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VMware Cloud on AWS Blueprint: Design, automate, and migrate VMware workloads on AWS global infrastructure by Oleg Ulyanov, Michael Schwartzman, Harsha Sanku
English | February 27, 2024 | ISBN: 1803238194 | 388 pages | MOBI | 38 Mb
Explore use cases and best practices to seamlessly migrate and scale legacy enterprise-grade applications running on on-premises vSphere environments to VMware Cloud SDDCs running on AWS infrastructure

Key FeaturesUnderstand data center extension, migration, disaster recovery, and app modernization through a variety of use casesBecome an expert at configuring, automating, and troubleshooting VMC on AWS SDDCImplement design considerations, best practices, and onboarding preflight checklist for optimal performance on VMC on AWSPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description
If you're looking to effortlessly transition from on-premises VMware vSphere environments or capital expenditure (CAPEX) to an agile operational expenditure (OPEX) model, trust the VMware Cloud (VMC) on AWS platform for swift re-platforming of legacy applications into cloud-native framework. This comprehensive guide addresses hybrid cloud challenges, offering detailed solutions within the VMware Cloud on AWS ecosystem.
Covering the foundational architecture, software-defined data center (SDDC) components of VMware Cloud on AWS, network and security configurations, and AWS service integrations, this book lays the foundation for you to advance to vCenter management, vSAN storage policies, NSX architecture, compute policies, SDDC console management, and the EDRS mechanism for cluster scaling. You'll also explore integrated services such as VMware HCX for migration, VMware Aria suite, Tanzu Managed Kubernetes, and disaster recovery.
Further, the book takes you through VMware Cloud APIs and guides you in managing workloads with VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts. With the help of practical insights, configuration tips, and best practices, you'll unlock the full potential of VMC on AWS.
By the end of this book, you'll be equipped to successfully architect and manage VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs, handling day-to-day operations expertly.
What you will learnExamine the foundational architecture components of VMware Cloud on AWS, including vSphere, vSAN, and NSXExplore the various integrated services available within VMware Cloud on AWSDelve into VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC, vCenter, and vSAN optimizationsBuild applications and apply best practices within the VMware Cloud on AWS to manage day-to-day operationsStreamline infrastructure management for VMware Cloud on AWS with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)Extend cloud capabilities to on-premises environments using VMware Cloud on AWS OutpostsWho this book is for
The book is intended for cloud and solutions architects, DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers (SREs), system and network admins, and cloud engineers with experience in on-premises VMware or AWS administration, facilitating the seamless integration of VMware cloud technologies. Prior understanding of cloud computing, virtualization principles, VMware vSphere administration, vSAN, and NSX along with AWS cloud basics will be helpful.
Table of ContentsUnderstanding the architecture of VMC on AWS componentsExploring networking, security, and AWS integrationsDiscovering migration services for VMC on AWSConfiguring your first SDDC from scratchConfiguring vCenter, vSAN, and VMC consoleUnderstanding Networking and security configurationsExploring add-on services configurationBuilding applications and managing operationsUsing infrastructure as code on VMC on AWSManaging workload sizing and Cloud costsKnowing the best practices, FAQs, and Common pitfallsAppendix- Preflight checklist before onboarding

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Voices of the Unvoiced: Women's struggle for education in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan
by Shabana Shamaas Gul Khattak
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1839992670 | 241 Pages | PDF | 4.5 MB

This book focuses on Pukhtun women's educational struggle in the traditionalist Pukhtun society to succeed against the odds in Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The study found higher education as a means of women's liberation - their struggle and experiences for higher education give them a unique position in their patriarchal culture. The province is dominated by the culture rather than the teaching of Islam. Therefore, people make decisions according to the Pukhtun culture and social values. Strong roots of patriarchy reinforced a religious misinterpretation that 'culturalised' Islam instead of Islamising their culture in the prevailing society. Both the stories of the book concluded patriarchy was the main cause of women's marginalisation, which further granted a fertile ground for the Taliban to sketch a strategic atrocity and ban women's education in the name of Islam in the Swat Valley.
Patriarchy and militarisation have been used as a tool for cultural governance of identity and maintenance of gender stratification by sharing common grounds of gender dynamics and women epistemology under liberal, radical Marxist/socialist, Islamic feminism and feminist peace and conflict theories of women security. Thus, the book discussed feminist approaches concerned about unequal opportunities in higher education that challenged the propagation of male-experience and knowledge.
The scope of the book is broad and focused on women empowerment and emancipation through education. It addresses issues related to young Pukhtun women from disadvantaged areas who aspire to get higher education. The main focus of the book is to hear Pukhtun women's own voices while discussing the issues related to higher education.

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Vom Aufgebot zum europäischen Heiratsregister: Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Prüfung im Vorfeld der Eheschließung By Kramp, Ole
2007 | 237 Pages | ISBN: 3428125495 | PDF | 1 MB
Ziel der Arbeit von Ole Kramp ist es, in einer rechtshistorischen Betrachtung die Entwicklung der Prüfung von materiellen Ehevoraussetzungen herauszuarbeiten und diese in einer rechtsvergleichenden Analyse in einen europäischen Kontext einzuordnen. Ausgangspunkte bilden hierbei das römische und kanonische Eherecht als Basis einer in Europa tradierten Rechtsüberzeugung. Am Beispiel Deutschlands wird in einer historischen Rückschau die Wandelbarkeit des Eheschließungsrechts dargestellt und dabei insbesondere das Aufgebotsverfahren, die Zeugenbeteiligung und die Registerführung berücksichtigt.Im Anschluss daran nimmt der Autor die aktuelle Prüfungssystematik im Vorfeld der Eheschließung in den Blick und stellt in diesem Zusammenhang die Notwendigkeit einer Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung heraus. Neben neuen Formen der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung werden auch die Möglichkeiten einer elektronischen Registerführung analysiert. Einen wesentlichen Teil der Arbeit bildet die rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des Eheschließungsrechts in Europa sowie die Frage der Realisierbarkeit eines europäischen Heiratsregisters als dem Nahziel eines europäischen Ehe- und Familienrechts.Kramp kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit bei und im Vorfeld der Trauung sowohl einen historisch-tradierten als auch einen notwendigen Teil der Eheschließung und ihrer Kontrolle darstellt. Daneben wird die Schaffung eines europäischen Heiratsregisters angeregt, durch welches eine nachhaltige Effizienzsteigerung in der Prüfung von materiellen Ehevoraussetzungen erzielt werden könnte. Daher kann die Abhandlung auch als Beitrag zur Schaffung eines europäischen Ehe- und Familienrechts verstanden werden.

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Von der Auslegung unbestimmter Rechtsbegriffe im bundesstaatlichen Finanzausgleich: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der laufenden Einnahmen des Artikels 106 Absatz 3 Satz 4 GG By Maciejewski, Karim
2007 | 237 Pages | ISBN: 3428122712 | PDF | 1 MB
In einem Bundesstaat wie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland steht die Verteilung der dem Staatswesen insgesamt zur Verfügung stehenden Finanzmittel im Zentrum der politischen Auseinandersetzung. Nicht weniger als der Bestand eines bündischen Staates hängt davon ab, ob es seiner Verfassung gelingt, eine belastbare Konkordanz der widerstreitenden Interessen zwischen den verschiedenen im Bunde vereinten Ebenen verfassungskräftig zu errichten und zu erhalten.Die Verfassung ist hierbei dem Konflikt ausgesetzt, daß sie einerseits Regelungen schaffen muß, die durch ihre Verläßlichkeit alle Teile des Bundesstaates finanzpolitische Planungssicherheit gewinnen läßt. Andererseits muß sie aber ebenso in der Lage sein, den Veränderungen des finanzpolitischen Umfeldes Rechnung zu tragen.Im Staat des Grundgesetzes fokussiert sich dieser Gegensatz bei der Verteilung der Umsatzsteuer. Während die Aufteilung der übrigen Steuern zwischen Bund und Ländern durch das Grundgesetz selbst fixiert ist, wird die Umsatzsteuerverteilung als flexibles Element durch einfaches Bundesgesetz mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates festgelegt.Bei der Analyse des Verfassungstextes zur Umsatzsteuerverteilung ist nicht zu übersehen, daß denkbar unbestimmte Rechtsbegriffe als Grundsätze für die Bewältigung einer bundesstaatlichen Frage ersten Ranges dienen sollen. Insbesondere soll nach Art. 106 Abs. 3 Satz 4 Nr. 1 GG das Verhältnis der "laufenden Einnahmen" zu den "notwendigen Ausgaben" von maßgeblicher Bedeutung sein. Was sind denn "laufende Einnahmen"? Wie kann der Verfassungsanwender erkennen, ob eine staatliche Einnahme eine "laufende" im Sinne des Art. 106 Abs. 3 Satz 4 GG ist oder eben nicht? Und ist es überhaupt notwendig, diese unbestimmten Rechtsbegriffe zu konkretisieren?Der dogmatische Kern der Arbeit besteht darin, dem unbestimmten Rechtsbegriff der "laufenden Einnahmen" durch Etablierung einer allgemeinen Auslegungsmaxime Struktur zu verleihen und diese dann in anwendbare Bewertungsparameter umzusetzen.

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Vue.js 3: A Practical Guide to Building Modern Web Applications
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZCJ2V87 | 340 Pages | EPUB | 0.4 MB
Vue.js 3 is a game-changer in modern front-end development, offering a powerful yet approachable framework for building dynamic web applications. This book provides a hands-on approach to mastering Vue.js 3, guiding you through core concepts, advanced techniques, and real-world projects to solidify your understanding. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to upgrade your skills, this guide will help you build fast, maintainable, and scalable applications with Vue.

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Warbody: A Marine Sniper and the Hidden Violence of Modern Warfare by Joshua Howe, Alexander Lemons
English | March 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 1324066334 | 304 pages | True EPUB | 2.41 MB
A friendship between an environmental historian and a chronically ill US Marine yields a powerful exploration into the toxic effects of war on the human body.

Alexander Lemons is a Marine Corps scout sniper who, after serving multiple tours during the Iraq War, returned home seriously and mysteriously ill. Joshua Howe is an environmental historian who met Lemons as a student in one of his classes. Together they have crafted a vital book that challenges us to think beyond warfare's acute violence of bullets and bombs to the "slow violence" of toxic exposure and lasting trauma.
In alternating chapters, Lemons vividly describes his time in Fallujah and elsewhere during the worst of the Iraq War, his descent into a decade-long battle with mysterious and severe sickness, and his return to health; Howe explains, with clarity and scientific insight, the many toxicities to which Lemons was exposed and their potential consequences. Together they cover the whirlwind of toxic exposures military personnel face from the things they touch and breathe in all the time, including lead from bullets, jet fuel, fire retardants, pesticides, mercury, dust, and the cocktail of toxicants emitted by the open-air "burn pits" used in military settings to burn waste products like paint, human waste, metal cans, oil, and plastics. They also consider PTSD and traumatic brain injury, which are endemic among the military and cause and exacerbate all kinds of physical and mental health problems. Finally, they explore how both mainstream and alternative medicine struggle to understand, accommodate, and address the vast array of health problems among military veterans.
Warbody challenges us to rethink the violence we associate with war and the way we help veterans recover. It is a powerful book with an urgent message for the nearly twenty million Americans who are active military or veterans, as well as for their families, their loved ones, and all of us who depend on their service.

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Erin K. Nourse, "Water into Bones: Birth Rituals, Ancestors, and Religious Pluralism in Northern Madagascar"
English | ISBN: 0253072409 | 2025 | 288 pages | PDF | 9 MB
Water into Bones explores the spiritual importance of water in Madagascar. Families in northern Madagascar conceptualize water as a spiritual realm where magical creatures and some ancestors live, and believe that infants are born with a special connection to the spirit world that makes them "still full of water" (mbola rano) and lacking bones. Over the course of their lives, the water is transformed into bone, and lives end as entombed bones, which symbolize their legacy as ancestors and become objects of their descendants' care and remembrance.

Author Erin Nourse examines the ways that Malagasy women in the northern port city of Diégo Suarez actively enable their infants to acquire "bones" and establish belonging within their communities. Navigating diverse social environments that enable them to draw from various religious, ethnic, and familial traditions to welcome babies into their families, Malagasy mothers secure their children's status as distinctive individuals who are also firmly grounded in their ancestral legacies.
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Water Resources Systems of the Philippines: Modeling Studies by Guillermo Q. Tabios III
English | EPUB | 2020 | 403 Pages | ISBN : 3030254003 | 215 MB

This book presents a number of modeling studies of various water resources systems in the humid tropics and the typical short, steep mountain-to-coast systems in the archipelagic setting of the Philippines. Covering natural and rural systems, urban watersheds and built systems, such as reservoirs and flood control systems, it discusses modeling studies based on pure simulation and combined optimization-simulation. The book offers insights into real-world water resources modeling, and as such is a valuable resource for academics and practitioners in the Philippines, as well as those in other Asian regions with similar water resources systems, and similar issues, problems and concerns.

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Lynn S. Neal, "Wearing Their Faith: New Religious Movements, Dress, and Fashion in America "
English | ISBN: 1009619055 | 2025 | 92 pages | PDF | 4 MB
New Religious Movements (NRMs) have a long, interconnected history with distinct forms of dress and clothing. However, research on NRMs has not focused sufficiently on the clothing and material culture of these groups. In response, this Element examines the central role that dress plays in the creation of charismatic leaders and the formation of faithful followers. Through a variety of case studies - ranging from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to Father Divine, from the Children of God to the Nation of Islam - we see how dress and fashion practices provide people with a powerful way to live and wear their faith. In addition, the fashion industry takes note and incorporates ideas about cults and clothing into their trends and styles. In doing so, it fuels the cult stereotype and fosters normative understandings of what constitutes good religion.

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Web Development Career Master Plan: Learn what it means to be a web developer and launch your journey toward a career in the industry by Frank W. Zammetti
English | June 7, 2024 | ISBN: 1803247088 | 446 pages | PDF | 41 Mb
Gain a comprehensive understanding of web development, from foundational technologies to advanced topics, along with interview tactics, growth opportunities, and strategies to kickstart a successful career in this field

Key FeaturesGain insights into the role, responsibilities, and qualities that define a good web developerUncover steps to establish a solid technical foundation for finding employment in the field of web developmentExplore tools and techniques you'll work with and understand how they all fit togetherPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description
The world of web development can seem daunting when you're a beginner and don't know where to get started. If you're passionate about web development and want to learn the art of creating captivating websites, then this book is for you.
Web Development Career Master Plan will take you on a learning journey, starting from the foundations and progressing through advanced concepts and career development strategies. You'll learn the core pillars of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As you go deeper, you'll explore the landscape of frameworks, libraries, and toolkits. This book also provides valuable insights into containerization, version control, Linux, and IDEs. Additionally, you'll find expert advice on interview tactics and career growth strategies to secure your first job in web development. But the journey doesn't end there. While you navigate the twists and turns of web development, you'll also get a glimpse of what it means to be a web developer, the day-to-day aspects of the job, and the technologies you'll be working with.
By the end of this web development book, you'll be well-equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to kick-start your journey and succeed in this dynamic field.
What you will learnUnderstand the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build web pagesUnderstand the different types of web development jobs and their requirementsExplore the qualifications and attributes that make a candidate employable and adaptable in a dynamic job marketAnalyze the modern web development landscape to predict emerging trendsDiscover effective strategies to secure your first job opportunityCultivate the essential skills needed for career developmentWho this book is for
If you're an aspiring web developer with a passion for problem-solving and innovation, then this book is for you. Whether you're a dedicated learner, a tech enthusiast, or someone interested in building a career in the field, this book covers the web development essentials you need for a great start. Individuals without any prior technical or software development knowledge can also use this book to gain a high-level overview and a foundational introduction to the world of web development.
Table of ContentsSo, You Want to Be a Web Developer, eh?Bridging the Divide - Client (Frontend) versus Server (Backend) DevelopmentExpanding the Foundations - Building a User Registration Page, Front to Back!Managing, Securing, and Working with CodeUnderstanding the User Experience, Deployment Options, and DevOpsExploring Modern Front-End DevelopmentFrom Front to Back - More on Backend Tools and TechnologiesWriting Less Code - CMSs, No-Code Solutions, and Generative AILanding Your First JobDiscovering the Keys to Quality Work as a Web DeveloperReviewing Soft Skills (They Make You Hard to Deny)Growing Your Career

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Web Scraping with Python Programming: Guide To Learn How To Extract Data Farm The Web with Exercises in Python by JAMES A SMITH
English | September 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJ2JPPPN | 165 pages | EPUB | 0.30 Mb
Python is an easy to use and easy to learn programming language that is freely available on Macintosh, Windows, or Linux computers. So once you learn Python you can use it for the rest of your career without needing to purchase any software.

Here what you'll learn after downloading this book:
# 1: What is Browser Automation? Definition and Examples
# 2: Python Web Scraping Tutorial: Step-By-Step
# 3: Beautiful Soup - Parse Web Data With Python
# 4: Bypass CAPTCHA in Web Scraping Using Python
# 5: Search Engine Scraping: What You Should Know
# 6: Scrape Google Search Results
# 7: Scrape Google News: Step-by-Step Guide
# 8: Scrape Google Maps: A Comprehensive Guide
# 9: Scraping Amazon Product Data With Python
# 10: How to Scrape Product Data From Wayfair
# 11: Make Wayfair Price Tracker With Python
# 12: Make Best Buy Price Tracker With Python
# 13: Build a Price Tracker With Python
# 14: Building Price Scraping Tools: Picking the Best Proxies
This Book Is Perfect For:
* Beginners who want to learn Python
* Students who are taking a Python programming course
* Professionals who want to learn Python for their job
* Anyone who wants to learn how to code

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Philip M. Parker, "Webster's English to Spanish Crossword Puzzles: Level 16"
English | 2006 | pages: 120 | ISBN: 0497255464 | PDF | 0,8 mb
Even if you do not like crossword puzzles, you may end up loving these. Designed for mother-tongue or completely fluent speakers of Spanish wanting to improve their English skills, the puzzles may also be entertaining to English speakers. They are formatted so that each puzzle can be solved in 15 to 30 minutes. The vocabulary gradually becomes harder across puzzles thus increasing the challenge as you progress. Each book has 100 puzzles and each puzzle covers some 30 word pairs (equaling 3000 challenges!). These are truly pleasant, if not addictive, crossword puzzles for language learning. Learning a language is always difficult. To ease the pain, hints are provided in small script at the bottom of each page, though these are selected to prevent an engineered solution to the puzzle. Full solutions are provided in the back of the book. These two features (hints and verifiable solutions), force the reader to decipher a word's meaning and serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. One recent reviewer of this series noted "As a Peace Corps Volunteer ... this is definitely a fun way to keep up the language skills ... The series has a whole bunch of "rarely spoken" languages, widely unknown to us in the Western world." Another reviewer notes: "Good teacher as it has words listed below that are in puzzle so the clues are there if you need them." Public domain translations for Spanish contributed to Webster's Online Dictionary used in these puzzles may have originated from uncited volunteers, native speakers, professional translators, field linguists and academics (not by the editor of the puzzles). If you would like citation for any translations, make suggestions, note errors, or contribute in any other way, please email Philip M. Parker at INSEAD, who will update this series from time to time. Reproduction rights are granted to educators.

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John Pickrell, "Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew"
English | ISBN: 0231180985 | 2017 | 280 pages | AZW3 | 2 MB
From the outback of Australia to the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and the savanna of Madagascar, the award-winning science writer and dinosaur enthusiast John Pickrell embarks on a world tour of new finds, meeting the fossil hunters who work at the frontier of discovery. He reveals the dwarf dinosaurs unearthed by an eccentric Transylvanian baron; an aquatic, crocodile-snouted carnivore bigger than T. rex that once lurked in North African waterways; a Chinese dinosaur with wings like a bat; and a Patagonian sauropod so enormous it weighed more than two commercial jet airliners.

Other surprising discoveries hail from Alaska, Siberia, Canada, Burma, and South Africa. Why did dinosaurs grow so huge? How did they spread across the world? Did they all have feathers? What do sauropods have in common with 1950s vacuum cleaners? The stuff of adventure movies and scientific revolutions,
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Werthaltigkeitsprüfung von zahlungsmittelgenerierenden Einheiten nach IAS 36: Darstellung und Konzeptionelle Kritik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Nutzungswerts By Halter, Jürgen
2008 | 116 Pages | ISBN: 3896734687 | PDF | 1 MB
Mit der konzeptionellen Ausgestaltung des IAS 36 verfolgt das IASB konsequent den eingeschlagenen Weg hin zu einer zeitwertbasierten Rechnungslegung, deren exklusiver Zweck in der Übermittlung entscheidungsrelevanter Informationen liegt. Zur Offenlegung und Abbildung von Investitionsrisiken hat das bilanzierende Unternehmen diesbezüglich zu prüfen, ob der bisherige Wertansatz für einen Vermögenswert gerechtfertigt erscheint oder ob eine eingetretene Wertminderung die Erfassung einer außerplanmäßigen Abschreibung notwendig macht. Hierzu ist der Buchwert dem erzielbaren Betrag gegenüberzustellen, wobei Letzterer in Abwesenheit eindeutiger Marktdaten aus investitionstheoretischen Überlegungen abgeleitet wird.Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt zunächst die grundlegende Systematik der Werthaltigkeitsprüfung nach dem Verständnis des IASB auf. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine Fokussierung auf die Bewertung zahlungsmittelgenerierender Einheiten, wobei der asymmetrischen Gewichtung der Regelungen des IAS 36 folgend die Ableitung des Nutzungswerts im Mittelpunkt steht. Im Verlauf der geführten Diskussion zeigt sich dabei, dass über die zutreffende Umsetzung der Vorgaben des IAS 36 keineswegs Einigkeit besteht. Problematisch stellt sich zum einen die Abgrenzung des Bewertungsobjekts, zum anderen die Abbildung von Unsicherheit, Finanzierungskosten und Steuern im Nutzungswertkonzept dar. Die vorliegende Publikation arbeitet diese Unstimmigkeiten auf, hinterfragt den Aussagegehalt der so ermittelten Wertansätze kritisch und verdeutlicht das Erörterte anhand einer Fallstudie plastisch.

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What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?: 200 Curious Questions and Intriguing Answers by Andrew Thompson
English | July 20, 2010 | ISBN: 156975814X | True EPUB/PDF | 264 pages | 2.5/5.4 MB
Discover the baffling, bizarre and utterly entertaining answers behind all the questions you've always wanted to ask

This witty and compulsive collection of trivia will captivate and surprise you with its fun and funky revelations:
Why is New York called "the Big Apple"?How do people count cards at casinos?What keeps the head on a glass of beer?Why don't you ever see baby pigeons?Why is getting married called tying the knot?

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Milan Vaishnav, "When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics"
English | ISBN: 0300216203 | 2017 | 440 pages | AZW3 | 3 MB
The first thorough study of the co-existence of crime and democratic processes in Indian politics

In India, the world's largest democracy, the symbiotic relationship between crime and politics raises complex questions. For instance, how can free and fair democratic processes exist alongside rampant criminality? Why do political parties recruit candidates with reputations for wrongdoing? Why are one-third of state and national legislators elected-and often re-elected-in spite of criminal charges pending against them? In this eye-opening study, political scientist Milan Vaishnav mines a rich array of sources, including fieldwork on political campaigns and interviews with candidates, party workers, and voters, large surveys, and an original database on politicians' backgrounds to offer the first comprehensive study of an issue that has implications for the study of democracy both within and beyond India's borders.
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Amy V. Wilson, Laurel Deedrick-Mayne, "When Days Are Long: Nurse in the North"
English | 2019 | pages: 176 | ISBN: 1773860089 | EPUB | 2,5 mb
When Amy Wilson accepted the job of field nurse for the Indigenous Peoples in the Yukon and Northern British Columbia in 1949, she was told that the north was a fine country for men and dogs but that it killed women and horses. Undaunted, Wilson travelled the Alaska Highway from Whitehorse (Mile 916) to Mile Zero. She served Indigenous Peoples in tents, shacks and on the trapline, travelling by dog team, car, plane, snowshoe, horseback and boat. She was the first to respond when a half-frozen man came stumbling into a ham radio operator's shack with a story of epidemic and starvation at Halfway River. With five doses of antitoxin pinned inside her sweater to keep them warm, she made her way through forty-below temperatures to the camp where Indigenous Peoples were still living in summer tents. Four people had died of the "choking sickness" before Wilson's arrival, but she brought immediate help, and shortly thereafter supplies began to arrive by sleigh and by air. The details of the diphtheria epidemic are both tragic and dramatic and just one of many such incidents in the busy life of the "Indian Nurse," as she was called.

Wilson's territory spanned 518,000 square kilometres. She was responsible for the health of 3,000 Indigenous Peoples, but Wilson was more than just a health care provider: over time, she became an advocate, partner and friend for the community with whom she shared mutual respect, music, medicine, tea from tobacco tins and, most of all, with whom she shared her heart.
Originally published as No Man Stands Alone in 1965 by Gray's Publishing LTD., this new edition, When Days Are Long: Nurse in the North, includes an introduction by Wilson's grandniece, Laurel Deedrick-Mayne, which brings crucial insights to this important figure in BC's history.
A percentage of proceeds from When Days Are Long will be donated to the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association's Jean Goodwill Scholarship.

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When Docker Meets Java: A Practical Guide to Docker for Java and Spring Boot Applications
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DSHTFDN3 | 228 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 7.4 MB
Docker has transformed the landscape of application and deployment by simplifying the creation and management of development environments, saving valuable time and reducing compatibility issues. With this book, you will learn how to package Java applications into Docker containers, making them consistent and portable across different environments. As a result, you'll gain the expertise to efficiently scale and manage your applications, ensuring they run smoothly in production to boost development efficiency.

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When Docker Meets Java: A Practical Guide to Docker for Java and Spring Boot Applications
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DSHTFDN3 | 228 Pages | PDF | 5 MB
Docker has transformed the landscape of application and deployment by simplifying the creation and management of development environments, saving valuable time and reducing compatibility issues. With this book, you will learn how to package Java applications into Docker containers, making them consistent and portable across different environments. As a result, you'll gain the expertise to efficiently scale and manage your applications, ensuring they run smoothly in production to boost development efficiency.

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When Southern Women Cook: History, Lore, and 300 Recipes with Contributions from 70 Women Writers by America's Test Kitchen
English | 7 January 2025 | ISBN: 1954210493 | 520 pages | MOBI | 205 Mb
A first-of-its-kind Southern cookbook featuring more than 300 Cook's Country recipes and fascinating insights into the culinary techniques and heroes of the American South.

Tour the diverse history of Southern food through 200+ stories of women who've shaped the cuisine!
A first-of-its-kind Southern cookbook featuring more than 300 Cook's Country recipes and fascinating insights into the culinary techniques and heroes of the American South.
Tour the diverse history of Southern food through 200+ stories of women who've shaped the cuisine!
Shepherded by Toni Tipton-Martin and Cook's Country Executive Editor and TV personality Morgan Bolling, When Southern Women Cook showcases the hard work, hospitality, and creativity of women who have given soul to Southern cooking from the start. Every page amplifies their contributions, from the enslaved cooks making foundational food at Monticello to Mexican Americans accessing sweet memories with colorful conchas today.
70+ voices paint a true picture of the South- Emmy Award-winning producer and author Von Diaz covers Caribbean immigrant foodways through Southern stews; food journalist Kim Severson delves into recipes' power as cultural currency; mixologist and beverage historian Tiffanie Barriere reflects on Juneteenth customs including red drink. Consulting food historian KC Hysmith contributes important-and fascinating-context throughout.300 Recipes-must-knows, little-knowns, and modern inventions- Regional Brunswick Stew, Dollywood Cinnamon Bread, Pickle-Brined Fried Chicken Sandwiches, Grilled Lemongrass Chicken Banh Mi, and Oat Guava Cookies bridge the gap between what Southern cooking is known for and how it continues to evolve.Recipe headnotes contextualize your cooking- Learn Edna Lewis' biscuit wisdom. Read about Waffle House and fry chicken thighs to top light-as-air waffles. Meet Joy Perrine, the "Bad Girl of Bourbon."Covering every region and flavor of the American South, from Texas Barbecue to Gullah Geechee rice dishes, this collection of 300 recipes is a joyous celebration of Southern cuisine and its diverse heroes, past and present.

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