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Recent Advances in Modeling and Forecasting Kaiyu: Tools for Predicting and Verifying the Effects of Urban Revitalization Policy by Saburo Saito, Kenichi Ishibashi, Kosuke Yamashiro
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 620 Pages | ISBN : 9819912407 | 101.6 MB
This book is the first comprehensive presentation of a Kaiyu Markov model with covariates and a multivariate Poisson model with competitive destinations. These two models are core techniques when the authors and colleagues conduct their Kaiyu studies. The two models are usually used to forecast the effects of specific urban redevelopment on both the number of visitors and consumer shop-around or Kaiyu movements. Their Kaiyu studies originated from the constructions of a Kaiyu Markov model and the disaggregated hierarchical decision Huff model almost simultaneously around the early 1980s. This book retrospectively reviews how these models have evolved from the start to the present state, and previews the ongoing efforts to make further extensions of these models. The extension of the Huff model started from the disaggregated hierarchical decision Huff model with shop-arounds. In retrospect, the model formulated the consumer's simultaneous choice of destinations as a joint probability. The mechanism to determine this joint probability was a recursive conditional probability system. Now the Huff model has shifted from joint probability to multivariate frequency Poisson with competitive destinations. On the other hand, the Kaiyu Markov model started from a descriptive model. Because it cannot forecast changes in shop-arounds or consumer Kaiyu behaviors, the Kaiyu Markov model with covariates was developed in which entrance and shop-around choice probabilities are explained by the respective two logit models with covariates such as distances and shop-floor areas. The noticeable point is that it can explain consumers' probability of quitting their shop-arounds. Thus, the model enables one to evaluate the effects of urban revitalization policy that promotes consumers' shop-arounds or Kaiyu behaviors. Furthermore, if the Kaiyu Markov model can estimate the actual numbers of flows of consumers' shop-arounds among shopping sites, the corresponding money flows also can be estimated as economic effects. This book discusses from scratch the evolution of all these topics. Thus this book provides the basics of the Kaiyu Markov model, a tutorial for the theory and estimation of the conditional logit model, and a chapter serving as a practical research manual for forecasting changes caused by urban development based on consumers' Kaiyu behaviors.


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Recent Advances in the Treatment of Orofacial Clefts
by Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone, Stephanie van Eeden
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1839692200 | 207 Pages | True PDF | 5.1 MB

This edited volume, Recent Advances in the Treatment of Orofacial Clefts, is a collection of reviewed and relevant chapters offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments and updates in the field of orofacial clefts. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by experts in the field of orofacial clefts. All chapters are complete in themselves but united under a common study topic. This publication provides a thorough overview of the latest research efforts and experiences aimed at better management of orofacial clefts by international authors working in the field, as well as opening new research avenues for possible further developments.

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Recent Developments in Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics: Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR2018) by Kevin Deng
English | PDF | 2019 | 1291 Pages | ISBN : 3030002136 | 157.52 MB
This book is a collection of proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR2018), held in Kunming, China during May 19-20, 2018. It consists of 155 papers, which have been categorized into 6 different sections: Intelligent Systems, Robotics, Intelligent Sensors & Actuators, Mechatronics, Computational Vision and Machine Learning, and Soft Computing.

The volume covers the latest ideas and innovations both from the industrial and academic worlds, as well as shares the best practices in the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, automatic control, IOT and its applications in industry, electrical engineering, finite element analysis and computational engineering. The volume covers key research outputs, which delivers a wealth of new ideas and food for thought to the readers.

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Recent Topics on Topology - From Classical to Modern Applications
by Paul Bracken
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1837698384 | 113 Pages | True PDF | 3.73 MB

Topology plays a fundamental role in many branches of mathematics and science. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in physics, particularly in condensed matter physics. This book provides an accessible yet rigorous overview of current research in topology, making it an invaluable resource for mathematicians, physicists, and researchers in related fields.

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Recht - Sprache - Gewalt: Elemente einer Verfassungstheorie I By Müller, Friedrich
2008 | 92 Pages | ISBN: 3428128753 | PDF | 1 MB
Schon der Text der Erstauflage ging von der Beobachtung aus, der Gewaltpegel steige in den Gesellschaften der damaligen Gegenwart langsam aber unaufhörlich an. Ein Dritteljahrhundert später hat sich diese Diagnose so zugespitzt, dass sie als Tatsache nicht mehr eigens ausgeführt zu werden braucht. Skrupellose Angriffskriege, genozidähnliche Massaker, herbei gepredigte Feindschaft zwischen Kulturen und Religionen, Terrorismus und Staatsterrorismus, innergesellschaftlicher Kleinkrieg drängen sich weltweit der Wahrnehmung auf.In dieser überarbeiteten Neuausgabe des Buchs kommt daher ein ausführliches Kapitel hinzu, das den zunehmend beunruhigenden Fragen der Gewalt näher nachgeht, so weit sie mit Recht und Sprache verknüpft sind: beispielsweise das "Recht des Stärkeren" - konstitutionelle, aktuelle und symbolische Gewalt - der Staat: Zentrale des Gewalttransfers und Garant des Gewaltgefälles - der Nationalstaat in der Gewalt der Globalisierung - Freiheit und soziale Ungleichheit - Klarheit und Unklarheit von Texten und Fällen - sprachliche Analyse der Gesetzesbindung - die Gewalt der Gerichte und des förmlichen Verfahrens - Textstruktur des Rechtsstaats - eine neue Sicht auf die Gewaltenteilung - all dies vor dem Hintergrund einer pragmatischen Umdeutung des alten Schemas von "Naturzustand und Gesellschaftszustand".(Aus dem Vorwort des Verfassers)

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Rechtlich geschützte Interessen an virtuellen Gütern By Preuß, Jesko
2009 | 247 Pages | ISBN: 3428131185 | PDF | 1 MB
Virtuelle Umgebungen umfassen Güter, die Eigenschaften physischer Gegenstände simulieren. Diese Güter sind ihrem Code nach ausschließlich angelegt, in ihrer Inhaberschaft übertragbar und repräsentieren Informationen mit digitalem Funktionswert. Daraus resultiert ein Vermögenswert, der Fragen nach Begründung und Reichweite rechtlichen Schutzes des faktischen Inhabers aufwirft.Entgegen der Virtual Property Theory resultieren die Befugnisse gegenüber dem Betreiber dabei nur aus dem Zusammenspiel faktischer Einwirkungsmöglichkeiten mit der Gesamtheit der dem Verpflichtungsgeschäft immanenten schuldrechtlichen Ansprüche. Im Verhältnis zu Dritten verläuft die Rechtsschutzproblematik aufgrund der Client-Server-Architektur virtueller Umgebungen parallel zu der extern gespeicherter Datenbestände. Die Lösung liegt hier im Zusammenwirken der aktiven Schutzpflichten des Inhabers des Speichermediums mit den Grundsätzen der Drittschadensliquidation.

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Rechtsdurchsetzung durch Vertragsstrafe und Aufrechnung: Ergebnisse der 36. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung vom 14. bis zum 16. ... und Rechtsvereinheitlichung, Band 60) By Martin Gebauer (editor), Stefan Huber (editor)
2018 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 3161564006 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Durchsetzung materiellen Rechts wird in aller Regel dem Prozessrecht zugeschrieben, das spätestens auf der Ebene der Vollstreckung die Ausübung hoheitlicher Staatsgewalt vorsieht. Daneben aber hält das materielle Privatrecht selbst verschiedene Möglichkeiten bereit, die Durchsetzung privatrechtlicher Ansprüche zu erreichen oder zumindest gestaltend zu beeinflussen. Zwei klassische Instrumente solcher privatautonomer Gestaltungsmacht sind die Vertragsstrafe und die Aufrechnung mit ihren funktionalen Äquivalenten. Die gemeinsame Betrachtung beider Institute verfolgt das Ziel, sie in einen funktionalen Gesamtzusammenhang zu stellen und rechtsvergleichend unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen historischen Entwicklung und ihres Verhältnisses zum Prozessrecht einzuordnen.

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Rechtsschutz gegen öffentliche Konkurrenzwirtschaft: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der grundrechtsdogmatischen Problematik By Stamer, Carsten
2007 | 226 Pages | ISBN: 3428124227 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten privater Wirtschaftsteilnehmer gegen eine konkurrenzwirtschaftliche Betätigung der öffentlichen Hand sind ein Dauerbrenner des öffentlichen Wirtschaftsrechts. Nachdem der BGH in 2002 den seit Ende der 90er Jahre favorisierten wettbewerbsrechtlichen Ansatz verworfen hat, ist das Thema nun wieder bei den Verwaltungsgerichten angelangt.Carsten Stamer untersucht die Problematik insbesondere unter grundrechtsdogmatischen Gesichtspunkten. Dabei ordnet er die Fragestellung in den Kontext der neueren Rechtsprechung des BVerfG zu den mittelbar-faktischen Beeinträchtigungen der Grundrechte ein und unterzieht diese Rechtsprechung einer eingehenden Analyse. Auf der Basis der hierbei gewonnenen grundrechtsdogmatischen Einsichten werden sodann die bisherige Rechtsprechung des BVerwG und die Lösungskonzepte der Literatur zum Rechtsschutz gegen staatliche Wirtschaftskonkurrenz kritisch analysiert. Auf diese Weise formuliert Carsten Stamer einen neuen Ansatz, der insbesondere den Aspekt staatlicher Gemeinwohlverpflichtung und die staatliche Begründungspflicht akzentuiert, wenn die öffentliche Hand als Konkurrent der Grundrechtsträger auftreten will.

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Recipe for Great Teaching: 11 Essential Ingredients By Anita Moultrie Turner
2015 | 136 Pages | ISBN: 163220567X | EPUB | 1 MB
In this well-seasoned book, charismatic educator Anita Moultrie Turner shows new teachers, veteran teachers, and staff developers how to blend 11 essential ingredients into effective and productive classrooms where all students can succeed. Easy to read and hard to put down, this Recipe for Great Teaching features: - Classroom stories, quotations, and tasty servings of educational wit and wisdom - Strategies for building effective learning environments - Techniques for successful curriculum planning - Methods for engaging all students in learning - Ways of working with colleagues and the communityThis inspiring resource offers enticing and delicious ways to spice up your teaching and your students' learning.

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Reclaiming the Future: A Beginner's Guide to Planning the Economy by Simon Hannah
English | November 20, 2024 | ISBN: 0745350208, 9780745350219 | True EPUB | 272 pages | 0.5 MB
'A convincing case for socialist democratic planning as the only way to meet the needs of billions of humans without destroying the planet' Michael Roberts, economist and author of Capitalism in the 21st Century

'An engaging assessment of the most urgent problem of our generation: how to transcend capitalism in order to build a real democracy' Alfredo Saad-Filho, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and LUT University, Finland
'Emphasises the urgent need for a vision of a Utopia that reclaims ecosocialist and democratic futures' Catherine Samary, co-editor of Decolonial Communism, Democracy and the Commons
In a world gripped by endless crisis and climate breakdown, the demand to reshape our economic system has never been more urgent. Reclaiming the Future by Simon Hannah is a beginner's guide to planning a new economy, taking readers on a transformative journey towards a radically democratic society, where the power and control over our lives are firmly in our hands.
Decades of right-wing scaremongering has tried to consign economic planning to the dustbin, but the need for it is greater than ever - it might be the only thing that can save us from climate catastrophe. In this myth-busting and accessible guide, Hannah suggests the building blocks for a grassroots economy of radical abundance within planetary limits.

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Reclaiming the Multicultural Roots of U.S. Curriculum: Communities of Color and Official Knowledge in Education (Multicultural Education Series) By Wayne Au, Anthony L. Brown, Dolores Calderón
2016 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 0807756784 | EPUB | 1 MB
Within curriculum studies, a "master narrative" has developed into a canon that is predominantly White, male, and associated with institutions of higher education. This canon has systematically neglected communities of color, all of which were engaged in their own critical conversations about the type of education that would best benefit their children. Building upon earlier work that reviewed curriculum texts, this book serves as a much-needed correction to the glaring gaps in U.S. curriculum history. Chapters focus on the curriculum discourses of African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos during what has been construed as the "founding" period of curriculum studies, reclaiming their historical legacy and recovering the multicultural history of educational foundations in the United States. Book Features: Challenges the historical foundations of curriculum studies in the United States during the turn of and early decades of the 20th century. Illuminates the curriculum conversations, struggles, and contentions of communities of color. Highlights curriculum historically as a site at the intersection of colonization, White supremacy, and Americanization in the United States. Brings marginalized voices from the community into the conversation around curriculum, typically dominated by university voices.

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Reconstructive Integral Geometry by Victor Palamodov
English | PDF (True) | 2004 | 171 Pages | ISBN : 3764371293 | 14.3 MB
One hundred years ago (1904) Hermann Minkowski [58] posed a problem: to re 2 construct an even function I on the sphere 8 from knowledge of the integrals MI (C) = fc Ids over big circles C. Paul Funk found an explicit reconstruction formula for I from data of big circle integrals. Johann Radon studied a similar problem for the Eu clidean plane and space. The interest in reconstruction problems like Minkowski Funk's and Radon's has grown tremendously in the last four decades, stimulated by the spectrum of new modalities of image reconstruction. These are X-ray, MRI, gamma and positron radiography, ultrasound, seismic tomography, electron mi croscopy, synthetic radar imaging and others. The physical principles of these methods are very different, however their mathematical models and solution meth ods have very much in common. The umbrella name reconstructive integral geom etryl is used to specify the variety of these problems and methods. The objective of this book is to present in a uniform way the scope of well known and recent results and methods in the reconstructive integral geometry. We do not touch here the problems arising in adaptation of analytic methods to numerical reconstruction algorithms. We refer to the books [61], [62] which are focused on these problems. Various aspects of interplay of integral geometry and differential equations are discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. The results presented here are partially new.


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Red Army Self-Propelled Guns of the Second World War: Photographic History of the Red Army's Second World War Self-Propelled Artillery
by Alexey Tarasov
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1399071513 | 240 Pages | True ePUB | 36 MB

Explores the development, tactics, and pivotal role of Soviet self-propelled artillery during WWII.
Among all the branches of the Red Army during the Second World War, self-propelled artillery is probably the most overlooked and misinterpreted. Attention has focused on the tanks the Red Army deployed against the Germans on the Eastern Front, the T-34 in particular; the self-propelled guns, which played an increasingly important tactical role after the shocking defeats of 1941 and 1942, have been neglected. Alexey Tarasov, in this detailed, wide-ranging and very heavily illustrated history, describes how the Soviets rose to the challenge of creating a series of self-propelled guns in extraordinarily difficult wartime conditions, and he assesses, and illustrates, all the types they produced. Also he covers the organization, training, tactics and combat operations of the self-propelled artillery units.
When the Germans invaded the Soviets lacked self-propelled artillery, believing that tanks and field guns would provide sufficient support for their infantry. But the effectiveness of the German assault guns persuaded them that they had to design similar armoured vehicles and rapidly they did so. As the author shows, by the end of the war, after an intense process of improvisation and development, they fielded self-propelled guns, in particular the SU-76, SU-122 and SU-152, which matched those of the Germans in terms of performance and heavily outnumbered them on the battlefield.
Alexey Tarasov's photographic history will be essential reading for anyone who has a special interest in Soviet armour and armoured warfare in general, and it will be a valuable source for modellers.

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Redeeming the Sense of the Universal: Scandinavian Creation Theology on Politics and Ecology
by Trygve Wyller, Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3525568746 | 343 Pages | True PDF | 2.42 MB

Christian theologies today struggle to make themselves relevant and respected in public discussions. One reason is a tendency among theologians to restrict themselves to discussions among their own. In this way they seldom contribute to discussions and make claims that are heard as important for people not belonging to the world of faith and piety. This volume has a different goal. The intention is to bring updated and critical contributions to how theology can give substantial reflections relevant to a broader public. The volume takes its starting point from ongoing international discussions on the universal. From post-colonial and post-liberal positions one claim that universal claims are oppressive. There is a long history of how universal pretentions covered for white, male and European supremacy. For this reason one argues that only positionalities from particular position are able to give hope and future to oppressed people and environmental collapses. The contributions to this volume agree that there are toxic universalities that need to be strongly criticized. There are, however, also universalities that can defend the human and the nature. Scandinavian Creation Theology builds these universalities from life as given and pre-theoretical experiences. Here, there are potentialities for future non-toxic universalities.

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Reflections on the Sunday Gospel: How to More Fully Live Out Your Relationship with God By Pope Francis
2022 | 305 Pages | ISBN: 059323815X | EPUB | 1 MB
Pope Francis illuminates a new, vibrant way of experiencing the Gospel through moving, intimate, and deeply meditative reflections that encourage us to live fully with meaning, purpose, and strength. We live in an unprecedented time that has threatened to upend our daily rhythms, our work, our homes, even our faith. More than ever, we need books like Reflections on the Sunday Gospel to stir us to hope, to comfort, to peace. We need to remember what we live for and how good God is. These reflections-published in English for the first time, drawn both from homilies given by Pope Francis and readings from the Fathers of the Church, including Saint Augustine, Saint Jerome, and Saint Ambrose-do more than offer a way to enter into the liturgical year with weekly readings to enrich your devotional time. They offer Christ, and the power of His resurrection. They offer His words of assurance: "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33, ESV). Ultimately, as Pope Francis guides us through these timeless words, we will glean how even the giants of the faith needed God as much as we do, and how we can draw near to a good and faithful God no matter where we are or what season we're in.

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Reform der Altersbesteuerung: Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben und Grenzen By Mittelsten Scheid, Stephan M.
2004 | 228 Pages | ISBN: 3428114965 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Verfasser setzt sich mit der Frage einer verfassungsgemäßen Besteuerung von Altersbezügen auseinander und zeigt Rahmenbedingungen für eine einkommensteuerrechtliche Behandlung von Altersvorsorge und Altersversorgung auf. Hierbei stellt er einleitend die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der verschiedenen Säulen der Altersversorgung dar. In einem zweiten Schritt führt er in die aktuelle einkommensteuerrechtliche Behandlung ein, wobei er auch systematische Betrachtungen vornimmt.Im Hauptteil befaßt sich der Autor mit den bei der einfachgesetzlichen Ausgestaltung zu berücksichtigenden verfassungsrechtlichen Wertungen. Die Problematik wird hierbei anhand von vier Schwerpunkten erläutert: der Freistellung von Vorsorgeaufwendungen, der Privilegierung von Altersbezügen gegenüber Erwerbsbezügen als Beispiele für die Berücksichtigung der vertikalen Steuergerechtigkeit auf der einen Seite und der unterschiedlichen Behandlung der Durchführungswege in der betrieblichen Altersversorgung sowie der Sozialversicherungsrenten und Beamtenpensionen als Beispiele für die vertikale Steuergerechtigkeit auf der anderen Seite. Auf dieser Grundlage erarbeitet Stephan Mittelsten Scheid abschließend ein Modell der modifizierten nachgelagerten Besteuerung.

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Chiara Bertoglio, "Reforming Music: Music and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century"
English | ISBN: 3110518058 | 2017 | 871 pages | PDF | 4 MB
Five hundred years ago a monk nailed his theses to a church gate in Wittenberg. The sound of Luther's mythical hammer, however, was by no means the only aural manifestation of the religious Reformations.

This book describes the birth of Lutheran Chorales and Calvinist Psalmody; of how music was practised by Catholic nuns, Lutheran schoolchildren, battling Huguenots, missionaries and martyrs, cardinals at Trent and heretics in hiding, at a time when Palestrina, Lasso and Tallis were composing their masterpieces, and forbidden songs were concealed, smuggled and sung in taverns and princely courts alike.
Music expressed faith in the Evangelicals' emerging worships and in the Catholics' ancient rites; through it new beliefs were spread and heresy countered; analysed by humanist theorists, it comforted and consoled miners, housewives and persecuted preachers; it was both the symbol of new, conflicting identities and the only surviving trace of a lost unity of faith.
The music of the Reformations, thus, was music reformed, music reforming and the reform of music: this book shows what the Reformations sounded like, and how music became one of the protagonists in the religious conflicts of the sixteenth century.
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Reframing the American Dream: Tiny Housing as a Window into Consumer Culture, Political Landscapes, and Structural Equity
by Shawn Chandler Bingham, Michaela Emily Howells
English | 2025 | ASIN: B0D9PRQDGM | 323 Pages | True PDF | 3.84 MB

More than a fad, tiny housing reflects a long history of alternative living and offers an interdisciplinary - and sometimes contradictory - window into consumerism, structural equity, personal aspirations, and political landscapes. Despite traditional housing ideals and challenging local building codes, tiny housing has garnered significant interest from individuals, political leaders, developers, big box stores, and curious viewers of HGTV.
Reframing the American Dream draws on the expertise of urban planners, architects, public policy researchers, sociologists, and anthropologists who use tiny housing as a lens to explore critical questions: How can tiny housing help address the increasing demand for affordable housing? How are tiny homes influencing local and national politics? How does tiny housing highlight structural inequities related to disability, homelessness, gender, and race? What are the implications for building codes and sustainable construction? Can they raise awareness about environmental issues? How have tiny homes been integrated into mainstream culture, and what impact might corporate interests have on housing markets? What practical challenges do tiny housers face? How does tiny housing fit with housing dreams of the past and present? Featuring case studies, interviews, and surveys, Reframing the American Dream provides a deeper understanding beyond glossy media portrayals, connecting individual experiences with cultural ideals and institutional power.

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Russell Buchan, "Regulating the Use of Force in International Law: Stability and Change "
English | ISBN: 180392845X | 2022 | 288 pages | PDF | 1094 KB
This book provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the nature, content and scope of the rules regulating the use of force in international law as they are contained in the United Nations Charter, customary international law and international jurisprudence.

The book's scope is broad and covers the prohibition on the threat or use of force; the use of force in self-defence; the use of force as part of the United Nations collective security system; the use of force by regional organisations; the use of force in peacekeeping operations; the use of force for humanitarian purposes; the use of force by invitation; armed reprisals; the use of force by and against non-State actors; and the use of force in cyberspace. The book takes an insightful look at the rules regulating the use of force as they are called upon to apply to changing and challenging circumstances such as the emergence of non-State actors, security risks, new technologies and moral considerations. Its arguments balance the interests of stability and change in order to enhance international law's regulatory potential regarding the use of force.
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Rehabilitation, Deradicalization, and Reintegration of Militants: A Case Study from Swat Valley By Ilam Khan
2024 | 190 Pages | ISBN: 9819995140 | EPUB | 1 MB
This ethnographic study focuses on post-conflict rehabilitation in Pakistan's Swat valley, addressing deradicalization, rehabilitation and reintegration in the context of militancy and counter-militancy. It provides a theoretical framework for rehabilitation, emphasizing disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) and introduces the concepts of controlled environment, controlled society, and controlled rehabilitation within Swat's unique context. The book categorizes the drivers of militancy, revealing distinctions from conventional perspectives. It also assesses the challenges of reintegrating ex-combatants and explores the compatibility of restorative justice (RJ) with Pashtunwali, the traditional Pashtun legal system. The book is useful for researchers focusing Pashtun region, post-conflict interventionists, and peace and conflict scholars, this book offers valuable insights into the intricacies of this critical region's rehabilitation and counter-militancy efforts.

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