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Who Sank the Titanic?: The Final Verdict by Robert J. Strange
English | April 19, 2012 | ISBN: 1848844700 | 224 pages | PDF | 7.56 Mb
Designed as the technological marvel of her age, RMS Titanic claimed to be the largest, strongest, safest ship of the early 20th Century; a triumph of centuries of Great Britain's unrivaled shipbuilding expertise. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The 1500 American and British victims of RMS Titanic went to their watery graves never knowing that much of the ship was imperfectly forged from cheap and recycled scrap-iron and that the tragedy was caused by a chain of gross negligence and greed.

Crime investigator Robert Strange has studied scientific, forensic evidence from metal raised from the ship's carcass miles deep on the ocean floor, and secrets hidden for a hundred years within the archives of the shipyard that built and launched the Titanic, to answer the question: 'Who Sank the Titanic?'
Who Sank the Titanic: The Final Verdict examines the intense cost-cutting pressures which contributed to Titanic's demise and one of the greatest loss-of-life disasters in maritime history. The book uncovers gross negligence in every area of the ship's planning and construction and accuses her owners, her planners, her builders and the Government ministers who watched her set sail of complicity in one of the greatest mass-homicides in history.
Robert Strange is a highly experienced producer and director of TV programs both in the UK and US. He has produced series for the BBC, ITV, Channel Four and satellite channels including Panorama, Dispatches, Cutting Edge and True Stories. A one-time Fleet Street investigative reporter and crime correspondent, he has been fascinated by the Titanic disaster and this book is the result of five years of extensive research.

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Takumi Shibaike, "Who Tells Your Story?: Women and Indigenous Peoples Advocacy at the UNFCCC "
English | ISBN: 1009472933 | 2025 | 96 pages | PDF | 7 MB
Thousands of civil society organizations (CSOs) attend the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) every year. Through their advocacy work, CSOs define and redefine what "climate change" is really about. The Element focuses on climate advocacy for women and Indigenous peoples (IPs), two prominent climate justice frames at the UNFCCC. Which CSOs advocate for women and IPs? How and why do CSOs adopt gender and Indigenous framing? Bridging the literature on framing strategy and organizational ecology, it presents two mechanisms by which CSOs adopt climate justice frames: self-representation and surrogate-representation. The Element demonstrates that, while gender advocacy is developed primarily by women's CSOs, IPs advocacy is developed by a variety of CSOs beyond IPs organizations. It suggests that these different patterns of frame development may have long-term consequences for how we think about climate change in relation to gender and IPs.

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Wie viel Staat vertragen Eltern?: Systematische Entfaltung eines gestuften Maßnahmenkonzepts vor dem Hintergrund des Elterngrundrechts By Hölbling, Pamela
2010 | 217 Pages | ISBN: 3428133471 | PDF | 1 MB
Eine wachsende Anzahl von Eltern in Deutschland erscheint außerstande, aus eigener Kraft ein intaktes Familienleben zu organisieren. Die Kinder werden so zu Opfern, wenngleich in ganz unterschiedlicher Intensität. Freiwillige Hilfs- und Unterstützungsleistungen von Seiten des Staates stehen zwar zur Verfügung, erreichen aber oftmals die Kinder nicht rechtzeitig oder vollumfänglich.Gegen den Willen der Eltern kann der Staat bislang nur in eng begrenzten Ausnahmefällen eingreifen. Die traditionelle Verfassungsinterpretation geht von einer klaren Grenzziehung zwischen elterlichem Erziehungsgrundrecht (Art. 6 Abs. 2 S. 1 GG) und staatlichem Wächteramt, insbesondere im Vorschulalter, aus. Das Elterngrundrecht - als Garant des Kindeswohls gedacht - zwinge den Staat, sich weit möglichst vom Elternhaus fernzuhalten. Die Autorin fragt nach Modifikationen der Gefährdungs- und damit Eingriffsschwelle. Neben der argumentativen Aufarbeitung dieses verfassungsrechtlichen Spannungsfeldes zielt die vorliegende Arbeit darauf, den Eltern-Kind-Bereich aus öffentlich-rechtlicher Sicht zu beleuchten; denn bislang dominiert die zivilrechtliche Perspektive des Familienrechts. Die sich aus der verfassungsrechtlichen Beurteilung ergebende Defizitanalyse wirft unterschiedliche Fragen auf: Welche Wendepunkte kann der Staat nutzen, um gefährdete Kinder frühzeitiger als bisher zu erreichen? Wie kann der Ausbau staatlicher Präventions- und vorverlagerter Interventionsmöglichkeiten ins Werk gesetzt werden, um den aufgezeigten Erziehungsschwierigkeiten zu begegnen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden durch die erstmalige Erarbeitung eines gestuften Maßnahmenkonzepts als Nukleus eines Erziehungsverwaltungsrechts beantwortet und zudem erste Begründungsansätze für eine Fortschreibung des Rechtsdreiecks zwischen Eltern, Kindern und Staat geliefert.

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Jian-E Peng, "Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language "
English | ISBN: 1009539434 | 2025 | 78 pages | PDF | 1262 KB
This Element offers a review of advancements in willingness to communicate (WTC) in a second language (L2) over the past twenty-five years. It begins with the origin of the concept of WTC in first language (L1) communication research and the seminal and novel conceptualizations of WTC in the L2 context. This Element then categorizes six key perspectives that have informed WTC research: social psychological, cultural, dynamic, ecological, multimodal, and digital. By analyzing representative studies, it elucidates insights gained from these perspectives. The Element then discusses key factors associated with WTC, including individual attributes, situational factors, and outcome factors. This is followed by an overview of and critical commentary on methodological approaches in WTC research. Implications for enhancing L2 learners' WTC in in-class, out-of-class, and digital contexts are discussed. The Element concludes by proposing important venues for future WTC research. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

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Winning Marketing Strategies Using Generative AI by Gary W. Randazzo
English | October 18, 2024 | ISBN: 1637427301 | 174 pages | PDF | 5.42 Mb
Unlock Brilliant Strategies with AI-Enhanced Marketing

Discover the future of marketing with our comprehensive guide that introduces the MVOSSTE framework. Augmented by cutting-edge generative AI, this book offers a clear roadmap from mis-sion to execution, empowering you to craft innovative and effective marketing strategies. Perfect for marketers eager to stay ahead of the curve, our guide transforms complex concepts into actionable insights for unparalleled success.

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Rachel de Thample, "Winter Wellness: Nourishing recipes to keep you healthy when it's cold"
English | ISBN: 1526666871 | 2025 | 304 pages | PDF | 403 MB
'I love the winter months and I love Rachel de Thample's serious engagement with food as a way to living with connection and pleasure' Sheila Dillon

This book is a cordial invitation for you to embrace the essential transition of a winter wind-down.
Winter Wellness empowers us with inspiring recipes and simple tips to support our immune system and mental health through the colder months, and makes it feel like a huge treat in doing so. Delving into the wisdom of using herbs and spices to boost our health, winter produce, easy ferments and nutritious homemade condiments that make meals a doddle, she offers recipes packed full of their delicious goodness.
There are
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Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks for Internet of Things: Theories and Technical Paradigms
by Chi Lin, Yu Sun
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819795427 | 316 Pages | True ePUB | 32 MB

In traditional Internet of Things (IoT) systems, sensor nodes are usually powered by batteries, and their limited battery power leads to limited system lifetimes and prevents the large-scale promotion of IoT; this is commonly referred to as the energy bottleneck. The subsequent emergence of Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) technology enables IoT nodes to replenish their energy through wireless charging, giving rise to the novel network paradigm of Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks (WRSNs). This has made it possible to solve the IoT energy bottleneck and extend IoT system lifetimes.
This book elaborates on the theory and technical paradigms of WRSNs. The topics discussed include the energy efficiency, schedulability and reliability of WRSNs, as well as their potential intersections with other fields. Specifically, this book 1) proposes the theory of optimal scheduling of spatio-temporal correlation power supply for large-scale WRSNs; 2) analyses in depth the shortcomings and hidden risks of existing WRSN hardware and protocols, and proposes the concept of charging attack and the theory of trusted scheduling; and 3) introduces a radio electromagnetic signal propagation model into the design of charging deployment methods in complex environments, revealing a new dimension of charging efficiency optimization.
The methods described here will lay the theoretical foundation for extending WRSN lifetimes and provide a new theoretical model for WRSN security and reliability, accelerating the development of these networks from multiple perspectives.

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Wissen und Wissensnormen: Zur Behandlung von Organisationswissen im Bürgerlichen Recht By Harke, Jan Dirk
2017 | 117 Pages | ISBN: 3428152867 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Frage, ob sich eine Organisation die Kenntnisse ihrer aktuellen oder ehemaligen Bediensteten zurechnen lassen muss, wird von der Rechtsprechung unterschiedlich beantwortet, je nachdem, ob es um eine mögliche Haftung der Organisation oder darum geht, ob sich diese die Einrede der Verjährung entgegenhalten lassen muss. Diese Divergenz widerspricht dem Ansatz, die Wissenszurechnung einheitlich aus § 166 BGB und allgemeinen Erwägungen wie dem Gebot der Gleichbehandlung natürlicher und juristischer Personen herzuleiten. Statt auf dieser Grundlage eine gemeinsame Lösung für alle Konstellationen zu suchen, gilt es vielmehr, das einheitliche Begründungsmuster aufzugeben. Die unterschiedliche Behandlung von Haftung und Verjährung ist gerechtfertigt, weil für beide Fälle unterschiedliche Zurechnungsnormen gelten. Sie sind strenger, wenn es um eine mögliche Haftung der Organisation geht, lassen eine Wissenszurechnung dagegen nur unter besonderen Voraussetzungen zu, wenn es um eine rechtsgeschäftliche oder rechtsgeschäftsähnliche Bindung der Organisation geht, wie sie auch bei der Verjährung im Raum steht.

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Wissen, was gut ist: Moralische Bildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Manipulation und Beliebigkeit
Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3662702703 | 187 Pages | PDF (True) | 1 MB
Was sind die Ziele moralischer Bildung? Angesichts aktueller moralischer Herausforderungen, so ein naheliegender Gedanke, müssen wir zukünftigen Generationen gezielt vermitteln, dass einige Rede- und Verhaltensweisen schlichtweg moralisch problematisch sind, und dass es spezifische moralische Prinzipien gibt, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Gleichzeitig provoziert eine solche Überlegung unmittelbar die Sorge, dass es sich bei der Vermittlung spezifischer moralischer Ansichten um eine Form illegitimer Bevormundung handeln würde - sollte es bei moralischer Bildung nicht vielmehr um die Befähigung zur eigenständigen Reflexion moralischer Problemzusammenhänge gehen? Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Spannung zwischen dem Wunsch, klar für konkrete Werte einzustehen und der Sorge, Heranwachsende in ihrem Recht auf eine individuelle Urteilsbildung einzuschränken, möchte ich die Idee diskutieren, dass es bei moralischer Bildung um die gezielte Vermittlung moralischen Wissens gehen sollte - also Wissen darüber, was moralisch richtig und was moralisch falsch ist. Obwohl es sich hierbei um eine durchaus kontroverse Idee handelt, verdient Sie vor dem Hintergrund aktueller moralischer Herausforderungen meiner Meinung nach dringend einer genaueren Betrachtung.

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Wohlfahrt zwischen Staat und Markt: Korporatismus, Transparenz und Wettbewerb im Dritten Sektor By Grzeszick, Bernd
2010 | 84 Pages | ISBN: 3428131886 | PDF | 1 MB
In der vorliegenden Publikation untersucht Bernd Grzeszick Strukturen des Dritten Sektors, der sich zwischen Staat, Markt und Familie bewegt. Er leistet damit einen Beitrag zur zunehmenden wissenschaftlichen Durchdringung dieses Bereichs.Im Zentrum stehen Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von Korporatismus, der Umsetzung von Wettbewerbselementen sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die vorhandenen Leistungsverhältnisse im Bereich der Wohlfahrt. Der Autor konkretisiert die Betrachtungen am Beispiel des Gesundheitswesens.Die abschließenden Handlungsempfehlungen für den Gesetzgeber orientieren sich an der Maßgabe, Vorteile der korporatistischen Strukturen zu nutzen und Nachteile zu verringern: Neben der Erhöhung der Markttransparenz und Besinnung auf die Subsidiarität plädiert Grzeszick dafür, im Dritten Sektor unnötige Verbandsstrukturen abzubauen sowie Marktelemente auszubauen.

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Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age, 2nd Edition
by Sarah Hendrickx, Jess Hendrickx
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1805010697 | 368 Pages | True ePUB | 0.51 MB

The difference that being female makes to the diagnosis, life and experiences of an autistic person is hugely significant. In this widely expanded second edition, Sarah Hendrickx combines the latest research with personal stories from girls and women on the autism spectrum to present a picture of their feelings, thoughts and experiences at each stage of their lives.
Outlining the likely impact will be for autistic women and girls throughout their lifespan, Hendrickx surveys everything from diagnosis, childhood, education, adolescence, friendships and sexuality, to employment, pregnancy, parenting, and aging.
With up-to-date content on masking, diagnosis later in life, and a new focus on trans and non-binary voices, as well as a deeper dive into specific health and wellbeing implications including menopause, PCOS, Hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos, autistic burnout, and alexithymia, this is an invaluable companion for professionals, as well as a guiding light for autistic women to understand and interpret their own experience in context.

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Women Who Woke Up the Law: Inside the Cases That Changed Women's Rights in Canada
by Karin Wells
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1772604194 | 250 Pages | True ePUB | 8.87 MB

"Who was the woman trying to convince a jury in a tiny courthouse in Nova Scotia that it was self-defense when she killed her partner; and who was the young woman walking into the palais de justice in small-town Quebec arguing that it was her choice, not his, to have an abortion? What was it that pushed these women on, even when the lawyers said it was hopeless?"
From the award-winning author of The Abortion Caravan and More Than a Footnote, Karin Wells once again pulls us into the lives―and this time, the legal trials―of a group of women integral to the advancement of women's rights in Canada. Eliza Campbell, Chantale Daigle, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell―these Women Who Woke Up the Law often had no idea what they were facing in the courts, or the price they would have to pay. Some never saw justice themselves, but they left a legal legacy. Their bold determination is something we need now more than ever to guard the hard-won gains in women's rights.

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Women's Health All-In-One For Dummies by The Experts at Dummies
English | March 18th, 2025 | ISBN: 1394316380 | 608 pages | True EPUB | 1.53 MB
A complete guide to total wellness, for women of all ages

Women's Health All-in-One For Dummies is a guide to health, healing, balance, and prevention at every age. Improve your own health and help close the gender health gap by learning everything you need to navigate bias in the healthcare system and advocate for your own wellness. Brought to you by experts from all over the world, this book gives you all the information you need to feel great and live longer, including detailed coverage of PCOS, sex, gut health, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause, breast cancer, and other women's health issues. Packed with up-to-date information on staying fit, preventing disease, understanding common medical problems, and getting state-of-the-art care, This Dummies All-In-One empowers you to take charge of your health and set off on the road to lifelong well-being.
* Learn how your hormones influence your health at every stage of life
* Get advice on sexual health, gut health, pregnancy, and common medical problems
* Advocate for yourself and find doctors who understand and respect your experience
* Bust stress, stay in shape, improve your diet, manage chronic illness, and live life to its fullest
Doctors and researchers have neglected women's health, but that's all starting to change. Women's Health All-in-One For Dummies has up-to-date information for women of all ages and stages of life who are looking to take charge of their health and set off on the road to lifelong wellbeing.

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Words That Work: The Essential Business Writing Guide by Julie M. Anderson, Dawn C. Zerbs
English | August 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCGGS3T7 | PDF | 1.88 Mb
Do you wonder what your manager and colleagues think about your business writing skills at work?

Or if your current business writing and communication skills are holding back your career progression?
Over 80% of workplace communication uses the written word through emails, technical writing, presentations, annual reports, executive decision memos, and Slack posts. But the majority of what we write in the workplace doesn't get read.
This 76-page guide about effective communication at work presents our The Essential Pencil business writing method, which teaches you to write clearly and concisely while influencing what others say and do. Our book on communication skills contains a tested, credible, and repeatable method that will help boost your business writing skills. Through our business writing book for adults, you will apply our unique writing tools and business writing example and exercises to improve your writing skills for business.
Our communication skills training will help you learn new ways of thinking, unlearn some old habits, practice proven writing strategies, write with confidence, and become an exceptional writer.
We paired our combined 40+ years of experience with the world's leading thinkers to create a transformative business writing method. This method will empower you to clearly and confidently communicate your ideas in writing.
Applying our book to improve business writing skills will:Increase your confidence about your business writing and communication skillsGet others to read your business writingSave time by how to write quicklyHelp new managers enhance their communication skillsWrite better in English, even if it is not your native languageEliminate writer's block and how to write fast while writing wellMaster effective communication at workImprove business writing and communication skillsLearn the Pyramid Principle Barbara Minto created to help with office presentations and talksEnhance your technical writing tools to describe complex topics more clearlyLearn how to write business emailsOur business writing guide will teach you how to:Take your readers' knowledge and interests into consideration before writingStructure sentences and paragraphs for ease of readingApply active voice and why it's important to readersMake sentences clearer and more concise to strengthen your workplace communicationUnderstand purpose of an introduction when writing wellEdit your own writing to communicate more effectively

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Jasmin McGaughey MA, "Words to Sing the World Alive: Celebrating First Nations Languages"
English | ISBN: 0702268399 | 2025 | 288 pages | EPUB | 5 MB
Words to Sing the World Alive celebrates First Nations languages from across the continent. Forty First Nation writers and thinkers, journalists and lawyers, artists and astronomers come together to reveal their favourite and significant words. Words that evoke the power of childhood and the wonder of Country; that explore the essence of mother, of fire, of time. Words that are imbued with family and belonging, and that surprise with their connections. Join contributors including Kim Scott, Tara June Winch, Daniel Browning, Terri Janke, Jeanine Leane, Nardi Simpson, Dan Bourchier, Ellen van Neerven, Alice Skye, Bruce Pascoe, Anita Heiss, Thomas Mayo, Evelyn Araluen, Claire G Coleman and Mykaela Saunders as they share their words to sing the world alive.

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World War 3 Survival Pocket Guide
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZD1KDNM | 301 Pages | PDF | 6 MB
A comprehensive, field-ready survival guide covering every critical aspect of war, collapse, and crisis preparedness. This book is a functional tool, designed for real-world application, structured for quick reference, and visually enhanced with practical checklists and illustrations.

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Ross F. Collins, "World War I: Primary Documents on Events from 1914 to 1919"
English | 2007 | pages: 425 | ISBN: 0313320829 | PDF | 2,0 mb
Primary documents from the World War I era bring to life the causes, events and consequences of those tumultuous and violent years. Varied perspectives provide a valuable overview of the many and often complicated reactions by Americans to Pre-war European politics, Archduke Ferdinand's assassination, the sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine, the major battles fought, and of the eventual and controversial entry into the war by the United States, among others. Will be a valued resource for researchers seeking to tap into contemporary attitudes toward events long gone.

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Writing Secure and Maintainable Python Code: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZN41FQ1 | 612 Pages | EPUB | 11 MB
Unlock the secrets of expert-level Python programming with "Writing Secure and Maintainable Python Code: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills." This comprehensive guide equips seasoned developers with the advanced techniques necessary to enhance the security and maintainability of their Python applications. From implementing cutting-edge security protocols to mastering robust code structures with proven design patterns, this text offers a wealth of insights to elevate your coding practices.

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Jean-Marie Straub, Danile Huillet, Sally Shafto, "Writings"
English | 2016 | ISBN: 0983216991 | PDF | pages: 313 | 227.0 mb
The writings of Straub and Huillet, presented for the first time in a critical, English-language edition, shed light on the filmmaking couple's essential contributions and their unique place in film history.

A text is spoken; it merges the sphere of ideas, from which it comes, with an immediate and sensible sphere of bodies that give life to them, with a nature that sustains these bodies, and that they in turn nourish by naming it. The body, in which language resonates, becomes the body of the text itself and protracts its speaking.
Here trees are trees and become trees. We learn by taking pleasure in the sublime essence of colors (leaf-green, earth-brown, sky-blue, bronzed-skin...), of timbres (voices, birds, steps...), of textures (flesh, fabric, earth...), the irreversibility of gestures.
These shots are rich in their concerted poverty: here's how.
-Anne Benhaïem, from introduction to "Conception of a Film"
Sequence Press is pleased to announce the publication of the writings of the filmmaking couple Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, presented for the first time in a critical, English-language edition. Two of the most exacting directors of the past fifty years, Straub and Huillet are renowned for their meticulous adaptations of works by giants of Western art and literature: Sophocles, Corneille, Bach, Hölderlin, Cézanne, Brecht, Schoenberg, Kafka, Pavese, et al. The publication coincides with the first complete U.S. retrospective of their films at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the concurrent exhibition, Films and Their Sites, at Miguel Abreu Gallery.
Jean-Marie Straub came of age as a slightly younger contemporary of the French New Wave. Like those directors, he began his career writing film criticism. "Writing about films," Jean-Luc Godard later said, "was already a way of making films." This volume thus begins with Straub's early film criticism from the 1950s and traces the evolution of over five decades of writing activity, from manifestoes and trenchant declaratory texts, to detailed descriptions of working methods, letters, questionnaires, and select interviews and oral interventions.
Writings opens with an introduction by Sally Shafto that provides an in-depth look at Straub and Huillet's beginnings, within the context of the emergent filmmaking forces of the time. The book highlights their rigorous methodologies as translators of key texts, and the precision work required to adapt those translations for the screen. As Straub himself said, "We are the only European filmmakers, filmmakers of European nations. We make films in Italian as well as in French and in German. Who else can say that?" The book brings us behind the scenes and reveals how their publication practices mirrored those of their film production and distribution, as they often made distinct versions of the same film using alternative takes and different languages.
In addition to the published texts, the book comprises a richly illustrated Atelier section featuring three full length annotated film scripts, along with other pieces of writing, such as letters to their collaborators, shooting diagrams and schedules, lab notes, and press kits, all of which bring the reader into the heart of Huillet and Straub's creative process. The volume closes with a Portfolio of intimate photographs of the filmmakers at work, with onsite observations by their long-time director of photography and collaborator, Renato Berta, and a detailed filmography.
Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet resolutely eschewed a Hollywood style of spectacle filmmaking to create some of the most raw and beautiful, as well as innovative and profoundly moving films of our times. Their writings open up a further understanding of their essential contributions, and their unique place in film history.

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Emily Brontë, "Wuthering Heights (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)"
English | 2006 | pages: 367 | ISBN: 0497256037 | PDF | 3,0 mb
This edition is written in English. However, there is a running French thesaurus at the bottom of each page for the more difficult English words highlighted in the text. There are many editions of Wuthering Heights. This edition would be useful if you wou

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