werk, das sich in monographischer Form mit dem Geschwisterverhältnis auseinandersetzt. Die Geschwisterbeziehung wird im Familienrecht an verschiedenster, häufig versteckter Stelle rechtlich relevant. Susanne Sachs systematisiert diese rechtlichen Auswirkungen und läßt so einen übergreifenden Zugriff des Familienrechts auf das Geschwisterverhältnis erkennen, der nicht zuletzt für die Auslegung von Generalklauseln von Bedeutung ist.Im Hinblick auf den großen Einfluß der bundesverfassungsgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung auf das Familienrecht analysiert die Autorin zudem die verfassungsrechtliche Position der Geschwister. Die Rechtsstellung der Geschwister im Rechtssinne wird derjenigen "sozialer Geschwister" gegenübergestellt. Soziale Geschwister sind alle Menschen, die zwar keine Geschwister im Rechtssinne sind, aber dennoch gemeinsam aufwachsen oder aufgewachsen sind. So verdeutlicht die Autorin nicht nur die Relevanz der rechtlichen Verbundenheit zwischen Geschwistern, sondern auch die schwache rechtliche Position der sozialen Geschwister de lege lata.In Anwendung der so gefundenen Ergebnisse bietet Susanne Sachs Lösungsvorschläge für eine Vielzahl familienrechtlicher Einzelprobleme, die sich im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschwisterverhältnis stellen.

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Getting It Right in Science and Medicine: Can Science Progress through Errors? Fallacies and Facts By Hans R. Kricheldorf
2016 | 285 Pages | ISBN: 1412048435 | EPUB | 1 MB
This book advocates the importance and value of errors for the progress of scientific research! Hans Kricheldorf explains that most of the great scientific achievements are based on an iterative process (an 'innate self-healing mechanism'): errors are committed, being checked over and over again, through which finally new findings and knowledge can arise. New ideas are often first confronted with refusal. This is so not only in real life, but also in scientific and medical research. The author outlines in this book how great ideas had to ripen over time before winning recognition and being accepted. The book showcases in an entertaining way, but without schadenfreude, that even some of the most famous discoverers may appear in completely different light, when regarding errors they have committed in their work. This book is divided into two parts. The first part creates a fundament for the discussion and understanding by introducing important concepts, terms and definitions, such as (natural) sciences and scientific research, laws of nature, paradigm shift, and progress (in science). It compares natural sciences with other scientific disciplines, such as historical research or sociology, and examines the question if scientific research can generate knowledge of permanent validity. The second part contains a collection of famous fallacies and errors from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and geology, and how they were corrected. Readers will be astonished and intrigued what meanders had to be explored in some cases before scientists realized facts, which are today's standard and state-of-the-art of science and technology. This is an entertaining and amusing, but also highly informative book not only for scientists and specialists, but for everybody interested in science, research, their progress, and their history!

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Getting Started with Docker and AI, 2025 Edition
by Nigel Poulton
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1916585302 | 117 Pages | True ePUB | 9.94 MB

2025 Edition - fully updated with the latest Docker features and an AI/LLM project!
Ready to supercharge your career and stay ahead in the fast-moving tech industry?
Dive into the latest edition of this best-selling guide by Docker Captain and industry expert Nigel Poulton. No prior experience required!
What you'll learn:
- Build essential Docker skills with hands-on projects
- Master containerization and streamline application development
- Explore how Docker is shaping the future of deploying AI/LLM applications
- Deploy and manage real-world AI solutions with Docker Compose
Why this book?
Whether you're a seasoned developer, an aspiring engineer, or transitioning into tech, this book gives you the tools to:
- Future-proof your career in the booming fields of Docker and AI
- Gain practical experience with AI chatbot deployment and model configurations
- Stand out in the industry with a deeper understanding of cutting-edge technologies
Key features:
- Step-by-step tutorials that break down complex concepts into actionable skills
- Real-world examples to manage multi-container apps and work with Docker Hub
- Crystal-clear explanations that demystify all the jargon
Your future in tech starts here.
Don't let the future pass you by - grab your copy today and unlock the tools you need to thrive in the tech industry! Your future self will thank you.

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Getting Started with Docker and AI, 2025 Edition
by Nigel Poulton
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1916585302 | 117 Pages | True PDF | 9.63 MB

2025 Edition - fully updated with the latest Docker features and an AI/LLM project!
Ready to supercharge your career and stay ahead in the fast-moving tech industry?
Dive into the latest edition of this best-selling guide by Docker Captain and industry expert Nigel Poulton. No prior experience required!
What you'll learn:
- Build essential Docker skills with hands-on projects
- Master containerization and streamline application development
- Explore how Docker is shaping the future of deploying AI/LLM applications
- Deploy and manage real-world AI solutions with Docker Compose
Why this book?
Whether you're a seasoned developer, an aspiring engineer, or transitioning into tech, this book gives you the tools to:
- Future-proof your career in the booming fields of Docker and AI
- Gain practical experience with AI chatbot deployment and model configurations
- Stand out in the industry with a deeper understanding of cutting-edge technologies
Key features:
- Step-by-step tutorials that break down complex concepts into actionable skills
- Real-world examples to manage multi-container apps and work with Docker Hub
- Crystal-clear explanations that demystify all the jargon
Your future in tech starts here.
Don't let the future pass you by - grab your copy today and unlock the tools you need to thrive in the tech industry! Your future self will thank you.

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Gewalt in den Weltreligionen By Georg Baudler
2005 | 219 Pages | ISBN: 3534159950 | PDF | 1 MB
Religionen waren von Anfang an mit Gewalt verbunden, das zeigt sich sowohl an der Rekonstruktion archaischer Opferrituale als auch in den Ursprungsmythen der Völker. Erst allmählich konnte in der Entwicklung der Glaubensgemeinschaften die Vergöttlichung der Gewalt überwunden werden. Georg Baudler zeichnet diese Entwicklung nach und macht deutlich, welche kulturellen und intellektuellen Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden mussten, um das Ideal des Friedens und der gewaltlosen Auseinandersetzung zu verbreiten. Er hat dabei westliche wie östliche Entwicklungslinien im Auge und arbeitet besonders heraus, wie in der so genannten >Achsenzeit

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Ghosts and the Overplus: Reading Poetry in the Twenty-First Century
by Christina Pugh
English | 2024 | ISBN: 0472039601 | 202 Pages | PDF | 1.38 MB

Ghosts and the Overplus is a celebration of lyric poetry in the twenty-first century and how lyric poetry incorporates the voices of our age as well as the poetic "ghosts" from the past. Acclaimed poet and award-winning teacher Christina Pugh is fascinated by how poems continually look backward into literary history. Her essays find new resonance in poets ranging from Emily Dickinson to Gwendolyn Brooks to the poetry of the present. Some of these essays also consider the way that poetry interacts with the visual arts, dance, and the decision to live life as a nonconformist. This wide-ranging collection showcases the critical discussions around poetry that took place in America over the first two decades of our current millennium. Essay topics include poetic forms continually in migration, such as the sonnet; poetic borrowings across visual art and dance; and the idiosyncrasies of poets who lived their lives against the grain of literary celebrity and trend. What unites all of these essays is a drive to dig more deeply into the poetic word and act: to go beyond surface reading in order to reside longer with poems. In essays both discursive and personal, Pugh shows that poetry asks us to think differently-in a way that gathers feeling into the realm of thought, thereby opening the mysteries that reside in us and in the world around us.

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