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Strukturen des Europäischen Verwaltungsverbunds: Ergebnisse einer deutsch-spanischen Forschergruppe By Schneider, Jens-Peter; Velasco Caballero, Francisco
2009 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 342812992X | PDF | 1 MB
Die zunehmende Integration der nationalen und gemeinschaftlichen Verwaltungsorgane in der Europäischen Union durch diverse Formen vertikaler und horizontaler Verknüpfungen steht derzeit im Zentrum der Europäischen Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft. In Deutschland wird diese Entwicklung, die zu einer Erosion der herkömmlich betonten Trennung zwischen gemeinschaftseigenem (direkten) und mitgliedstaatlichem (indirekten) Vollzug des Gemeinschaftsrechts führt, mit dem Begriff des Europäischen Verwaltungsverbunds umschrieben. Diese Diskussion ist aber nicht auf Deutschland beschränkt, sondern wird europaweit unter allerdings ganz unterschiedlichen Begrifflichkeiten und Problemschwerpunkten geführt.Bisher halten die wissenschaftlichen Verbundstrukturen noch nicht mit den administrativen Integrationsbestrebungen Schritt. Jens-Peter Schneider und Francisco Velasco Caballero bieten insoweit eine neue Perspektive, als sie die auf ausführlichen und intensiven Diskussionen beruhenden Ergebnisse einer deutsch-spanischen Forschungsgruppe zum Europäischen Verwaltungsverbund dokumentieren, die parallel in spanischer Sprache publiziert werden. Inhaltlich umfasst der Band neben einer allgemeinen Einführung durch einen der beiden Herausgeber bereichsübergreifende Untersuchungen zu innerstaatlichen Verwaltungsverflechtungen in Deutschland bzw. Spanien sowie zur Kodifikation des Europäischen Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts. Analysen aktueller Entwicklungen besonders wichtiger Referenzgebiete der europäischen Verbundverwaltung (Energiemarktregulierung, Migrationsverwaltung, grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsdienstleistungen sowie Umweltdatenerhebung) runden die Publikation ab.

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Stuck: How the Privileged and the Propertied Broke the Engine of American Opportunity by Yoni Appelbaum
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 0593449290 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 5 MB
How did America cease to be the land of opportunity?

We take it for granted that good neighborhoods-with good schools and good housing-are only accessible to the wealthy. But in America, this wasn't always the case.
Though for most of world history, your prospects were tied to where you were born, Americans came up with a revolutionary idea: If you didn't like your lot in life, you could find a better location and reinvent yourself there. Americans moved to new places with unprecedented frequency, and, for two hundred years, that remarkable mobility was the linchpin of American economic and social opportunity.
In this illuminating debut, Yoni Appelbaum, historian and journalist for The Atlantic, shows us that this idea has been under attack since reformers first developed zoning laws to ghettoize Chinese Americans in nineteenth-century Modesto, California. The century of legal segregation that ensued-from the zoning laws enacted to force Jewish workers back into New York's Lower East Side to the private-sector discrimination and racist public policy that trapped Black families in Flint, Michigan to Jane Jacobs' efforts to protect her vision of the West Village-has raised housing prices, deepened political divides, emboldened bigots, and trapped generations of people in poverty. Appelbaum shows us that these problems have a common explanation: people can't move as readily as they used to. They are, in a word, stuck.
Cutting through more than a century of mythmaking, Stuck tells a vivid, surprising story of the people and ideas that caused our economic and social sclerosis and lays out common-sense ways to get Americans moving again.

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Studies in Byzantine History and Culture: A Festschrift for Paul Magdalino
by Shaun Tougher
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004703829 | 483 Pages | PDF | 18 MB

This book celebrates one of the foremost Byzantinists, Paul Magdalino. It consists of 25 chapters by peers, friends and former students. The chapters reflect Magdalino's own research interests, most notably Constantinople itself, and span from late antiquity to the modern world.
Particular themes within the book are the topography and monuments of Constantinople, relations between Byzantium and the West, the recasting of Byzantium in the 'Dark Age', and literary culture and society under the Macedonian and Komnenian dynasties. The volume is not just a celebration of Magdalino's work but an important contribution to the study of Byzantine history and culture.

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Studies in Byzantine Monasticism
by Alice-Mary Talbot
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032704772 | 318 Pages | True ePUB | 0.98 MB

This volume includes seventeen essays on Byzantine monasticism, focusing on the 9th to 15th centuries. Envisaged as a companion Variorum volume to Talbot's Women and Religious Life in Byzantium (2001), this compendium complements its predecessor by focusing more attention on male monasteries, hermits and holy mountains, while offering some pioneering studies of female patrons, rural nuns, and the links of many Byzantine women to Mount Athos. The volume also complements Talbot's 2019 monograph, Varieties of Monastic Experience in Byzantium, 800-1453, by offering detailed analyses of topics that could only be briefly addressed in that book.
Introductory essays include an overview of the historical development of Byzantine monasteries and holy mountains, emphasising the intertwining of monasticism with urban and rural society. Subsequent essays explore the regimen at coenobitic monasteries, while paying considerable attention to the less well-known lifestyles of hermits, especially those on holy mountains.
Other topics include monastery gardens and horticulture; the culture of the refectory; challenges for adolescent novices; factors influencing the choice of a monastery's foundation site; female patronage of monastery construction and restoration; the conversion of monasteries from male to female and vice-versa; rules regarding personal poverty for monastics; and the choice of a monastic name.

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Studies in Music, Words, and Imagery in Early Modern Europe
by Barbara Russano Hanning
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032687681 | 313 Pages | True ePUB | 8.9 MB

Characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, these essays highlight the relationship between music and poetry in Italian secular works of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, examine the role of images in shedding light on the cultural context in which these and other works came into being (music iconography), and explore the binaries and similarities of the arts in this period. Insights about early opera are complemented by discussions of accompanied solo song, or monody, both genres new to Italian music at the turn of the seventeenth century.
Many chapters focus on specific images, ranging from the figure of Apollo and his significance as the earliest operatic protagonist, to an early eighteenth-century representation of a salon concert and its "ensemblisation" of events that likely occurred serially. Others include discussions and analyses of musical poetics, from Tasso's influence on the Italian madrigal to Rinuccini's authorship of the earliest opera libretti. Another focuses on history while narrating the circumstances under which opera came into being in late Renaissance Florence.
Addressed in large measure to teachers and students, Studies in Music, Words, and Imagery in Early Modern Europe presents a range of subjects that broaden our perspective on the era. Certain essays take a specifically pedagogical approach, while others are more apt to interest music historians or those familiar with Italian versification. All are presented with a view toward making more accessible essays that do not fit neatly into one subject area but cross boundary lines between music, words, and images.

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S. P. Oakley, "Studies in the Transmission of Latin Texts: Volume II: Vitruvius, Cato, De agricultura and Varro, De re rustica, Porphyr"
English | ISBN: 0198848730 | 2023 | 448 pages | PDF | 12 MB
This volumes offers a study of all known manuscripts and incunabular editions of four classical texts: Vitruvius' De architectura, Cato's De agri cultura, Varro's De re rustica, Porphyrio's Commentary on Horace, and Priscian's Periegesis. The total number of witnesses involved comes to over 200; many of the manuscripts were produced in France or Italy, but English, German, Polish, and Swiss manuscripts also feature. For each text, the genealogical affiliations of its manuscript copies are determined (in many cases for the first time), as is the manner in which each was dispersed throughout medieval Europe and transmitted from antiquity through the Middle Ages to the first printed editions. S. P. Oakley shows that clear and decisive results can be achieved by application of the so-called stemmatic method and establishes which manuscripts future editors should use in editing these texts. Manuscripts that are not needed by future editors are discussed as fully as those that are, and many localizations and derivations are established. The result is a detailed study that deepens knowledge of the transmission of classical Latin texts, especially in the Renaissance, of scribal practice, and of techniques that can be deployed in the genealogical study of manuscripts and incunables.

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Studies on Aby Warburg, Fritz Saxl and Gertrud Bing
by Dorothea McEwan
English | 2023 | ISBN: 0367769417 | 346 Pages | True ePUB | 5.88 MB

Originally published in German, Italian and French these articles have been translated into English for the first time by the author, the former archivist of The Warburg Institute, London. Aby Warburg's research and writings centred on images, their origins and metamorphoses, and their explanations and interpretations. The articles include discussions of Warburg's academic work with colleagues such as James Loeb, the American Hellenist and philanthropist, and founder of the Loeb Classical Library, and with Josef Strzygowski, the Polish-Austrian art historian of the Vienna School of Art History. Further articles include notes on Warburg's Serpent Ritual lecture of 1923; his politico-cultural initiative in 1914-1915; his work on caricature, in particular the Struwwelpeter topic; and discussions on the topic of Judaica.
The Viennese art historian Fritz Saxl became his trusted friend and collaborator helping to gather Warburg's large collection of books and photographs into the foundation of an academic institution in Hamburg in the 1920s, and then for a second time in London in the 1930s. The Warburg Institute has become one of the world's leading centres of intellectual history.

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Studies on Ottoman Science and Culture
by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu
English | 2021 | ISBN: 0367636603 | 350 Pages | True ePUB | 15.4 MB

Studies on Ottoman Science and Culture brings together eleven articles by distinguished historian Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu.
The book addresses multiple issues related to the histories of science and culture during the Ottoman era. Most of the articles contained in this volume were the first contributions to their respective topics, and they continue to provoke discussion and debate amongst academics to this day. The first volume of the author's collected papers that appeared in the Variorum Collected Studies (2004) dispelled the negative opinions towards Ottoman science asserted by scholars of the previous generation. In this new volume, the author continues to explore and develop the paradigm of scientific activities and cultural interactions both within and beyond the Ottoman Empire. One of the topics examined is the attitude of Islamic scholars towards revolutionary notions in Western science, including Copernican heliocentrism and Darwin's theory of evolution.
This book will appeal to scholars and students of Ottoman history, as well as those interested in the history of science and cultural history.

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Stuff, Quality, Structure: The Whole Go by Galen Strawson
English | October 25, 2024 | ISBN: 0198903650 | True EPUB | 192 pages | 2.6 MB
Stuff, Quality, Structure makes a case for identity metaphysics. It defends categorial monism, the view that there's only one fundamental metaphysical category, which Strawson calls 'stuff'. It argues for the ultimate metaphysical identity of things that other views hold to be irreducibly distinct. It rejects separatism, which posits such irreducible metaphysical differences. The notions of object, process, property, state, and event seem to signal fundamental ontological differences, but these differences are superficial, according to identity metaphysics. The same goes for energy/force/laws of nature/causation/power: according to identity metaphysics, these are different ways of conceptualizing the same phenomenon, the best name for which is simply 'the nature of stuff'.

More particularly: identity metaphysics opposes (1) object-property separatism and (2) stuff-law separatism. It then denies that (1) and (2) themselves are fundamentally different issues. Strawson also endorses 'stuff monism', the view that there is only one kind of fundamental stuff, and favours 'thing monism', the view that there is only one fundamental entity in reality. He then considers the place of the notion of structure in an account of concrete reality. Structure considered just as such is an abstract, wholly logico-mathematically characterizable phenomenon. If a structure is concretely realized it must be realized by something that isn't itself just a matter of structure. It is arguable, nevertheless, that a thing's structural nature may-and perhaps must-completely fix its non-structural nature in any world, or at least in any world to which the notion of structure is generally applicable.

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Subject By Laura Mullen (editor)
2005 | 110 Pages | ISBN: 0520242947 | PDF | 1 MB
Calvin Bedient calls the poetry in this volume "solid and brave and relentlessly inventive." Forrest Gander says, "The obsessive force of this poetry, ruptured by caesura and stanza, is remarkable. Despite the considerable intellectual torque, the poems, concerned always with identity, the borders of the I and the Here, are quite funny in passages. The drama of this work is gripping, convulsive, and intense." Subject holds the mirror up to language, attempting to find out (and find ways out of ) the limits of the wor(l)ds we are sentenced to. The lyric impulse exists, but the surface is rough, reflecting the violence of the effort to see into seeing itself: the voice is ragged, syntax is torn, words have been broken into syllable and sound, images dissolve, the page holds out alternate visions and versions (in double or triple columns), leaving any would-be univocal truth always in doubt.

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Tommaso Alpina, "Subject, Definition, Activity: Framing Avicenna's Science of the Soul "
English | ISBN: 3110706555 | 2021 | 278 pages | EPUB | 1450 KB
This book offers for the first time a comprehensive study of the reception and reworking of the Peripatetic theory of the soul in the Kitāb al-Nafs (Book of the Soul) by Avicenna (d. 1037). This study seeks to frame Avicenna's science of the soul (or psychology) by focusing on three key concepts: subject, definition, and activity. The examination of these concepts will disclose the twofold consideration of the soul in Avicenna's psychology. Besides the 'general approach' to the soul of sublunary living beings, which is the formal principle of the body, Avicenna's psychology also exhibits a 'specific orientation' towards the soul in itself, i.e. the human rational soul that, considered in isolation from the body, is a self-subsistent substance, identical with the theoretical intellect and capable of surviving severance from the body. These two investigations demonstrate the coexistence in Avicenna's psychology of a more specific and less physical science (

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Anthony Preston - Submarines
Bison Books | 1982 | ISBN: 086124043X | English | 200 pages | PDF | 188.65 MB
The book was published in 1982, so it obviously lacks information on current submarine designs of any navy. It provides reasonable information on the submarines of the WW I and WW II eras and also of the interwar period of the 1920s and 1930s.

The book discusses submarines of the British, German, US, Italian, and Japanese navies. It also describes the post-war US and Soviet nuclear submarines, especially the ballistic missile submarines. There is some discussion the British, Italian, and Japanese midget submarines of WW II.

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Success Curious: How to Define and Achieve High Performance by Andy Reid
English | January 28, 2025 | ISBN: 1923186132 | True EPUB | 240 pages | 0.5 MB
Curious to discover how you can become a high-performing human? High performance is simply not attainable for the ordinary person facing the trials and tribulations of real life... Or is it?

Success Curious explores the common challenges we all face in our careers, businesses and personal lives, and provides tangible and practical steps that set a clear path towards improvement for ordinary humans. Andy Reid understands what it takes to be a high performer. At just 21 years of age, he was running a $13M business, which led to a 20-year career in people-focused industries, working with teams of up to 250 employees and doubling profit margins. This is all the more impressive given that he worked his way to the top of his industry while dealing with life-threatening mental health challenges.
With humor and humility, Andy explores the concept of success and how to achieve it, often sharing his own vulnerability in this thought-provoking book. He breaks down high performance into four elements - Success, Connection, Influence and Happiness - discussing each in turn and providing actionable steps to achieve all four.

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Successful Self-Leadership: An Inside-Out Approach in Seven Steps
by Dr. Tim Baker
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1637426224 | 278 Pages | True ePUB | 1.63 MB

Great leaders all share a common secret: they prioritize personal development.
Successful Self-Leadership: An Inside-Out Approach in Seven Steps is not your typical leadership guide. Its seven diagnostic tools for each practice make it unique, providing practical and immediately applicable resources. This book incorporates the latest research to help you unlock your potential and prepare for the journey of self-leadership, ensuring you are well-equipped to apply the knowledge in your daily life.
Dr. Tim Baker shares his unique Self-Leadership Development Framework, which consists of seven personal leadership practices, including The Inner and Outer Game, which separates the good from the great leaders.
At its core, the book focuses on the concept of self-awareness, first taught by Socrates and foundational to genuine leadership. It introduces seven unique practices essential for today's leaders, equipping you with the tools to tap into your inner potential.
The book emphasizes that deep self-awareness, the journey of genuinely understanding oneself, is not a one-time destination but a continuous, engaging process that leaders should commit to. This understanding is crucial to personal and leadership success, and the book will guide you in staying engaged and committed to this process.
Successful Self-Leadership: An Inside-Out Approach in Seven Steps promises
greater self-awareness
more confidence
superior focus and
dynamic interpersonal skills.
Begin your path to greatness today-because the best investment you can make is in yourself. Your journey starts now!

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Succession Law Essentials By Frankie McCarthy
2014 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 0748698493 | PDF | 1 MB
All the basics that students need to know about succession in Scots lawWhat happens after you die? You can't take it with you, so succession law governs how your property is passed on after your death. Succession Law Essentials teaches you all you need to know about the Scots laws of succession, including estates, executors, wills, will substitutes, valid and invalid testimony, intestate succession, legacies, vesting and more.Summary sections of Essentials Facts and Essential Cases will help you to identify, understand and remember the key elements. When you're revising for your exams, the tables of cases and statutes will help you to find the page you're looking for quickly and easily.

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Succession to the Crown: From Charles II to Charles III by Russell Malloch
English | 2 May 2023 | ISBN: 0117094315 | True EPUB | 156 pages | 6.5 MB
Succession to the Crown is essential reading for anyone with a keen interest in the British royal family and provides an excellent and trusted source of information for historians, researchers and academics alike. The book takes you on a journey exploring the coronations, honours and emblems of the British monarchy, from the demise of King Charles II in 1685, through to the accession of King Charles III, as recorded in The London Gazette.

Historian Russell Malloch tells the story of the Crown through trusted, factual information found in the UK's official public record. Learn about the traditions and ceremony engrained in successions right up to the demise of Queen Elizabeth II and the resulting proclamation and accession of King Charles III.

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Stacie Taranto, "Suffrage at 100: Women in American Politics since 1920"
English | ISBN: 1421438682 | 2020 | 472 pages | AZW3 | 15 MB
Suffrage at 100 looks at women's engagement in US electoral politics and government over the one hundred years since the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.

In the 2018 midterm elections, 102 women were elected to the House and 14 to the Senate―a record for both bodies. And yet nearly a century after the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, the notion of congressional gender parity by 2020―a stated goal of the National Women's Political Caucus at the time of its founding in 1971―remains a distant ideal. In Suffrage at 100, Stacie Taranto and Leandra Zarnow bring together twenty-two scholars to take stock of women's engagement in electoral politics over the past one hundred years.
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Susan L. Poulson, "Suffrage: The Epic Struggle for Women's Right to Vote"
English | ISBN: 1440867887 | 2019 | 302 pages | AZW3 | 5 MB
Four generations of women fought for the right to vote. This book shows how their grand reform effort overcame resistance from traditionalists fearing social decay, religious leaders citing scriptural prohibitions, and a stodgy political establishment reluctant to share power.

What was it like to be among the founders of the women's movement in the middle of the nineteenth century, with no script to follow and self-doubt dogging their every move? This book not only reminds us of the laws that conspired against women's equality in the post-Civil War United States, but it also illustrates―through the eyes of the suffragists themselves―the cultural and religious norms that had held women in second-class status for centuries. Early suffragists grappled with isolation and outright hostility as they lectured around the nation, even as they tried to reassure the public that politicized women would still serve the family. Others espoused outrage by organizing public protests.
This book shows how lasting political change comes about through a combination of working from within the system and outside of it, and deftly illustrates the tensions within the movement. Although the vote was finally won in 1920, it was not without tremendous sacrifice. The book lays bare the strategies that led to the single-minded focus on the vote and the consequences of postponing action on so many other issues that remained for later generations to address, including reproductive freedom, labor rights, and equal pay.
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Sukzessive Unternehmenserwerbe/-veräußerungen im Konzernabschluss nach IFRS: Darstellung, Würdigung, Beispiele By Trauth, Veronika
2007 | 156 Pages | ISBN: 3896734334 | PDF | 1 MB
Unternehmenskäufe und -verkäufe sind ein wesentliches Instrument zur strategischen (Neu-) Ausrichtung von Unternehmenszielen. In der Praxis vollzieht sich dies häufig nicht in einem Schritt, sondern über mehrere Teilschritte (sukzessiver Anteilskauf/-verkauf). Die konzernbilanzielle Abbildung solcher Transaktionen kann, je nach Gehalt der Transaktion, das Erscheinungsbild des Konzernabschlusses und somit das Ansehen bei Investoren wesentlich beeinflussen.Die bilanzielle Abbildung sukzessiver Anteilserwerbe und -veräußerungen an Tochterunternehmen wird im Wesentlichen durch das zugrunde liegende Konzernrechnungslegungskonzept determiniert. Die eher interessenstheoretisch orientierte Konzeption des IAS 22 und IFRS 3 sowie IAS 27 soll durch die einheitstheoretischen Vorschläge der vorliegenden Standardentwürfe zu IFRS 3 und IAS 27 im Rahmen der Phase II des Business Combinations Projects abgelöst werden. Diese Arbeit stellt die aktuellen Regelungen und die geplanten Neuregelungen sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Kapitalkonsolidierung im Konzern¬abschluss nach IFRS dar und würdigt sie kritisch. Die Ausführungen werden zudem durch Beispiele veranschaulicht.

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Sumūd: A New Palestinian Reader edited by Malu Halasa, Jordan Elgrably
English | January 21, 2025 | ISBN: 1644214458 | True EPUB | 400 pages | 33 MB
An anthology that celebrates the power of culture in Palestinian resistance, with selections of memoir, short stories, essays, book reviews, personal narrative, poetry, and art.

Includes twenty-five black-and-white illustrations by Palestinian artists.
The Arabic word sumūd is often loosely translated as "steadfastness" or "standing fast." It is, above all, a Palestinian cultural value of everyday perseverance in the face of Israeli occupation. Sumūd is both a personal and collective commitment; people determine their own lives, despite the environment of constant oppressions imposed upon them.
This anthology spans the 20th and 21st centuries of Palestinian cultural history, and highlights writing from 2021-2024. The collection of writing and art features work from forty-six contributors including:
Dispatches from Hossam Madhoun, co-founder of Gaza's Theatre for Everybody, as he survives the post-October 2023 war on Gaza;Novelist Ahmed Masoud with "Application 39," a sci-fi short story about a Dystopian bid for the Olympics;Sara Roy and Ivar Ekeland with "The New Politics of Exclusion: Gaza as Prologue," an analysis of Israel's divide and conquer policies of fragmentation;Historian Ilan Pappé with a review of Tahrir Hamdi's book, Imagining Palestine, in which heunpacks the relationship between culture and resistance;Essayist Lina Mounzer with "Palestine and the Unspeakable," an offering on the language used to dehumanize Palestinians;And poetry by the next generation of poets who have inherited the mantle of the late Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008).
The essays, stories, poetry, art and personal narrative collected in Sumūd: A New Palestinian Reader is a rich riposte to those who would denigrate Palestinians' aspirations for a homeland. It also serves as a timely reminder of culture's power and importance during occupation and war.

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