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Reintroducing Marcel Mauss By Christian Papilloud
2023 | 140 Pages | ISBN: 103244763X | EPUB | 1 MB
This reintroduction to the life and work of Marcel Mauss highlights his coherent and original thought both as an academic and an engaged intellectual of his time. Since his work regained attention in social sciences in the later 20th century, Reintroducing Marcel Mauss also emphasises the progression of research on Mauss's thought, bringing to light various neglected aspects of his scientific project, including his political commitment and writings. With a review of the contemporary research on Mauss's legacy, it offers a fuller understanding of the questions with which he was concerned questions which converged in the challenge of working out alternative ways for a social life that promotes a genuinely social society inspired by socialist and cooperative values. It will therefore appeal to scholars of sociology and anthropology with interests in the history and development of sociology, and the contemporary importance of classical social theory.

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Relationship Road Map: Step-by-Step Directions to Finding Your Spouse by Stephen Chandler
English | January 21, 2025 | ISBN: 0593194284 | True EPUB | 240 pages | 2.4 MB
Practical, biblical guidance for every step of your relationship journey-from single to dating to engaged to married from the bestselling author of Stop Waiting for Permission.

"A helpful resource for anyone looking . . . to align their relationship with God's heart."-Tim Timberlake
When it comes to romantic relationships, have you ever felt like you are navigating without a GPS, broken down with no help in sight, or running on empty-miles from the nearest gas station? Has the modern dating scene left you heartsick or hopeless? If so, you're not alone, and it's not too late to get on the highway toward your desired destination.
In Relationship Road Map, pastor and bestselling author Stephen Chandler mines Scripture for practical applications to bring hope, healing, and redirection to your journey. Whether you're single and searching, delving into dating, engaged, or jaded from too many bad dates, the hard-won wisdom and biblical insights within these pages will set you on a course toward a healthier, more fulfilling relational future.
As he unfolds the road map, Chandler lays out the keys to navigating your way to the altar and beyond, including the importance of
* beginning your dating journey with marriage in mind
* getting a spiritual tune-up by inviting God to prepare you for the journey
* avoiding dating hazards, dead ends, and obstacles along the route
* following the road rules-dating with integrity and intentionality
* seeking wisdom from seasoned travelers-inviting accountability into your dating journey
* kicking relational hitchhikers to the curb-knowing when the person you are dating isn't the right one
With guidance tailored to the unique perspectives of both women and men, Relationship Road Map speaks to the intricate wiring in all of us, the need to consult the ultimate Instruction Manual at key junctions, and the fuel it will take to arrive safely at the destination where your heart longs to go.
An exciting journey awaits-are you ready to hit the road?

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Relieving Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy: How Women Can Heal Chronic Pelvic Instability by Cecile Röst
English | June 28, 2006 | ISBN: 1630266825, 0897934806 | True EPUB | pages | 2.4 MB
During pregnancy, the ligaments between the pelvic bones soften and stretch to enable the expansion of the birth canal. Unusual pelvic pain, also called pelvic girdle pain or pelvic instability, can result if the pelvis loses its natural alignment. This can make simple daily tasks like walking, sitting, lifting and getting into and out of cars painful, and in some cases can last for many years after the pregnancy.

Physical therapist Cecile Röst developed the exercises in this book after suffering debilitating pelvic pain during her own three pregnancies. Her techniques help women to realign their pelvis so they can once again walk, sit and lie down without pain; care for their children; and enjoy physical intimacy.
Clearly written and easy to read, Relieving Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy includes over 100 illustrations and the real-life stories of pelvic pain sufferers. Röst provides
a guide to pregnancy-related anatomyan explanation of pelvic pain and dysfunction and ways to prevent theminformation on what to expect during and after deliveryways to perform daily activities that will aid the healing processsimple and effective exercises to stabilize the pelvis, including symmetry exercises, stabilization exercises and pelvic-floor exercises
A special section, Part Five, is written for therapists and contains
a template for the patient's case history and the first consultanalyses of research findings, risk factors and pilot studiesguidelines and suggestions for therapy and postpregnancy care
Röst has taught these exercises for over ten years to pregnant and postpregnant women. Ninety percent of her clients have overcome their pelvic pain and its related symptoms by realigning their pelvis. If you suffer from pregnancy-related pelvic pain, there is something you can do - start using this book now.

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Religion in the Media Age, 2nd Edition
by Stewart M. Hoover
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0367649373 | 367 Pages | True PDF | 23 MB

Looking at the everyday interaction of religion and media in our cultural lives, Hoover's book is a fascinating assessment of the state of modern religion. This revised second edition now looks at the digital age, "new media" and the significant role of social media on religion today. While the sheer volume and variety of information traveling through global media changes modes of religious thought and commitment, the human desire for spirituality also invigorates popular culture itself, recreating commodities - film blockbusters, world sport, politics, and popular music - as contexts for religious meanings.
Drawing on research into household media consumption, Hoover charts the way in which media and religion have continued to intermingle and collide in the cultural experience of media audiences. This second edition of Religion in the Media Age is essential reading for everyone interested in how today's mass media relates to contemporary religious and spiritual life.

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Religion, Ethnicity and Xenophobia in the Bible: A Theoretical, Exegetical and Theological Survey By Brian Rainey
2018 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 0815365896 | EPUB | 1 MB
Religion, Ethnicity and Xenophobia in the Bible looks at some of the Bible's most hostile and violent anti-foreigner texts and raises critical questions about how students of the Bible and ancient Near East should grapple with "ethnicity" and "foreignness" conceptually, hermeneutically and theologically. The author uses insights from social psychology, cognitive psychology, anthropology, sociology and ethnic studies to develop his own perspective on ethnicity and foreignness. Starting with legends about Mesopotamian kings from the third millennium BCE, then navigating the Deuteronomistic and Holiness traditions of the Hebrew Bible, and finally turning to Deuterocanonicals and the Apostle Paul, the book assesses the diverse and often inconsistent portrayals of foreigners in these ancient texts. This examination of the negative portrayal of foreigners in biblical and Mesopotamian texts also leads to a broader discussion about how to theorize ethnicity in biblical studies, ancient studies and the humanities. This volume will be invaluable to students of ethnicity and society in the Bible, at all levels.

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Religionen in Nachbarschaft: Pluralismus als Markenzeichen europäischer Religionsgeschichte By Christoph Bultmann, Jörg Rüpke, Sabine Schmolinsky
2012 | 273 Pages | ISBN: 3402158485 | PDF | 1 MB
Die im Jahr 2009 in Erfurt herausgegebene zweibändige Europäische Religionsgeschichte (hg. von H.G. Kippenberg, J. Rüpke, K. von Stuckrad) trägt im Untertitel wie in vielen Kapiteln die starke These vom mehrfachen Pluralismus als ein Markenzeichen europäischer Religionsgeschichte vor. Damit wird eine Alternative zur religiösen Geschlossenheit des christlichen Abendlandes formuliert. Europäischer Sonderweg, das Universitätswesen mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Theologie wie außereuropäischen Philologien und Religionswissenschaft, die Rolle der Esoterik wie des Judentums, Immigration und ethnische Vielfalt - all das sind Themen, die von dieser Frage direkt berührt werden. Ist die Häresiebekämpfung oder die Häresie das Charakteristikum, kann Marginales, können die Ränder zur Charakterisierung der Mitte fruchtbar gemacht werden, ist institutionelle Mehrheit schon der Kern? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes setzen sich mit diesen Fragen auseinander und bringen dafür neues Material aus der europäischen Religionsgeschichte in die Diskussion.

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Religionsunterricht nach dem Glaubensverlust: Eine Fundamentalkritik By Hubertus Halbfas
2014 | 228 Pages | ISBN: 3843602999 | EPUB | 1 MB
Nach dem großen Erfolg des "Glaubensverlustes" beginnt Hubertus Halbfas seine grundsätzlichen Erwägungen und Empfehlungen zu konkretisieren: Die christliche Glaubenslehre in ihrer überlieferten Gestalt findet keine Nachfrage mehr. Sie ist auch nicht mehr zu vermitteln. Das Spektrum der unverständlich gewordenen Ausdrücke reicht vom "allmächtigen Vater" bis zum "ewigen Leben", vom "Schöpfer" bis zur "Auferstehung", von der "Jungfrau Maria" bis zum "Heiligen Geist". Ein Begriffsarsenal, dessen Verfallsdatum abgelaufen ist. Nur in Katechismen und kirchlichen Formeln begegnen noch solche Wendungen, im Leben der heutigen Menschen nicht. Diese Chiffren zu erschließen und mit der realen Welt zu verbinden, überfordert Predigt, Katechese und Religionsunterricht, die Eltern erst recht... Glaubensabbruch und Sprachlosigkeit bestimmen das gemeindliche Milieu. Der Abschied vollzieht sich lautlos, aber umfassend. Mehr mit Unlust und Gleichgültigkeit als nachfragend und kritisch. Diese Krise zu bewältigen, kann nur gelingen, wenn der Glaube nicht mehr als System vorgelegt wird, das in toto zu akzeptieren ist. Vierundvierzig Jahre nach seiner "Fundamentalkatechetik", die bereits 1968 das Scheitern der kirchlichen Verkündigungssprache ansagte, setzt Hubertus Halbfas noch einmal zu einer Fundamentalkritik an. Er fragt, welcher Glaube denn unverständlich geworden ist und welcher Glaube die Lebenswelt der Menschen noch aufnimmt. Diese Problematik zu lösen, traut er nur noch der Religionsdidaktik zu, sofern sie bereit ist, sich dem Grundproblem Sprache und Wirklichkeit zu stellen. Er glaubt nicht, dass im Rahmen der lehramtlichen Gängelei eine befreiende Sprache gefunden wird. Nicht der Gläubige ist das Kriterium für die Verständlichkeit des Glaubens, sondern der Ungläubige. Was der nichtkirchliche Mensch versteht, überzeugt auch den kirchlich Beheimateten.

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Religious Buildings Made in Byzantium: Old Monuments, New Interpretations
by Ivana Jevtić, Nikos D. Kontogiannis
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031688686 | 425 Pages | True ePUB | 39 MB

Each chapter of this volume provides a window into the vibrant world of Middle and Late Byzantium, offering new insights into the complexities of Byzantine ecclesiastical spaces. This illuminating exploration reaches beyond the traditional focus on churches solely as buildings, unveiling the complex tapestry of cultural and social dynamics contained therein. From the towering monuments of Constantinople to hidden gems scattered throughout the empire, the scholars gathered here chart a new course, embracing inclusivity and diachronic perspectives. They trace not only architectural typologies but also material culture, ritual contexts, and sensory experiences, reaching a holistic understanding of the church building. Insights from archaeology, art history, anthropology, and other fields paint a nuanced picture of how Byzantine churches―including the subtleties of sculpted decorations, painted frescoes, and architectural elements―functioned within their communities and historical contexts. Blending regional specificities with global perspectives and sensitivity for the intricate interplay of history, culture, and human agency embodied in these enduring edifices, Religious Buildings Made in Byzantium: Old Monuments - New Interpretations challenges conventional narratives through a set of compelling journeys into the rich legacy of Byzantine religious architecture.

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Religious Buildings Made in Byzantium: Old Monuments, New Interpretations
by Ivana Jevtić, Nikos D. Kontogiannis
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031688686 | 425 Pages | True PDF | 37 MB

Each chapter of this volume provides a window into the vibrant world of Middle and Late Byzantium, offering new insights into the complexities of Byzantine ecclesiastical spaces. This illuminating exploration reaches beyond the traditional focus on churches solely as buildings, unveiling the complex tapestry of cultural and social dynamics contained therein. From the towering monuments of Constantinople to hidden gems scattered throughout the empire, the scholars gathered here chart a new course, embracing inclusivity and diachronic perspectives. They trace not only architectural typologies but also material culture, ritual contexts, and sensory experiences, reaching a holistic understanding of the church building. Insights from archaeology, art history, anthropology, and other fields paint a nuanced picture of how Byzantine churches―including the subtleties of sculpted decorations, painted frescoes, and architectural elements―functioned within their communities and historical contexts. Blending regional specificities with global perspectives and sensitivity for the intricate interplay of history, culture, and human agency embodied in these enduring edifices, Religious Buildings Made in Byzantium: Old Monuments - New Interpretations challenges conventional narratives through a set of compelling journeys into the rich legacy of Byzantine religious architecture.

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Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality By Peter Jonkers; Oliver J. Wiertz
2019 | 296 Pages | ISBN: 0367029375 | EPUB | 1 MB
This book deals with the intellectual aspects of having diverse religious expressions in proximity and the socio-political consequences. It provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on this complex subject, cross-fertilizing work on religious plurality with truth-claims from theologians as well as philosophers from the continental and analytic traditions. The book includes three major parts. Part 1 explores the ideas around religious diversity and truth; Part 2 draws out the epistemic import of religious diversity; and Part 3 concludes the volume by examining the practical and social aspects of religious diversity. Bringing a transdisciplinary perspective to a topic that remains at the forefront of conversation around the religious life of the world, this book will be of great interest to scholars of Religious Studies, Theology and the Philosophy of Religion.

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Lawrence Wright, "Remembering Satan: A Tragic Case of Recovered Memory"
English | ISBN: 0679755829 | | 224 pages | AZW3 | 1221 KB
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower comes "the most powerful and disturbing true crime narrative to appear since Truman Capote's In Cold Blood" (TIME)-a case that destroyed a family, engulfed a small town, and captivated an America obsessed by rumors of a satanic underground.

In 1988 Ericka and Julie Ingram began making a series of accusations of sexual abuse against their father, Paul Ingram, who was a respected deputy sheriff in Olympia, Washington. At first the accusations were confined to molestations in their childhood, but they grew to include torture and rape as recently as the month before. At a time when reported incidents of "recovered memories" had become widespread, these accusations were not unusual. What captured national attention in this case is that, under questioning, Ingram appeared to remember participating in bizarre satanic rites involving his whole family and other members of the sheriff's department.
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Remembering the Jewish and German Questions: Essays on Fairy Tales, Poetry, and Culture
by Jack Zipes
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032903937 | 147 Pages | True ePUB | 3.45 MB

Remembering the Jewish and German Questions: Essays on Fairy Tales, Poetry, and Culture is a selection of Jack Zipes's insightful essays and presentations on fairy tales, Jewish studies, philosophy, drama, and the German public sphere.
The collection begins by considering how fairy tales have been shaped by societies, and how they have influenced society in turn. Zipes considers the history of the Grimms' fairy tales and their popularity and spread - comparing them to an epidemic. The second chapter champions the work and significance of the great philosopher Ernst Bloch, with substantial engagement with the essay collection Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch (Daniel and Moylan 1997). Chapter 3 probes into the way society makes sense of the world through fairy tales and fantasy. In Chapter 4, Zipes explores the shift and reemergence of Jewish culture in Germany in the 1990s. He turns to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to offer insight into the usefulness of a "minor literature" for grasping the impact of Jewish culture as a minor culture in Germany. The next chapter provides a fascinating case study of Hungarian writer and theater director George Tabori's relationship to the Jewish Question through examination of his plays from 1968 to 1996. Chapter 6 looks to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany in 1990, and questions around Jewish and German relationships in the public sphere. The final chapter offers detailed examination of Theodor Adorno's essay "Cultural Criticism and Society" (1951) and remembers forgotten poets who wrote remarkable poems in defiance of the barbarism of World War 2.
This interdisciplinary, transnational, and crosscultural collection gathers essays and presentations from Jack Zipes's captivating oeuvre published or presented across two decades. It provides a celebration of the work of this esteemed and field-defining literary scholar. It is an illuminating book intended for readers interested in fairy tale studies, poetry, drama, and Jewish studies.

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Remembering the Jewish and German Questions: Essays on Fairy Tales, Poetry, and Culture
by Jack Zipes
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032903937 | 147 Pages | True PDF | 2.57 MB

Remembering the Jewish and German Questions: Essays on Fairy Tales, Poetry, and Culture is a selection of Jack Zipes's insightful essays and presentations on fairy tales, Jewish studies, philosophy, drama, and the German public sphere.
The collection begins by considering how fairy tales have been shaped by societies, and how they have influenced society in turn. Zipes considers the history of the Grimms' fairy tales and their popularity and spread - comparing them to an epidemic. The second chapter champions the work and significance of the great philosopher Ernst Bloch, with substantial engagement with the essay collection Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch (Daniel and Moylan 1997). Chapter 3 probes into the way society makes sense of the world through fairy tales and fantasy. In Chapter 4, Zipes explores the shift and reemergence of Jewish culture in Germany in the 1990s. He turns to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to offer insight into the usefulness of a "minor literature" for grasping the impact of Jewish culture as a minor culture in Germany. The next chapter provides a fascinating case study of Hungarian writer and theater director George Tabori's relationship to the Jewish Question through examination of his plays from 1968 to 1996. Chapter 6 looks to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany in 1990, and questions around Jewish and German relationships in the public sphere. The final chapter offers detailed examination of Theodor Adorno's essay "Cultural Criticism and Society" (1951) and remembers forgotten poets who wrote remarkable poems in defiance of the barbarism of World War 2.
This interdisciplinary, transnational, and crosscultural collection gathers essays and presentations from Jack Zipes's captivating oeuvre published or presented across two decades. It provides a celebration of the work of this esteemed and field-defining literary scholar. It is an illuminating book intended for readers interested in fairy tale studies, poetry, drama, and Jewish studies.

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Remote Control: The Power of Hollywood in Today's Culture By Carl Kerby
2006 | 116 Pages | ISBN: 0890514917 | EPUB | 1 MB
Hollywood has a world view, and it's coming to a television in your home soon-- and you may not even be aware of it! If you are only checking for ratings, you're missing a whole other level of humanism and anti-Christianity that is being slipped quietly and unobstrusively into your entertainment choices.Break Hollywood's grip on your entertainment choices-- and get tuned into its real agenda with this unique new book. A great format for an entertainment critique that is entertaining in itself. It will be popular with youth pastors, parents, and ministries.

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Removable Partial Dentures: Their Diagnosis, Design and Fabrication
by Robert L. Schneider
English | 2023 | ISBN: 152759193X | 301 Pages | PDF | 13.5 MB

This text will be of value to any student of dentistry, dentist or dental technologist throughout the world. It was originally written for dental students and has been expanded to include not only the dental student, but also the beginning and experienced dental practitioner. It provides significant information for the dental technologist due to the decrease in time devoted to teaching basic technology in dental schools. The book also offers detail in all clinical phases of RPD diagnosis, fabrication, delivery and manufacture. The concepts presented are based on well documented clinical research and experience with several decades of teaching at the university level. The information included in this book will be of interest to all in the dental profession, regardless of their level of exposure from beginner to those with years of experience. This work is the culmination of a lifetime of research and experience by the author.

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Silke von Lewinski, "Remuneration for the Use of Works: Exclusivity vs. Other Approaches"
English | ISBN: 3110450011 | 2016 | 475 pages | EPUB, PDF | 8 MB + 3 MB
Royalty payments are once again becoming a hot button issue for authors and artists, as well as other holders of copyright or related rights, because they fail to receive adequate compensation for the use of their work on the internet. This volume from the 2015 ALAI Congress contributes to the international discussion of this issue by examining the causes of the problem and possible solutions, including a set of business models to compensate for internet usage. The volume contains mainly English as well as French and Spanish contributions.

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Amos Edelheit, "Renaissance Scholasticisms: Fighting Back "
English | ISBN: 9004439633 | 2025 | 354 pages | PDF | 4 MB
This volume sheds new light on the intellectual history of the Renaissance by focusing on what has been shown in recent scholarship to be an important, yet neglected, aspect of this remarkable period: the role of Renaissance scholastics.

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Renewable Energy: A Nontechnical Guide
by David Wagman
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1955578168 | 226 Pages | PDF | 10.8 MB

This user-friendly guide contains all the essential information for a robust understanding of renewable energy. Leveraging decades of experience as an energy journalist, David Wagman presents an unparalleled exploration of the rapidly evolving technologies that have become major contributors to electric power. Adopting a clear and simple approach, the book begins by painting a vivid historical context of renewable energy and explaining fundamental energy principles. It then proceeds to introduce and elaborate on key concepts and applications in solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and hydrogen, both within North America and on a global scale. The guide not only provides insights into the challenges faced by renewable energy, such as supply chain issues, cybersecurity concerns, grid reliability, recycling, and opposition from local communities (NIMBY) in certain markets but also looks ahead to future considerations. In the face of an uncertain climate and the growing need to decarbonize, the guide offers forward-looking perspectives. Covering a spectrum of scales, from large utility-sized hydroelectric plants to residential and commercial rooftop solar panels, it caters to diverse interests. Additionally, the guide includes a glossary of terms and offers a valuable list of books, journals, and websites for those seeking further reading and reference materials.

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Renewing Catholic Schools: How to Regain a Catholic Vision in a Secular Age By R. Jared Staudt (editor)
2020 | 152 Pages | ISBN: 1949822044 | PDF | 1 MB
Catholic education remains one of the most compelling expressions of the Church's mission to form disciples. Despite decades of decline in the number of schools and students, many Catholic schools have been experiencing renewal by returning to the great legacy of the Catholic tradition. Renewing Catholic Schools offers an overview of the reasons behind this renewal and practical suggestions for administrators, clergy, teachers, and parents on how to begin the process of reinvigoration. Co-authors Andrew Seeley, R. Jared Staudt, Elisabeth Sullivan, Rosemary Vander Weele, and Michael Van Hecke provide an overarching vision and practical guidance on renewing schools. The book begins by situating Catholic education within the Church's mission. Fidelity to Catholic mission and identity, including a commitment to the fulness of truth, provides the fundamental mark for the true success of Catholic education. The Catholic intellectual tradition, in particular, established by figures such as Augustine, Boethius, and Aquinas, can continue to direct Catholic schools, providing a depth of vision to overcome today's educational crisis. To transcend the now dominant secular model of education, Catholic schools can align their curriculum more closely to the Catholic tradition. One touchpoint comes from Archbishop Michael Miller's The Holy See's Teaching on Catholic Schools, which the book explores as a source for practical guidance. It also offers a Catholic vision for curriculum, examining the full range of subjects from gymnasium, the fine arts, the liberal arts, literature, history, and catechesis, all of which lead to a well-formed graduate, inspired by beauty, attune to truth, and ordered toward the good.Finally, the book provides a practical vision for renewing the school through the formation of teachers, creation of a school community, and by offering suggestions for implementation of a stronger Catholic mission and philosophy of education. The teacher, ultimately, should strive to teach like Jesus, while the community should joyfully embody the school's mission, making it a lived reality. The book concludes with examples of Catholic schools that have successfully undergone renewal.

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Renewing Islam by Service: A Christian View of Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement By Pim Valkenberg
2015 | 394 Pages | ISBN: 0813227550 | PDF | 1 MB
Renewing Islam by Service offers a theological account of the contemporary Turkish faith-based service movement started by Fethullah Gülen, and placed against the backdrop of changes in modern Turkish society. The life and works of Gülen are analyzed against the background of developments in Turkish society, and of spiritual Islamic tendencies in the transition from the Ottoman empire to the secular republic. Pim Valkenberg includes stories of his personal experiences with supporters of this movement, in a number of different countries, and analyzes the spiritual practices and the faith-based service of this movement that is also compared to some important Christian religious movements. Fethullah Gülen (born 1941 in Erzurum) is sometimes mentioned as one of the most influential Islamic scholars of the twenty-first century. During his work as a scholar-preacher in Izmir in the 1970s he started to provide learning opportunities for his students. He attracted many supporters and inspired them to form communities that put their Islamic faith into practice by serving others. When the political and economic situation of the Turkish republic improved, Gülen and the Hizmet (service) Movement began to take initiatives in order to overcome ignorance, disunity and poverty. At the beginning of the 21st century the Hizmet Movement ormed one of the most influential networks of Muslims, not only in Turkey but in Europe and the United States as well. Gülen now lives in the United States where he still inspires many groups to engage in dialogue initiatives, excellent schools, public media and service organizatons. However, these initiatives are often met with suspicion by a number of different groups - secularists as well as radical Muslims. While the Hizmet Movement has thus far mainly been studied from a social scientific perspective, this book claims that Gülen and the Hizmet can best be understood by researching the religious drive that empowers them. Since this book has been written by a Christian theologian, this is done in a comparative theological approach that not only shows how Gülen and the Hizmet Movement renew Islam by service, but also how Christians can be inspired by such a religious renewal movement.

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